*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Congratulations Doll eyes! You've lasted so long glad you had a lovely day and your customers spoilt you! Hope little one gives you some time to rest and get ready! How exciting!

Was a lovely day Michelle thank you!

Also OH has signed for a new football club so they don't train Tuesday's anymore which means he's home for our anniversary tomorrow night! Yay!

Michelle I think you'll go this weekend :) x x
I'm thinking the same bunny if I do go early then it will prob b this weekend!!!

I'm off for a bath n a relax with my mag as my back is hurting loads today again.

Congratulations doll eyes - well done you for going all the way to 37 weeks!!
Enjoy your bath Michelle - hope it eases your back.
That's good news about your OH bunny - hope you have a nice anniversary! It's our 3 year wedding anniversary on Wednesday! Can't believe it's been 3 years to be honest - what's the tradition? 1st year paper, second year cotton, 3rd year ... Baby???? :lol:

Fingers crossed were both right Michelle! Hope your bath helps your back and chills you out :) I love a bath im sure they are my craving haha!

Aww congratulations for Wednesday summer! Imagine if your little man makes an apparence. My OH keeps saying I'll go in to labour tomorrow with it being our 8 year anniversary - we've also decided to get married 25th August 2018 because it'll be our anniversary and a Saturday so it can't be the baby's birthday as well surely haha!!

So exciting Ramsey will be getting induced tonight!! xxxxx
Bunny, I'm ok thanks hun. Still got this bloody horrendous backache but am thinking maybe I will just have it every day for next 3 weeks as normal part of pregnancy. Didn't suffer like this with my daughter until shortly before giving birth but then she was a smaller baby at this point so who knows. I think you have the right attitude, if your little girl comes early it will be a lovely bonus but either way you will be enjoying those cuddles very soon :)

Michelle, I feel your pain on the backache hun! Hope it gets better for us both soon!

Nice to see your post pop up Jen, how are things going now? How is your recovery going and how is little man doing?

Summer - I didn't leak anything at all, not even a smidge until after Ruby was born hun, seems to be normal for a lot of women :)

Doll_eyes, glad to hear you can rest up now hun, bet you really need it by now! Enjoy putting your feet up before baby arrives hun :)

Just seen Ramsey is being induced, another September Mummy getting an August baby, very exciting!
I reckon a few of us (no idea who) will go into labour at weekend what with the full moon ;)

I have had a busy day today, went for my GTT today, get the results back Wednesday. I am positive it will come back clear as my urine and bloods after fasting for 12 hours had no traces in them so sort of feel like the GTT is a waste of time but you never know! Forgot how vile that glucose drink is though *pukefest*

After that was all done me and Ruby went out for lunch with my parents then went shopping for few bits n bobs n then back to my parents to see my bro. Had to get Ruby some new shoes today, their feet grow so fast - she only got her last pair 3 months ago. Why are kids shoes so expensive too - most of them are £30+ - they are so small! lol x
Glad your okay H! I had really bad back ache and it seems to have eased off now so maybe yours will do the same, can imagine it's harder having another little one to run around as well to maybe that's why it's been harder on your back this time round? Sounds like you've had a lovely day tho apart from that horrible GTT , my friend had to drink that and said it was vile.

I think we will have a couple babies being born this weekend and early next week with the full moon too, the last full moon I remember seeing loads of people going in to labour and my MW did say it was her busiest weekend for ages! She said it is true and they don't know why but they are always busier when it's full moon. Crazy.

I know so excited for Ramsey!! Can't wait to see her updates !!!

I'm currently sitting in the living room naked, I don't know what's up with me but I can't bare wearing clothes haha! Xxxxx
Honestly I hate wearing clothes! I wander round the house all day like this it's terrible! Haha xxx
Thanks ladies, fingers crossed baby is where he/ she is supposed to be! At least the scan is tomorrow, so not too long to wait.

I hope all your symptoms lead somewhere- I had nothing at all with my daughter, who was induced at term +12, so infection it's got to be positive. :) xxx
Bunny I am the same at mo, I have to wear clothes as my daughter would think I was a weirdo but I really hate wearing them at mo lol x
Feeling so agitated at the moment. And it's 1 am and I can't sleep! Arghhh!
I feel your pain Kelly this hospital ward is so noisey it's driving me insane :wall: let alone the heat !!!
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Well the bath did work last night but nit fir long. Then the heartburn kicked in followed by a night of aching on whatever side I laid n what felt like cramps or a pulled muscle either side not fun.

Feel ok now tho altho lost a bit more plug this morn so u never know hopefully things are moving in the right direction.

Can't believe this time next week we will b getting ready to go hospital!!!!!

All this not sleeping, heartburn, needing a wee several times a night is great preparation for sleepless nights to come. Amelia's been a pain the last couple of nights too. Wide awake at 3:30 wanting cuddles. Last night she wanted both me and daddy and cried when one of us tried to leave the room! So she ended up in our bed where she thinks it playtime! God knows what we'll do when we have a newborn as well!
I was up at 6 after feeling wet I'd popped a pad on just incase as I felt off yesterday well I woke up to more plug loss it was so vile. I've had period pains since waking up and a pressure in my bum as well as sharp pains in my foof like something's pushing think he's decided to drop more on me haha. Xxx
It's all go for symptoms in here! Once again apologising for being so rubbish at keeping up.
Bunny - 25th August is my parents' wedding anniversary and they were hoping my section would be that date!
Summer - I didn't leak anything with my son, not a drop until my milk came in. I started leaking early this time but put it down to second pregnancy.
Doll_eyes - Congratulations on finishing work, get some well deserved feet up time now, whilst you can ;)
Michelle - hope the pain has eased up, still sticking to my "you will be next" prediction. Part of me still thinks August baby!
H - hope you're feeling better and the GTT comes back normal. Tell me about it re: kids shoes! Otto wears trainers most of the time but he's flat footed so has to have some Clarks as well to wear for a bit every day (I'm flat footed and I've survived!) and they were 30 odd quid. His Vans, Converse etc are all cheaper and they're branded.
Had a lovely weekend with the family. My nephew loved the twins, he kept saying "is this the big one or the little one?" He calls them Biggy and Littley. Otto's teeth have been bothering him but I noticed he kept stumbling and running off to the right, took him to the Drs and he has a bad ear infection so he's on antibiotics now. You wouldn't know he's ill though, apart from wanting cuddles he's still his mad self! :D
Nicnax - My son was breech but turned in the end, when he was breech I felt kicks lower down.
Violet - Sounds like things are all moving in the right direction!
Hope everyone else is well. Xx
The way I'm feeling now Gilly I'm very happy to b the next in line lol!!

We have been so lucky so far Harry's grandad paid fir his first shoes n the nanny paid for the second ones n a doddles pair which cost £50 together!!!

Daddy will b getting his wallet put next time tho.

Harry's just gone off to nursery so I'm guna do sum cleaning see if I can get baby out lol.

Glad I am not alone on the shoe front!

Hope the eviction plan works Michelle, will keep fingers crossed for you. I am 37 weeks now so am going to start ramping up my evict baby methods now too. This backache and hip pain is getting horrendous, had the worst nights sleep in a long time last night so sooner baby comes the better! I really think I will go to term or over though as no more plug lost or anything. Maybe I will scrub the floor repeatedly this week lol.

Mum gave me hope yesterday, out of us 5 kids my oldest brother was overdue like Ruby but the rest of us were all 2-4 weeks early apart from one of my brothers who was slightly late but he has a heart problem so that probably had something to do with it. Gives me hope that I could have baby any time if I take after her x
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Nic good luck with your scan today!

Haha H I can just imagine your little girl thinking what on earth is mummy doing! Haha.

All sounds good Michelle, obviously minus the heartburn etc! Fingers crossed!

Don't apologise Gilly you have three very important people to look after - how are you all doing?

Violet sounds like you won't be long now till you meet your little one! I think you'll be a que jumper!

Ramsey hope you managed to get some sleep babe and things progress quickly for you today! So excited for you.

Last night I had such a broken sleep, after me saying how well I've been sleeping I must have been up and down 5 times last night so still chilling in bed now. Had a giggle this morning tho found pictures of me and OH from 8 years ago, why did anyone let us go out like that! It's our anniversary today I think I mentioned yesterday so we were expecting baby to make an appearance but everything seems to have completely calmed down for me symptom wise.

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