Hello ladies,
Sorry ive been a bit awol, struggled with time to get on here and comment. Cant believe next month we will have our little bundles in our arms (hopefully mine wont be late!)
Our nursery is nearly finished, and i plan to do all the clothes washing when i go on mat leave in 27 days - due on the 23rd sept.
One thing ive noticed this morning is that i now have haemorroids (it was all going so well!) has anyone else had this issue and have you used over the counter stuff? is it safe? I understand some people might be embarrassed talking about it, but ive gotten to the point that things are going to get much more embarrassing later on haha!
Hope everyone is doing ok xxx
Me! I've had piles for ages

You can use anusol cream that you buy over the counter and it helps xx
Sansk you've been well and truly spoiled! Lots of lovely looking gifts xx
Had a growth scan this morning, baby still growing nicely along the 50th centile and estimated 5lbs 8oz at the moment. Still measuring 4 weeks ahead and way over 90th centile with the midwife doing fundal height

Midwife has placed a bet that he ends up being born at the 75th centile weight! Less than 4 weeks to go for me now