***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Omg it's so exciting seeing so many of the august mummies having their babies now... so excited for when it starts being us!!

Just been to soft play with millie - starting to find it all a bit exhausting now but she needs to get out somewhere once a day to let off some energy as she seems to get bored and thus destructive if she spends the whole day at home.

Carpet is being fitted in babies room next Saturday and I can move the cot in there then as millie has moved herself into the single bed now and has told me that her toddler bed (cotbed) is for the baby now. Then got date night with simon that evening although think we've decided to get a takeaway now instead of going out to eat and just renting a film. Will have to make sure there's something I can have on the menu!

Two more full weeks in work then two 2 day weeks and then I will be done, yippee! Xxx
I know, the August mummies are popping thick and fast :)
Liam is the same he can entertain himself to a point but still needs some entertainment otherwise he becomes a terror.

You don't have long in work at all, I'm down to 16 sleeps now :) not that I'm counting down or anything lol x

I have so much admiration for you ladies who have little ones already! We just went to supermarket and I was struggling by about 10 minutes in! Hopefully one day, I will be able to do what you're doing!
Struggling - sorry to complain again - with thrush, which seems to be getting worse and now constipation. Lovely. Apologies. Everything down there is just so itchy and sore, I am thinking I might have to go back to doctor/nurse tomorrow.
Also, went into DAU again on Friday, worryig about movements. BB was really quiet and movements seem less strong. Anyway, all was fine and started kicking up a frenzy as soon as I lay down.
September cannot come quickly enough!
Dan, my husband, has put up our crib downstairs on a lighter note and is considering putting up the Snuzpod too. As long as the cats don't decide to adopt it, we'll be fine. Just won't put anything in them until BB arrives.
Hope everyone is doing well. August babies coming fast!
You are entitled to moan, I've started to struggle with constipation recently, I also struggle to walk up the stairs without being in agony :(
I have heard that cats like cots lol but if my dogs could get in ours I am sure they would x

Just coming on for the first time in this pregnancy. I loved Pregnancy Forum when I was pregnant with my little boy three years ago. With this second pregnancy, my hands have been somewhat full! Anyway, I thought I'd come join in. I'm due 15th September, and as a second-timer, I'm feeling not exactly relaxed about the birth (as the first time was no picnic!), but a lot more confident. This heat has been a killer though! Best of luck to everyone. Xx
Hi, and welcome :)
Congrats on your pregnancy, how old is your other child? Do you have a name for your baby girl? X
I have dull period aches again under my bump and in my back :( x

This baby is making me paranoid. Good walk this morning then most of today on the sofa and I've had lots of braxton hicks with lots of sharp cervix pains....

Going to bed now to try keeping up with my sleep lol
I have dull period aches again under my bump and in my back :( x

You keep an eye on that and talk to triage if it's still happening in the morning please xxx

I will, I did it for a short while last night but tonight it doesn't seem to be shifting, it's not intermittent cramping, it's the dull constant ache that comes with a period, no bleeding or anything else either x
This baby is making me paranoid. Good walk this morning then most of today on the sofa and I've had lots of braxton hicks with lots of sharp cervix pains....

Going to bed now to try keeping up with my sleep lol

You sound as though body is prepping itself :) x
Hoping you're both nearly there or not nearly there, depending on what you want!
Has it eased either of you? X
Mine has, it eased about 2am. I have 2 weeks to get through. I know I say I want these out but I want them when I can bring them home and they are healthy :) x

Awake every two hours lol. But straight back to sleep every time thankfully. He's moved about in the night though and I am more uncomfy in my pelvis. Seeing chiropractor this afternoon to check I'm all aligned properly and have a bit of a massage then have my Daisy Birthing class tonight to chill as well.

Gonna do final checks of bags and get them in car ASAP.
I think you should have your bags in the car ready, mine are but saying that I have to get an ambulance if anything happens to me but I know they are ready at least. Do you have a lot to put in them? Your day sounds quite relaxing.

I have been sick again this morning ... Anyone would think I was pregnant lol

Is anyone else's bump sore where their knickers go? My skin has gone really tender.

Sat in my lounge today because I can. Just got to wait for the carpet and to buy some new furniture. Need to hang some pictures up too and the mirror. Haven't sorted curtains yet or a door but my god it's such a big improvement, even with the awful carpet down it still feels more like our home now :) x

I've not even packed my bag yet, need to get it looked out and done this week. It won't be going in the car though or I won't get anything else in the boot, it's only a micra lol
Need to do a couple of trial runs to the hospital as well in case I need to take myself there when DH is at work, it's not a hospital I'm familiar with so I'll need my sat nav to find it!!
My sister in law visited yesterday and brought the baby lots of beautiful gifts, I think she has picked stuff up weekly when doing her shopping there was loads! And here was me thinking I'd finished all the baby washing lol. She also bought us the Chicco cuddle and bubble bath/changing station, it's fab xx
Ooh we have a bath station, didn't have one with Liam but we don't have a bath in this house yet. Your sister in law is very generous :) x

Hello everyone, sorry I have been quiet recently, have been reading but was away on holiday in Wales.

Lovely to read where everyone is up to in terms of planning, it's given me a kick up the bum and I've started washing baby clothes today and off to buy hospital and home bits tomorrow.

Been suffering with awful heartburn the last few weeks but this last week it's become unnameable so off to see the doctor tomorrow, the nurse called and I said I was happy to go and buy some Gaviscon but she said they won't sell it to me if I'm preg and I have to see the doctor, so sticking to plain food until I can get my hands on some!


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