***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

I have found the tablet ones don't really help so try the liquid one, that's my plan.

Do you have a lot to get still? X

My sister has passed on most of her things, we need to order the buggy, and just need to pop and get bits from Boots and I think we are sorted. We need bedding for the cot but it's not urgent.

I need to pack my hospital bag, or at least pop bits aside! X
Ah that's not too bad then :) you sound like you are pretty much sorted x
Hello everyone, sorry I have been quiet recently, have been reading but was away on holiday in Wales.

Lovely to read where everyone is up to in terms of planning, it's given me a kick up the bum and I've started washing baby clothes today and off to buy hospital and home bits tomorrow.

Been suffering with awful heartburn the last few weeks but this last week it's become unnameable so off to see the doctor tomorrow, the nurse called and I said I was happy to go and buy some Gaviscon but she said they won't sell it to me if I'm preg and I have to see the doctor, so sticking to plain food until I can get my hands on some!


Speak to the pharmacist, they should sell gaviscon liquid to you no problem when pregnant as it's perfectly safe. If not, get your hubby to get it for you, don't suffer when it can easily be remedied xx
I cannot get enough of ice pops, I'm having about 6 a day x
Karen you are only a few days away from being considered term :) x
I know! Can't believe I'm at this point, just need everything to be ok, the closer it gets the more anxious I'm becoming :-(
We built the snuzpod this afternoon and put the straps round the bed base ....... not an easy task, the mattress is soooooooo heavy!!! We'll put the snuz into place the day before I go into hospital. Just the pram to put together and that'll be everything built!
Our pram shop built ours for us :)

You go in the 29th don't you x
Yes been quite good today. Got more ice pops lol. Also got a 'new brother' card and 'brilliant brother' mug for DsS for when baby arrives.

Our pram shop built ours for us :)

You go in the 29th don't you x

There's not really much to do, just put the wheels on!!
Yes the 29th for me :dance:, this time in 3 weeks I should be holding him in my arms :love:
Ah that's not difficult then :) 3 weeks will fly. 2 weeks tomorrow for me :) x

Can't believe how quickly this is all coming along, and everyone is so organised. Really must pack my hospital bag.
Im pretty nervous as this is my first one, but so excited!! :D
Aww don't be nervous :) soak in every minute.

But yes you should probably at least start your hospital bag as you are nearing the end and anything could happen :) x

I know, it's been on my to do list and with every little twinge I have I think, oh this might be it I should've packed my bag!!
So those who have had babies before, aside from packing your hospital bag in a timely manner what's your top tip?
Exciting stuff, scn. Three weeks is crazily short.
We've now built the Snuzpod too. It's gorgeous. Have kept plastic on luckily as cats think it's theirs. We are going to have to be very careful!
When baby is moving, as he/she is all up front balancing on its belly, seemingly, it's causing me to wince every now and then! Their little limbs are really quite strong! DH thinks it's funny as my stomach contorts into peaks on both sides and rectangular shapes, whilst I am squirming with the pressure or pain!
Love that it's naughty though. Going to be a little character.
I too am on the Gavis on. Pharmacist wouldn't sell it to me either so got it in supermarket! Trying not to have it all the time but sometimes it's just too much and I have to.
Also have hemorrhoids now, too! More cream and medication! I really hope it all goes away once BB Is here! I hear it will... Fx!
Exciting stuff, scn. Three weeks is crazily short.
We've now built the Snuzpod too. It's gorgeous. Have kept plastic on luckily as cats think it's theirs. We are going to have to be very careful!
When baby is moving, as he/she is all up front balancing on its belly, seemingly, it's causing me to wince every now and then! Their little limbs are really quite strong! DH thinks it's funny as my stomach contorts into peaks on both sides and rectangular shapes, whilst I am squirming with the pressure or pain!
Love that it's naughty though. Going to be a little character.
I too am on the Gavis on. Pharmacist wouldn't sell it to me either so got it in supermarket! Trying not to have it all the time but sometimes it's just too much and I have to.
Also have hemorrhoids now, too! More cream and medication! I really hope it all goes away once BB Is here! I hear it will... Fx!

This all sounds so familiar, welcome to the haemorrhoids club, you won't enjoy your stay haha!
I've been having quite a lot of acid reflux but it's manageable at the moment, hope it calms down for you :)
I know, it's been on my to do list and with every little twinge I have I think, oh this might be it I should've packed my bag!!
So those who have had babies before, aside from packing your hospital bag in a timely manner what's your top tip?

Make sure you know which grow and hat you want on baby first, I have put ours in a front pocket with nappies and vests ... My husband grabbed the first he could find, and put the ugliest hat on our son, so all our first photos Liam has an awful hat on lol x

Oh also don't get stuck on a plan, go with the flow and if the midwives suggest something just go with it x

Umm top tips... I found it good last time having additional bags packed for if I stayed in hospital longer (which I ended up needing) so that hubby could just grab them and come back. Plenty of knickers - pack more than you think you will need.

Can't think of any top tips for anything house related. Most stuff can be sorted once you get back - just have easy to access clean bedding ready for your first night back at home.

Think I have piles too, grr. Not too bad at the moment so trying to drink plenty of water and hoping they go on their own. Getting heart burn mainly in the evenings but haven't got to the gaviscon point yet.

Feels like today has been a really long day today. Roll on the 31st when I finish!!


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