*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Feeling pretty pissed off today- was due my 41 week midwife appointment today, and sweep, which she cancelled, as she had to be in hospital. Not her fault, but she won't see me til Wednesday. So I'll be 9 days overdue by the time I get a sweep!! I've been measuring ahead all the way through the pregnancy, and am borderline for GD. There are massive staffing issues at my maternity hospital, and people are being turned away all over the place. I have to deliver on labour ward, due to a haemorrhage and large baby after a drawn out induction last time, so I won't be turned away if I go into labour naturally, but she wants to book my induction for next Saturday. I have begged her to book it for Thursday/ Friday,as I'm petrified that there won't be enough staff, and my induction will be cancelled, but she reckons the consultant(who I've never seen!) Won't go for it. Starting to feel quite down and worried about it all now. :(
Sorry to hear that hun, really hope things kick off for you naturally asap. Apologies for not keeping up on here v well at mo, my 2 yr old is keeping me own my toes since baby arrived :/

You should come join us on Facebook and what's app Hun xx
Aw sorry you're not getting sorted Nic, that's frustrating and stress you don't need at the mo. If you want to join our whatsapp group just PM your mobile number and I'll add you x
It's called September mummies 2015 I think Tessa may have to add you but I'm not sure x
Now we're in October and most of our babies are here, I just wanted to thank everyone for this thread and for being a fabulous bunch of ladies! Thanks for sharing this journey with me and long may it continue with our FB and whatsapp groups as we watch our babies grow, lots of love x
Dont take this the wrong way.. im so glad my lg is here now but i actually quite sad this is over :( iv made some great friendships through this, im so happy and thankful to have met every single one of you amazing ladies and im so glad to have shared this amazing journey with you all. Xxxx
I feel a bit the same ladies made some lovely friendships n I'm sad that all the babies r here n no more waiting fir Labour threads or symptom spotting!!!


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