*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Ahh bless you :( that's a shame. Not sure what I'd do if I lived so far away from family x
Hope you ladies have a lovely evening, once my daughter is in bed in an hour I plan on sitting on my ball and dribbling my revolting tea! :D x
I don't want to count my chickens but I've been feeling nauseous all day today and have pooped 3 times! (Sorry tmi) not diarrhoea - but seeing as I've been horrendously constipated for the past 3 weeks this is quite a significant change. I don't think labour is near but it's the first signs I've had that my body might actually be gearing up for it thank goodness! O to be excited about poo and nausea :lol:
Summer that's the same for me a few weeks ago up till now and I've lost more plug 2 times today and I think I was daft if the curry thing works cause we just had a v spicey curry haha I'm not trying to bring anything on but if it happens then it happens so I'm just bouncing on my ball wondering what if xxx
Oh summer, moving in the right direction then!! I have felt nauseaus a few times the last few days but it only ever lasts about half hour at a time.

H enjoy your ball bouncing! Haha x
I asked the midwife about sanitary towels and she said normal sanitary pads are fine but they should be the thick night ones like kotex so they can monitor bleeding but i mean even during my periods i didnt use them as they had no plastic backing to prevent leaks. Ive been told my hospital wil provide pads and towels but ive just packed my own. I really want to see my baby now,movements sometimes make me go ow with the bones,elbow jabbing.sometimes i think wow a baby inside of me growing lol i bet when i give birth i wil still be in awe. lol.
You definitely need super thick pads hun, the amount of bleeding was ridiculous for me after labour, thought it would never stop! Took over 6 weeks to stop! :/

Summer I have had same symptoms all week despite being on iron tablets that normally make me constipated :D All good signs but yeah funny how we get excited about poo and feeling sick haha!

Just realised my last post said I would be dribbling my tea, definitely meant to say drinking haha sat on a birthing ball and dribbling tea everywhere - what a vision! lol x
I have that all the time now Violet, MW said to me on Saturday that get used to it basically because the bladder is so squashed now sometimes it'll just be a trickle and I get them pains daily too that stop me in my tracks. Can imagine how much you miss your mum babe, hope you get to see her soon.

Good luck for tomorrow Tessa I'll keep checking in to see if you have any news - your plan for tonight sounds perfect!

Summer that's great news , in a way haha! Obviously don't want you feeling awful but exciting your body could be gearing up.

I can't believe it was a week ago tomorrow I shafted having lots of symptoms , then the weekend we all thought she was coming, I've had continuous dull ache all day , some shooting pains and still felt lots of movement. I think little miss is to comfy but we will see. Me and OH went for a lovely meal and then watched 'sex tape' with Cameron Diaz in it was so funny! Chilling now as I've gave him the remote, going to DTD again tonight xxxxx
Glad it's normal then, as you guys can tell I worry I know things are fine but sometimes I'm just like the hell is that?! Hope your doing well bunny so these pains are just normal then? I don't want to be a pain and ring the antenatal again xxx
Might just end up wearing diapers lol. Ill put a plastic sheet on the bed when i come home. Im feeling so much pressure down there wakking around the house holding my vajay jay. Another 3 weeks to go if i make it till due date.
I worry loads too babe so your right to ask the questions , if I didn't have the ladies in this thread and my MW to message i would constantly be on the phone to triage - my MW said it's very normal and if you think about it out bladders are so squashed now they will let out what they can when they can. And the pains can be everything loosening and ligament pain.

Sara I got maternity pads from tesco, super cheap and lots of people recommended them :)

I waddle now too, lots of pressure down there has been for the past 2 weeks now I would say. Xxxxx
Summer, looser bowels is actually really exciting at this stage haha! ;)

My bleeding wasn't too bad after birth. Didn't last long either but I still got through plenty of big massive thick pads!
Violet, the pains are so normal which is really horrible :(
My pains have been due to my BH today. Shoots through my legs.

Midwife has told me to have lots of sex. She kept saying I must do to prevent going back in 2 weeks for a sweep lol x
If also recommend the tesco pads, v cheap and lots of them. Also the breast pads as my boobs leak so much. I'm glad I'm not the only one who worries! I just feel like a pain at times I know I'm not and we're all experiencing similar things but I do feel bad asking so much xxx
I have quite a bit of pressure but it's in my bum not on my cervix - I keep saying to hubby I'm sure he's heading for the wrong exit :shock: ha
Violet - I hate that when you need a wee desperately then you go and the tiniest trickle comes out - Because you know it's not empty and in 5 seconds you'll need to go again! I've found that rocking back and forth or stand up wiggle your hips and sit down again can usually get more out :lol:

Think my baby is lying on a really awkward nerve - I keep getting a weird electric shock type feeling in my right hip, it's not painful but my hip just gives way - the closest thing I can relate it to is when someone pokes that nerve at the back of your knee :lol:

I've got MW appointment tomorrow afternoon - potentially/hopefully last one! Fingers crossed no glucose!! I've been so strict on my low GI diet, my mums promised to bring me a reeses peanut butter Krispy Kreme donut to the hospital for after birth! :lol:

That's normal summer lol
Like when your in labour and you can feel it in your bum :)

I thought my baby was laying on a nerve too. Really shoots through me the pains!

That's great,you have a nice donut to look forward to after birth :-p

Lots of pains going on :(
Long night for me I think - banging headache that won't go off, sharp pains in bottom of bump, nausea and contractions that won't go away! :( Shattered so hoping I will sleep through it ok though! The joys of third tri eh?! X
Same. Headache, pains in tops of legs. Baby trying to get out my belly button.

Remember I said tomorrow was ur day H!? Lol
OH though tomorrow was my day. I can tell it's not though. And I was wrong about Michelle too x
Late / early post, just woke up and can't get back to sleep!

Sounds like all the symptoms are ramping up for everyone in here this evening!

Summer that's good of your mum - love a good donut! What times your app tomorrow? Good luck let us know how it goes :)

H sounds like you could go any day now??! Kelly you could be right.

Random question & there may not be an answer for it but anyone that's on baby number 2, or knows anyone that's gone in to labour after DTD is it normally pretty much instant? My symptoms seem to have gone backwards, last week and weekend was so so promising but DTD last night and not a cramp in site, nor Sunday night. I've woke up really wet and been the toilet but (sorry if TMI) I think it's just OH's you know what coming out of me. Stuck a pad on anyway and will see what it's like in the morning - doubt it's my waters tho.

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Ohhhh exciting bunny! Basically as sperm acts like induction pessary which we know can take a long time and a couple of them to work I would imagine it may take a few attempts at dtd for it to help so this could be it Hun! Waters smell like sperm too (well mine did) but their texture is just like water and when they popped mine in hospital it was warm like I peed myself.

My symptoms have gone whilst asleep so don't think it will be me anytime soon. I have got up for a bit as OH keeps waking me up to tell me to stop snoring lol, he can't sleep on sofa as I am in middle of washing all the cushion covers lol. I do feel sorry for him, since bump got pretty massive I snore enough to wake myself up some nights so between that and my sleep talking the poor sod is screwed lol x
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It's 5:55am I've been woken up with some pretty nasty abdominal cramps like they hurt a lot of this is a contraction it sucks so much I thought I was hungry but as I walked around it just hurt so sat on my ball and they got worse. Will keep you all updated xxx

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