***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Aww bless her, hopefully everything will be ok and she is treated quick enough. I can see your husbands point though as its always us that want all of the answers as we are the ones still thinking straight.

will have the 3 year old jabs next year too.

I know I just hope it flies by :) but it's less than 20 days x
Eesh I know, can't say I'm looking forward to the 3 year old jabs after today! Will definitely be making sure I've got simon there as back up!

God have taken millie to the park and wishing id stayed home now as it's boiling!! Got a very unattractive sweat going oN!

Out tonight for food with a few mummy friends from millies parent and toddlers. Look forward to food out slightly less on this diet but should still be a good night. At least I won't be designated driver much longer haha!

Went to the theatre with another friend last night too so I feel very naughty having two nights out in a row! Xxx
I'm roasting today, had the fan on but electric is off while they paper around some sockets, then I have offered them my fan because FiL has gone dizzy he thinks it's the heat x

Yeh I'm back with the fan on now :-)

And haha I'm such a dirty stop out ;-) Simon is quite happy though as means he gets a takeaway and can watch boy stuff on TV haha xxx
I'm pretty sure all men are the same with that lol, takeaway is chris' first thought if I'm not there for tea x

So, baby shower tomorrow and I know that Mum, Mil, both SiLs and my three best friends are all coming as well as a few other friends so should be good.

Baby is defo dropping and getting engaged. Bags for baby and I are packed. DH needs to put a few bits in a bag for himself then they're going in the car and I'm not going without my notes anywhere from now on! Lol
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That sounds exciting, I'm going to the local carvers for breakfast tomorrow as peppa pig is going to be there lol x
Was proud of my mum for knowing me better than all my friend at my baby shower quiz lol. DH scored one more than her in the other room though lol
Just been for a lovely pub tea with Chris and Liam, a random lady couldn't even wait to finish her mouthful of food to ask when my baby was due, so I said just over 5 weeks - it isn't a lie - she looked at my bump in complete shock so I left it for about 30 seconds if not more and then told her it was twins, her response was"oh fab, that's ok the your bump is huge" ... Good job I'm polite so I didn't swear at her x
Hope you had a lovely day Lander!

Argh Caroline you must be sick to death of hearing that! Everyone seems to have an opinion on bump sizes, it drives me mad! Xxx
I know, I get close family members making comments as they tend to compare to my pregnancy with Liam ... But random strangers telling me how big bump is, it's just rude x
Yes was a lovely day thanks, lunch rather than afternoon tea which I'd asked for thankfully! Lots of nice presents for baby. Whole load more new and also second hand (planned hand me downs, not given as gifts!!) Clothes to wash lol

Also one of my best friends is now looking for a house up here where we moved to with her nine month old boy. If this one comes before end of August they'll be in same nursery and school year as well.
Just been for a lovely pub tea with Chris and Liam, a random lady couldn't even wait to finish her mouthful of food to ask when my baby was due, so I said just over 5 weeks - it isn't a lie - she looked at my bump in complete shock so I left it for about 30 seconds if not more and then told her it was twins, her response was"oh fab, that's ok the your bump is huge" ... Good job I'm polite so I didn't swear at her x
What does she mean, "That's ok then!"? Yes, I know it's fine thank you. I have been pregnant for a while now and sort of understand what's going on with my body and my babies! How annoying. Makes me so cross how rude people are.
Well done for not answering back!
Next time some one does it, I have an answer. It will be, no it's not twins, it's quads. I am actually only 5 weeks pregnant...
Haha I might try that one lol. These 2 are squirming around and giving me period pains little monkeys x

Do you think you will be before end of August? X

Yup. Lol he measures 12 days ahead. Using that he'd measure 40wks on 26th August.

Today I'm 35+4 so he already measures 37wks+ so.... term. Lol

I could of course be proven completely wrong!

Have had at least three alternative type friends suggest he'll be early as well funnily enough. :shrug:
As long as you are 37 weeks then all is hunky dory :) and you will be an August mummy like me and Karen too x
This thread is beginning to scare me having so many redheads lol from another redhead aha :yay:

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