*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Thanks ladies! We're just having a chilled one (unless of course the ultimate present decides to arrive! Ha) :)

Hope GTT results are negative for you H! Not entirely sure what they will do with me? I am concerned as the discolouration on my neck has gotten a lot darker - so despite me doing my best with diet I'm wondering if my insulin resistance is getting worse. They said they'd get me to repeat the GTT if there was glucose in my urine again but even if there is today I can't see the point of going for the test again/waiting for results - it would be my due date before we knew anything! Hopefully they would just go straight to a scan and decide from there whether or not to let me go over ...
Hope scan goes well today Tess.

Kelly that dream is funny :lol: I'm so ready for baby but my dreams always seem to be like yours - I put him down for a second and forget where I put him :lol: or forget to feed him.

Wow that's nice of your friend doll_eyes! Gosh 4 prams?? Haha

I will also be bouncing on my ball/ scrubbing floors / cooking curry and dtd - whoever designed the process of pro-creation was definitely male!! :roll: :lol:
Morning ladies,

sorry so many of u had such a bad nights sleep I did in fact sleep fine bit woke up feeling like I had had no sleep which I think isy fibromyalgia to b honest that has been creeping back in for a while now.

feeling very emotional today n a bit sick. had sum more stringy plug lady night n this morn n feeling a lot of pressure n don't know if it's me bit my bits feel a bit sore!! Prob just me.

Baby hadn't moved much today so nerd to keep any eye on that as well.

Good luck with the results h hope it's clear for you.

Summer n Tessa hope all goes well later.

I don't know who to go for now as we all seem to have a lot of symptoms. Defo think it's guna b this weekend tho!! Come in babies we want to meet u.

Ramsey big congratulations hun.

I reckon we are all having so many symptoms because of the full moon gear up lol x
Haha H I agree! It is almost full moon time so I reckon at least one of us is gonna go into labour funnily enough I know baby was conceived during a stormy night haha so basically I'm having Damien the demon child. Knew it haha xxx
Lol Violet, I hope baby doesn't cry loads like a demon child haha x
Let us know summer & H , hope all goes well with your results / appointments. I'm sure it will!

Haha summer you are right there, when my MW said sex is the best way OH was buzzing haha!!

I've been bouncing for an hour whilst watching don't tell the bride (I'm obsessed haha), now have diarrhoea (sorry TMI) great haha!

Haha Violet that made me laugh! Xxxxx
Lovely message off my midwife today :

'Her birthday and time of birth is already fixed in the future everyday you get a step closer to meeting her! I cant wait to hear the good news x '

Just thought it may help all of us x x x
Aww Bunny your midwife sounds like a gem! Mine is an ass lol x
I didn't get on with her early on but I really do now, she's been brilliant recently! Oh no is she, why? xxxx
9 days till due date and really hope baby is here within 9 days!
Had a walk and really struggled lol.

I'll get my ball out later too x
Exciting your in single figures now Kelly, same as summer. My due date is 10 days, excited to be in single figures tomorrow!!

I feel sick now aha xxxx
I have ages to go compared to you ladies, 20 days for me!

She is just really cold and unhelpful, midwife I had with my daughter was really good and would spend time talking to you about baby position, birth plan etc. This midwife does all her checks and doesn't tell you if your urine is clear, how big you measure, what position baby in etc unless you ask. She just does her checks and writes her notes in silence unless you ask her questions. She also keeps forgetting about my medical history and keeps asking me same questions every time I see her etc. Sort of feels like she doesn't enjoy her job very much and can't be assed to talk to her patients lol x
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Aww that's so sweet of your MW bunny! Thanks for sharing
H my midwife sounds EXACTLY the same as yours!! She doesn't ask/tell me anything - just does checks and then off I go.
She's made SO many errors on my notes
- not referring me for 16wk scan (sister stillborn with spinabifida)
- putting I have a sibling with Down's syndrome (don't know where that came from!)
- not referring me for GTT at 28 weeks (history of PCOS and family diabetes and ignored all my symptoms) I went to GP and got him to refer me instead and found out I was borderline!
- writing 35+6 instead of 36+6 on my notes (so I was actually measuring 2wks ahead not 1)
- I've txt her once throughout my entire pregnancy when we had an outbreak of chicken pox in my class - she took 3 days to reply - by that time the GP had already given me a blood test and fast tracked the results to ensure I was immune.

To be honest I don't care too much about seeing her later today - even though I'm worried that I'm probably now over the borderline for GD I know she won't give a monkeys about what I have to say - if I go overdue I think I might get another private growth scan with consultant to ensure baby's size / placenta function is all a.o.k!

I have to tell my husband to behave before we go in because he really doesn't like her :lol:

O well - nearly there! :)
That's so terrible! Early on my MW did seem to forget a lot of things but not massively serious things. And everything she does she tells me what she's doing and what the outcome was and what it means so I'm quite lucky like that.

My OH gets on better with her then I do tho - should I be worried haha! So he asks her more then I do which is good I suppose!

Yeah babe best way to look at it not long to go now and this could well be your last app with her. Xxxxx
Just got an unexpected package off my father in law :) full of baby outfits and my god the snow suit he's gotten our boy I have cried. As well as a little coat with wellies to match!! All from 0-12 months!!! We've been spoilt rotten! Really got ready too cause we never have asked for anything and it's just gotten me so excited and eager xxx
My midwife Is a bit like that, but also really nice. She does it in a sort of 'ditzy' way where if she talks about it she will forget to write it down. But a midwife should be there to support you and make your pregnancy enjoyable so it would be nice to look forward to your apps with her x
Summer, your midwife really does sound wonderful you lucky thing you lol x

Bunny, I think midwives shouldn't say they don't think they will see you at next app as it makes you think your likely not to be going again. I hope we all get nice on time births :)

Ah violet that's lovely :) xx
No I was saying that to summer not my midwife to me - my MW said to my OH that she doesn't think I'll make my next app which I wish she hadn't said, that's only 6 days away!

Awww Violet how lovely!! Love little baby clothes and opening new presents for our little ones really does get you excited doesn't it. How are you feeling now?

Well thats my last lot of newborn and 0-3 stuff on the line! And hospital outfits for baby drying. We've got so much we've barely bought any ourselves, so really hoping people buy us 3-6 months and above now if they insist on buying anymore stuff I'm quite excited about having a spree and buying the next clothes myself.

I've literally not gotten dressed today. It's been lovely lol might even nap a bit now with a box set marathon. Xx

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