***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

Naomi...Fingers crossed for a good out come, my aunt is in remission now for a long time so it can be licked xx

SCL....my heartbeat last week was the same as yours bet you gave them such a fright xx

Mrs... indeed way, way to spoilt, my wee man likes the right side many a mornings I used to woke up with a lopsided bump lol must be fun having two in there :hugs:

Lander...hope your stuff gets a move on, I really want my hair done but trying to hold off til hes here because last time I had regrowth after two weeks lol xx
I might have to have my hair done before babies :) x

My one advantage is that all I get is a T-section of highlights and as my natural/root colour is a strawberry blonde and lighter as always in the summer, I can get away with some root growth but it's been over six weeks now lol
I'm natural strawberry blonde, was ginger but faded over the years, I have a full head of woven highlights x

I'm natural strawberry blonde, was ginger but faded over the years, I have a full head of woven highlights x

Ha yes my brother is proper ginger. I'm very freckled as well but thankfully tan quite well. Waiting to see what colour hair baby has as there is some red on MiL side if family as well lol
Haha snap on the freckles however I never tan. My brother is a ginger and has an Afro so he shaves it off, Liam has mainly a really dark blonde colour with a hint of ginger so when the sun hits it, it looks ginger x

Hello ladies,

Sorry ive been a bit awol, struggled with time to get on here and comment. Cant believe next month we will have our little bundles in our arms (hopefully mine wont be late!)

Our nursery is nearly finished, and i plan to do all the clothes washing when i go on mat leave in 27 days - due on the 23rd sept.

One thing ive noticed this morning is that i now have haemorroids (it was all going so well!) has anyone else had this issue and have you used over the counter stuff? is it safe? I understand some people might be embarrassed talking about it, but ive gotten to the point that things are going to get much more embarrassing later on haha!

Hope everyone is doing ok xxx
Hi, sorry I haven't had that issue, is everything else going well? X

Yes its all going well thankfully, nothing to worry about everything going as it should. Apart from that personal little issue haha!

How are you doing? you must really be feeling it now!!
Hello ladies,

Sorry ive been a bit awol, struggled with time to get on here and comment. Cant believe next month we will have our little bundles in our arms (hopefully mine wont be late!)

Our nursery is nearly finished, and i plan to do all the clothes washing when i go on mat leave in 27 days - due on the 23rd sept.

One thing ive noticed this morning is that i now have haemorroids (it was all going so well!) has anyone else had this issue and have you used over the counter stuff? is it safe? I understand some people might be embarrassed talking about it, but ive gotten to the point that things are going to get much more embarrassing later on haha!

Hope everyone is doing ok xxx

Me! I've had piles for ages :-( You can use anusol cream that you buy over the counter and it helps xx

Sansk you've been well and truly spoiled! Lots of lovely looking gifts xx

Had a growth scan this morning, baby still growing nicely along the 50th centile and estimated 5lbs 8oz at the moment. Still measuring 4 weeks ahead and way over 90th centile with the midwife doing fundal height :-) Midwife has placed a bet that he ends up being born at the 75th centile weight! Less than 4 weeks to go for me now :dance:
Whenever ive been for scans/midwife/doc they never tell me all this stuff about centile and potential baby weight, do you guys ask or do they just tell you? Also i have no idea what centile means so im going to have a google now.

Also thanks scn!
You should have a growth chart in your notes that will tell you what the midwife has measured you at, the estimated weight comes from growth scans so if you haven't had one then they won't have given you a weight, if you have had one, it'll be written in your notes and plotted on the same chart as the midwife measurement xx
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Ive just looked through it all, nothing about centile, but, i do know efw at 28 weeks was 1500g, and theres FL, HC, AC measurements in there too.

Sfh at 33 weeks is 33cm (the midwife plotting chart)

Looking at the efw baby is on the bigger side which is making me worry a bit!!
Yes its all going well thankfully, nothing to worry about everything going as it should. Apart from that personal little issue haha!

How are you doing? you must really be feeling it now!!

Mainly I'm ok, I have started to have a daily meltdown though, I think I have had enough now, I'm struggling to smile through the aches now. Plus I'm starting to feel fed up with not being able to do much.

Looking forward to them being here more than ever :) x
Hello ladies,

Sorry ive been a bit awol, struggled with time to get on here and comment. Cant believe next month we will have our little bundles in our arms (hopefully mine wont be late!)

Our nursery is nearly finished, and i plan to do all the clothes washing when i go on mat leave in 27 days - due on the 23rd sept.

One thing ive noticed this morning is that i now have haemorroids (it was all going so well!) has anyone else had this issue and have you used over the counter stuff? is it safe? I understand some people might be embarrassed talking about it, but ive gotten to the point that things are going to get much more embarrassing later on haha!

Hope everyone is doing ok xxx

Me! I've had piles for ages :-( You can use anusol cream that you buy over the counter and it helps xx

Sansk you've been well and truly spoiled! Lots of lovely looking gifts xx

Had a growth scan this morning, baby still growing nicely along the 50th centile and estimated 5lbs 8oz at the moment. Still measuring 4 weeks ahead and way over 90th centile with the midwife doing fundal height :-) Midwife has placed a bet that he ends up being born at the 75th centile weight! Less than 4 weeks to go for me now :dance:

5lbs 8oz is a good size for this stage :) I'm also on a less than 4 weeks countdown :) x
Struggling to walk today my groins hurt so bad :(,
How did your GD appointment go Naomi? X
Sorry I've been quiet ladies! Been dealing with the aftermath of MILs diagnosis plus paid for millie to have the men b injection this morning. Was a bit traumatic all round as she didn't want to go in and it's so much harder with injections now they're two! Taking her for ice cream now though to make her feel a bit better.

GD appointment went well - she was pleased with all my levels but has said no induction date will be set until I see her again in two weeks. Got another growth scan next week so think it will depend what that shows.

Glad your scan went well Karen.

Take it easy Caroline, find some good films to sit and watch with

Aww I think the ice cream will help so much :)
Glad your levels are good, I'm having a day in bed, Chris is making me, he and his dad are papering the lounge or have at least started it, I know one wall is done :). How is your MiL coping? And your husband?

Apart from my groin pain it's a good day today ... Just had a phone call section date has been moved to the 23rd :).

At least you will have a date in 2 weeks Naomi :) x
Eek that's less than 3 weeks Caroline!!!! Going to fly by!!! Glad they managed to get it sooner - not long now and you will have your body back haha.

Ice cream has definitely perked her up. Got to do it all again in 2 months though!

Simon has been quite subdued the last few days. Think he just wants to know exactly what she is dealing with ie if it's spread etc. And his mum is being very negative but then she's been telling us she's going to die soon for ages - pretty much since his dad died. She's only in her late 50s so still young but she's been battling with depression for a number of years. I'm hoping she can be a bit more positive, or if not that we can all keep positive for her instead.

Glad you're having a nice chilled day :-)

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