***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Have a nice teddy and blanket too for first photos :-) xxx
2 weeks for you MrsB! Yey. So exciting. Xx

I know :) I cannot wait.

I have the distorted tummy thing going on with the pains etc that come with it, mine tend to be from both of them doing as they please and striking poses lol x

Umm top tips... I found it good last time having additional bags packed for if I stayed in hospital longer (which I ended up needing) so that hubby could just grab them and come back. Plenty of knickers - pack more than you think you will need.

Can't think of any top tips for anything house related. Most stuff can be sorted once you get back - just have easy to access clean bedding ready for your first night back at home.

Think I have piles too, grr. Not too bad at the moment so trying to drink plenty of water and hoping they go on their own. Getting heart burn mainly in the evenings but haven't got to the gaviscon point yet.

Feels like today has been a really long day today. Roll on the 31st when I finish!!


The 31st will soon be here :) x

2 weeks for you MrsB! Yey. So exciting. Xx

I know :) I cannot wait.

I have the distorted tummy thing going on with the pains etc that come with it, mine tend to be from both of them doing as they please and striking poses lol x

The poses are crazy! Poke, poke, poke, poke, then suddenly strength out as far as we can! Owwww!
Little sweeties. Xx
I know I've just been punched in a nerve lol, every time I pull a face there is a look of panic on chris' face x

Umm top tips... I found it good last time having additional bags packed for if I stayed in hospital longer (which I ended up needing) so that hubby could just grab them and come back. Plenty of knickers - pack more than you think you will need.

Can't think of any top tips for anything house related. Most stuff can be sorted once you get back - just have easy to access clean bedding ready for your first night back at home.

Think I have piles too, grr. Not too bad at the moment so trying to drink plenty of water and hoping they go on their own. Getting heart burn mainly in the evenings but haven't got to the gaviscon point yet.

Feels like today has been a really long day today. Roll on the 31st when I finish!!

Unfortunately mine is so big (sorry 😭) that I struggle to sit down/get up. So painful. 😢😢😢😢 I think the only way to sort it is the cream. Doctor said prunes, too, although that's more constipation rather than piles, isn'tit? Anyway, just hoping it gets less painful at least. If it's there, it's there, but the whole sitting thing is an issue especially as I don't seem to be able to stand up and walk around for more than 20 minutes!
I tried to scrub the kitchen floor earlier and quickly stopped... :wall2: Couldn't get up and too painful to go on all fours. Might try again tomorrow...
Have weird cravings. I went into Hargroves cycle shop the other day and just wanted to eat the rubber smell! Also, stiff scrubbing brushes, I also just want to scrub things with them! Think it must be nesting. Dust as well. I keep having dreams about eating dust and love the smell of it. This has only kicked in in the last week and it's so weird. Dan is winding me up and teasing me about it but it's actually quite frustrating when you want something but can't eat it or do it!
Now that you all think I am completely loopy, I'll stop!
I know I've just been punched in a nerve lol, every time I pull a face there is a look of panic on chris' face x

Haha! Yes. Same with Dan. My brother just rang and I let out a wince on the phone. The panic in his voice was quite amusing! What was that?! Just your nephew/niece trying to dance...
I must say I have no desire to eat rubber or dust :)

Also I think I would rather be constipated than eat prunes x

I know I've just been punched in a nerve lol, every time I pull a face there is a look of panic on chris' face x

Haha! Yes. Same with Dan. My brother just rang and I let out a wince on the phone. The panic in his voice was quite amusing! What was that?! Just your nephew/niece trying to dance...

They must be thinking 'it's time' lol x

Drink prune juice. Easier to down a glass and follow with water (also good for constipation) than having to actually eat prunes xx
Not sure if it's after effects from chiropractor or birthing class but lower back is a bit achey today. Either that or both things have given baby room to move down further which makes it ache more?!
Either way it's good signs :) just need to keep your legs shut for another week and a day to get you to 37 weeks lol.

I'm getting fed up with my bump, it's just in the way all the time lol. I can't open the kitchen window as I can't reach past the unit, I keep hurting it on the sharp bits of door handles, I can't fit through spaces that are usually easy, I can no longer drive, I have to sit with my legs wide open so it has somewhere to go. It's just getting in the way lol. I can't even bend to the floor to pick things up, I look really silly when I try and it takes so much effort out of me.

How is everyone feeling today? I went to bed with no pains last night, however this morning my back is aching, Liam is at nursery and I have no plans so I'm spending the day in bed watching the olympics :) x
Off to have my 36 weeks bloods this morning. It's easier to count how many days I haven't been to hospital/doctors than days I have!
A day in bed sounds great! I am trying to clean a bit as rubbish at it normally and the house needs a good going through... Just having little breaks.
I had some bleeding last night. Certain it was from thrush , but freaked out a bit. Calmed down now as it's stopped I think and baby moving ok. September cannot come quickly enough.
Consultant appointment tomorrow to tell me hopefully that baby I'll has time to turn and to scan me to see what's going on with growth etc.
Having blinds fitted today too. I think it's going to be busy... At least busy for a 36 weeks pregnant lady!
Either way it's good signs :) just need to keep your legs shut for another week and a day to get you to 37 weeks lol.

I'm getting fed up with my bump, it's just in the way all the time lol. I can't open the kitchen window as I can't reach past the unit, I keep hurting it on the sharp bits of door handles, I can't fit through spaces that are usually easy, I can no longer drive, I have to sit with my legs wide open so it has somewhere to go. It's just getting in the way lol. I can't even bend to the floor to pick things up, I look really silly when I try and it takes so much effort out of me.

How is everyone feeling today? I went to bed with no pains last night, however this morning my back is aching, Liam is at nursery and I have no plans so I'm spending the day in bed watching the olympics :) x

I am also bumping my bump on everything :-( Have a bruise on it from trying to stop the cat jumping out of the window yesterday, forgetting about sharp work surface and large bump!
I am not surprised you can't bend down. I can just about do it,but so painful it's silly. The bump totally gets in the way of everything. Washing up is impossible without getting soaked or banging bump! Arg.
Roll on our babies. I am so excited to meet him/her now and to find out what sex it is.slightly concerned about it being a boy as no names for a boy! We can't agree on anything. Rowan is a possibility but I have gone off it.... Girls are easy! The challenge will be deciding which name to use out of the many we like for a girl!
Aww, I've been banned from cleaning by my husband lol. Mainly because I'm not mobile enough and it makes me really ill when I try to do anything.
That is one very busy day planned too, what position is baby in?
I will meet my baby boys 2 weeks today :), got a few things going on that will hopefully pass the time. I have the health visitor coming tomorrow, which is new as they didn't come until after I had Liam, but apparently they have changed it so that they are introducing themselves beforehand. Think I'm going to force myself around idea at the weekend to get some new living room furniture :). Then the Monday I have the midwife, Tuesday I have 36 week growth scan, Wednesday the lounge carpet is being fitted. Then the week after that I have my pre op on the Monday and boys on the Tuesday ... I am looking at them all as little milestones.

Was there a lot of bleeding? When I have thrush I tend to only get slight marks on the tissue when I wipe. X
Either way it's good signs :) just need to keep your legs shut for another week and a day to get you to 37 weeks lol.

I'm getting fed up with my bump, it's just in the way all the time lol. I can't open the kitchen window as I can't reach past the unit, I keep hurting it on the sharp bits of door handles, I can't fit through spaces that are usually easy, I can no longer drive, I have to sit with my legs wide open so it has somewhere to go. It's just getting in the way lol. I can't even bend to the floor to pick things up, I look really silly when I try and it takes so much effort out of me.

How is everyone feeling today? I went to bed with no pains last night, however this morning my back is aching, Liam is at nursery and I have no plans so I'm spending the day in bed watching the olympics :) x

I am also bumping my bump on everything :-( Have a bruise on it from trying to stop the cat jumping out of the window yesterday, forgetting about sharp work surface and large bump!
I am not surprised you can't bend down. I can just about do it,but so painful it's silly. The bump totally gets in the way of everything. Washing up is impossible without getting soaked or banging bump! Arg.
Roll on our babies. I am so excited to meet him/her now and to find out what sex it is.slightly concerned about it being a boy as no names for a boy! We can't agree on anything. Rowan is a possibility but I have gone off it.... Girls are easy! The challenge will be deciding which name to use out of the many we like for a girl!

We found girls names much easier than boys names too. I can't wash up without opening the cupboard under the sink lol, it gives me an extra couple of cms and the handles are in a stupid place that hurt my bump quite a lot. I'm just full of scratch marks from door handles lol but I do still get soaked.
I'm still finding it hard to get my head around the fact that it is almost baby time, it seems like yesterday we were all excited to be having our 20 week scans and getting to viability day etc and now look at us just weeks away from birth x
Got to try and see a midwife at a drop in clinic in about half an hour. Proper clinic at my GP for tomorrow is fully booked up. Have already booked my 38 week appt there to avoid this happening again lol
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Is this for the bleed or for being 36 weeks? X
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Baby is transverse at the moment but moving around so changes to breech sometimes. Mostly transverse.
Blood tests are for 36 weeks.
I only had smudges of blood on the tissue and has stopped now. Hoping it's ok, but midwife away so if I am concerned I will ring hospital to try to sort. For me, I am quite calm about it. Do you think it sounds dodgy? Baby moving fine and not in real pain apart from normal pains...
Ah does that mean they are considering a section or will they try and manipulate baby?
I tend to be the same as you and only ring if there is less or no movement, tea pain is unbearable or it's something different that I haven't experienced and it doesn't feel right.

Lander - we don't have a walk in midwife clinic here, what are they used for? X

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