I did EPO and raspberry leaf tea last time, didn't bring on labour but I did have a quick pushing time and only a graze. If I'm having an induction rather than a section I will do the same this time.
Back from the in laws, FiL looks the best I've see him in ages, the medication they have put him on really seems to be working. His cancer is terminal but he was so cheerful and agile today, it's clearly giving him a much better quality of life.
MiL woes are the same as usual, undermines me constantly but I've spoken to hubby who said I should just say something, calmly told him that it's his place to do so, but when it actually happens rather than bringing it up now as I think then it will become a bigger issue.
She's said she will come over before I go into hospital but we potentially only have 2 more weekends just the 3 of us so I might have to be firm and say no.
Less of a rant this week, I must be growing up!
Hope everyone has had a lovely day. Xx