*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

I will catch up and hope all you ladies have a quick speedy labour. Thanks to my September mummy family for all the support and listening you guys have done, I have a healthy happy baby boy who arrived this morning, I will eventually do a proper induction thread but got to 10cm with only a bath as pain relief so you guys can do it!!! (I'm the biggest wimp ever) good luck and love to you all
Awwww congrats sweetheart, so pleased for you and sounds like you did fantastically well! Enjoy your lovely little boy, much love xxxx
H, how do you feel?
Bunny and violet too?
Bunny, just have a lot more sex lol x
Congratulations Ramsey :) lovely news x
Congratulations Ramsay!! Look forward to reading your birth story!

How is everyone today? Yesterday when I woke up my bump had dropped loads... Today it's practically gone! Remember this happening a few days before Belle was born, I literally look like I did about 15 weeks ago!

Bunny the other night when we dtd contractions were going within about an hour, but then stopped after about another hour which I was fully expecting. With belle we dtd on the thursday night and then I had the show/bleed Saturday night which resulted in me going into hospital/being induced..... So who knows really?! X
Congratulations Ramsey!! :pompom:Enjoy cuddles with your little chap - please post us a pic when you are all settled :)

Sounds promising MP! Let's hope this full moon on Saturday kicks us all off :)

Sounds like everyone had a rubbish night last night! We DTD and I woke up at about about midnight with intense BH, between that and needing to pee I was up pretty much every hour until 5am! Not sure it was worth the disturbed nights sleep to be honest! Perhaps morning sex is the answer :lol:

My appt. is at 14:45 bunny :)

Ahhhh that's interesting to know thanks H, I also had hot chicken wraps last night although the midwife did say the only scientifically proven way of bringing on labour is sex and the rest are old wives tales/haven't been proven. I know people say don't get obsessed with trying everything but it keeps me occupied whilst waiting haha!

Sorry your symptoms seemed to stop in the night, that's what happened to me at the weekend. All our babies are teasing us :) balls in their court now they are the bosses haha!

Fingers crossed this is it Violet and not anything else :)

Ramsey thank you so much for letting us be a part of your story!!! Can't wait to see your little man - enjoy cuddles. Lots and lots of love !!

Kelly I feel fine today, tired but fine, going to bounce on my ball with a Raspberry Leaf Tea & then clean, again haha dad and his fiancé are coming round early afternoon. How about you?

Good luck today summer!!! xxxxxx
My bump did that a few weeks ago but then went back to normal. Although it's definitely lower than it was. I'll have to do a comparison photo soon so that I can tell.

Summer, plenty more sex for you too to get those BH into the real thing :-p

I can't really move much today, cramps and shooting pains are quite intense. Not enjoying these last few weeks. :( x
Enjoy cleaning! I will be doing the same today and also need to get out the bottles and steriliser etc and find a home for them.

I had a dream last night that OH me went to the shop to 'buy' our new baby. We got to pick which one we wanted lol x
Haha Kelly love that dream that's so funny! I just constantly have dreams about labour about her being placed on my chest and cuddles with her daddy!

Yes summer sounds all good, plenty more sex and your little one could be here before you know it. Bet all our OH's are made up haha!

I managed to get back to sleep but been woken up again with these horrible pains. Tummy is killing me so just keeping fluids up and lying in bed for a while. I look and feel as if I've been on a night out its ridiculous I've been up at 5 before and never felt this bad xx
I'd love to dream nice dreams about baby. But I tend to have dreams like she arrives and I forget to feed her etc. I guess it's the element of her not being around yet! X
Good luck with appointments today Tessa and Summer :)

I feel ok, getting tightenings and very intense pelvic pressure when I stand up but that is getting pretty standard these days! With my daughter I had symptoms like this on and off for a couple of weeks before labour - been a week for me now so fingers crossed he appears before September 15th just as I am impatient lol. Not really losing plug though, only a couple of tiny bits in last few weeks so don't feel like body is quite ready yet. With my daughter I was losing plug for the 10 days leading upto labour and I remember thinking how much more is going to come out as there was loads and then they day I gave birth a massive contraction woke me up and I had a nice big bloody show just when I thought there was none left lol.

Should find out my GTT results today so fingers crossed they come back clear, if not I am not sure if I will need another scan or something, there was some talk of induction depending on size of baby if the results come back positive. Will let you all know the news later on anyway :)

I have similar plans today - birthing ball, tea, scrubbing the bathroom etc haha. Hope you all have a lovely day x
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My bump had dropped too Mary, but now seems quite high again. I felt sooo sick yesterday typical on my first day of maternity. Was getting some really painful daggers and was so restless think I managed about three hours sleep. Luckily the nausea isnt too bad today, I've got IBS though and my stomach is really cramping after being fine all pregnancy hoping it's a sign things are heading in the right direction.

I've been given four bags of barely worn or new baby stuff from s friend yesterday and she s giving me a silver cross pram as shes ordered her lo a new more "bling" one lol she's got four prams and her baby is only 5/months xx
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That's how I've been Kelly since about last Wednesday , seems to have dyed off now or maybe I'm just getting used too it! I'm not getting too worried about her being late anymore i just enjoy trying all these things and of course I want her here sooner rather then later.

I think MW got my hopes up saying she doubts she will see me next Tuesday, also I think I've said before but it's my nieces first birthday next Thursday and I had my heart setting on little miss being there for her first birthday, I also really don't want to go in to labour on the same day as her birthday! We will see tho! Xxxxxx
Also happy anniversary summer!!!!

Is anyone using Clary Sage oil in the bath or know much about it x x
The pressure is insane isn't it. I didn't get this last time either. No plug either but I didn't get that last time either haha!
H, hope you won't need an induction xx

I've decided to go for a walk this morning with OH and Joshy! Take him to the park and walk around a bit as the cramps are quite horrible. Midwife said it was my BH but never realised that before! X

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