***September 2016 Mummies - the last lap***

BB has started kicking me with a vengeance now! Think it likes being at Nana's house. We don't see them as often as they are further away, but kicks when hears my husband's mum! Nice :-)
My husband snores away and just mutters a 'mmmmm' if I mention pain or anything... He is not ready for a newborn's sleeping pattern yet!
Aww that's sweet, and your husband is going to have a shock lol.
My husband wouldn't let me do night feeds with Liam, in his head I did everything in the day so it was his turn. This time I suppose we will be enjoying middle of the night chats while feeding 2 but it will be nice x

At the moment induction is looking like it's going to happen around the 8th or 9th September so finishing on the 31st will give me about a week :-)

And everything simon does is annoying me at the moment lol poor guy. He literally can't do anything right. But the snoring in particular is a nightmare. He's never usually a snorer but it is so damn loud at the moment and every time I manage to drop off he lets out a louder snore and I'm awake again. Even when I dig him he stops for about two minutes and then starts up again.

Hope your last day goes well Lander!

About to brave a supermarket shop with my tetchy toddler.. I must be mad!! Xxx
Gosh the forum is so quiet these past couple of weeks! Xxx
Haha it seems like all of our men snore and annoy us :) Chris is always annoying me at the moment lol and really he hasn't done a lot wrong. Good luck with a supermarket shop :) x

Haha I like that mine says either 46/47 days (I can't remember lol) but I know that I can take at least 14 days off that :) but we do need some birth announcements I think it will keep us going x

Non of the early August ladies seem to have gone early in July which is a tad odd...
My DH is a snorer too although I've given him a run for his money during this pregnancy :lol: he had the cheek to say at the start that he might move into the spare room because he couldn't sleep for my snoring ....... I thought eh .... welcome to my world for the past 15 bloody years!!!!!
I've been so tired this week and apart from popping out to see the diabetic nurse this morning I've pretty much been lying in bed watching tv and dozing all day, just hit a brick wall today for some reason :-( and I caught one of my stretch marks with my nail today and it's burst and bleeding and bloody sore :-(
We're building the cot and putting the wall stickers on tomorrow and that'll be the nursery completed, the cats are furious that they can't get in the room anymore ..... they keep just sitting outside and staring at the door then looking at us with a scowl on their wee faces :lol:
Yeh I was thinking that was odd too Lander. Suppose there's still two days left of july, but seems very unusual!

And lol about your cats Karen! Ouch about the stretch mark though that sounds so painful. I've been lucky this time around and haven't got any additional stretch marks yet but think they only appeared in the last couple of weeks last time so they may start sprouting soon. Hope not though!

Just had another tough bedtime routine with millie. It's taking her so long to go down that I keep ending up eating my dinner really late. It's hard when simon is on evenings or nights. Keep fretting about how much harder it's going to be with two as well!!
That sounds tough Naomi, do you think she's sensing a big change on the way and is feeling unsettled?
My DH is a snorer too although I've given him a run for his money during this pregnancy :lol: he had the cheek to say at the start that he might move into the spare room because he couldn't sleep for my snoring ....... I thought eh .... welcome to my world for the past 15 bloody years!!!!!
I've been so tired this week and apart from popping out to see the diabetic nurse this morning I've pretty much been lying in bed watching tv and dozing all day, just hit a brick wall today for some reason :-( and I caught one of my stretch marks with my nail today and it's burst and bleeding and bloody sore :-(
We're building the cot and putting the wall stickers on tomorrow and that'll be the nursery completed, the cats are furious that they can't get in the room anymore ..... they keep just sitting outside and staring at the door then looking at us with a scowl on their wee faces :lol:

Haha I think I have also snored, when I have actually slept lol.
I can completely understand the pain of the bleeding stretch mark too, glad your nursery is almost complete :) when I'm on my own I have been spending time in bed and snoozing on and off, when I have Liam I have been going to my parents as my dad is off sick so it's been an extra pair of hands for Liam as I have been struggling these past few weeks. I'm sure your cats will soon get over it too :) x
That sounds tough Naomi, do you think she's sensing a big change on the way and is feeling unsettled?

That did cross my mind too... she seems excited about the baby but then perhaps she's wanting to make sure she's still getting attention too. Or it could just be general terrible twos! Shes usually pretty good and will have the odd tantrum but not too many, but the last 3-4 days she's literally gone from tantrum to tantrum about the smallest things. I didn't manage to get her dressed today until 2:30 pm because she screamed everything I tried to dress her. Tried letting her pick out the outfit and all that but nothing worked. She's refusing to eat her meals too. I yelled at her really loudly when she was refusing to get into bed because id just had enough and then cried downstairs for ages because I felt so guilty.
Going to soft play with a friend and her daughter tomorrow who millie gets on well with so hoping that snaps her out of it a bit. Then got some paints to do some painting in the garden. Hoping if I keep her busy that she may be a bit better. Just want my happy little girl back!!
I suppose if she's not having her usual sleep routine it's bound to affect her behaviour during the day.
Don't feel guilty Naomi, your only human and entitled to have tantrums too :lol: it's bloody hard work growing a baby never mind dealing with a tantruming toddler at the same time.
Hope you've had your dinner and having some relaxation time for yourself now xx
Thanks Karen. I hate losing my temper with her because she's only two but she is really pushing me towards a melt down at the moment! I've had dinner now and think I'm going to head to bed soon - praying she sleeps through!
Yeh I was thinking that was odd too Lander. Suppose there's still two days left of july, but seems very unusual!

And lol about your cats Karen! Ouch about the stretch mark though that sounds so painful. I've been lucky this time around and haven't got any additional stretch marks yet but think they only appeared in the last couple of weeks last time so they may start sprouting soon. Hope not though!

Just had another tough bedtime routine with millie. It's taking her so long to go down that I keep ending up eating my dinner really late. It's hard when simon is on evenings or nights. Keep fretting about how much harder it's going to be with two as well!!

What is Millie's bedtime routine? Would it be worth changing 1 thing? See if it works?
I'm sure 2 children will be easier than 3 lol, I keep stressing about silly little things too, something pops in my head and that's it I have to plan for it x
She tends to have dinner at about 5:30, then bath or shower at 6:30. Then she's allowed to watch 10 mins of peppa or whatever on YouTube on my iPad and then into pyjamas, brush teeth and read two books in her bed. Any ideas of what I could try differently?

And yeh definitely don't envy you with 3!!

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