I have that all the time now Violet, MW said to me on Saturday that get used to it basically because the bladder is so squashed now sometimes it'll just be a trickle and I get them pains daily too that stop me in my tracks. Can imagine how much you miss your mum babe, hope you get to see her soon.
Good luck for tomorrow Tessa I'll keep checking in to see if you have any news - your plan for tonight sounds perfect!
Summer that's great news , in a way haha! Obviously don't want you feeling awful but exciting your body could be gearing up.
I can't believe it was a week ago tomorrow I shafted having lots of symptoms , then the weekend we all thought she was coming, I've had continuous dull ache all day , some shooting pains and still felt lots of movement. I think little miss is to comfy but we will see. Me and OH went for a lovely meal and then watched 'sex tape' with Cameron Diaz in it was so funny! Chilling now as I've gave him the remote, going to DTD again tonight xxxxx