*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Awww ladies I had the best baby shower , started at 1 and I didn't get to bed till 11, exhausted today now haha. Going to spend the day putting all the presents away, trying to think of a good way to put the clothes away but remember who they are off so I can send them a picture of her in them when she's here.

Had hair and make up done in the morning & she's an old school friend and didn't charge me as part of my present. Had the most gorgeous weather was 24 degrees all day so sat in the garden all day , so lucky after it being crap weather all week. Played some games, ate lots of food. Got everyone to sign a book with their predictions and best wishes, cried reading it this morning. So strange how many people have said end of August !!!

Hope you're all ok! I'm trying to catch up on this thread and JJ's labour xxxxx
Aw glad u had a lovely baby shower bunny! Very belated happy birthdays too.!
Iv had it said that if you have swollen feet rub the glands at the side of you groin as this will ease the pressure apparently!
Went to a wedding last night and only danced to a few songs but my the Braxton hicks this morning are impressive!! Not sure I want to dance it out for another couple weeks! Looking forward to going to Keswick for lunch today with Oh, hope you're all having a good wkend! x
So glad you enjoyed your day and the weather stayed good! Iv made a little memo list on my phone of presents people have got us already so i can thank them etc when baby arrives :) xx
Glad you had a fab day Bunny and the sun came out for you :)

Gilly, Ruby does the same when I say no, looks or runs to her Dad lol. Throwing the plate off the high chair seems to be a stage a lot of kids go through, my daughter has recently grown out of it thank God as it was super messy and annoying! Her new thing is getting stones out of the borders in garden and throwing them on the lawn or in the house so we are gradually getting her out of that at mo! We don't use a naughty step but I do think they are a good idea. I am afraid when mine is a little horror which thankfully isn't toooooo often she gets put up in her cot for a timeout on her own. Mean aren't I? Lol x
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Hope you can get something for it afterwards michelle. My mum doesn't like taking tablets but if they work then it's worth it as she used to just be in pain a lot. She didn't tell me what were called but just that she has been on them a few weeks now and they are really helping.

My son has the naughty corner. We started using that when he was about 14 months old. It's only been the last 2 or so months that he understands that when he comes out of the corner he has to say sorry. He now does that as soon as he is out of the corner. Definitely a good thing having it there so he knows when he is on the way to the corner.

I was boiling last night too! No duvet all night and I can never sleep without a duvet so something is up with me lol!

Sounds like a nice walk but I know that feeling so well summer :( x

Bunny, glad you had a good day yesterday! Lovely having lots of new outfits to look at and soon they will be filled. Yippee!
Dancing at a wedding is one thing I missed out on at the one in July. Walking is hard enough let alone dancing atm :( :(

Not mean H, my son goes in the corner but if he misbehaves there aswell then he gets sent up to bed. Considering he is only 2 today, he storms upstairs and slams his door behind him and runs into bed lol x
Hope J is having a fantastic birthday, Kelly! Happy birthday to him! Hope you have a fab BBQ.

So pleased to hear you had a fab shower, Bunny!! Sounds like a brilliant day. :) xx
Glad u had a lovely baby shower bunny, it's so nice putting the presents away n thinking it won't b long now till u use them isn't it.

Thanks Kelly yea will defo look in to some meds when all this is over as it came back bad about 5/6 months after Harry so I'm guessing it will do again.

Feeling so stuffed now from lunch I literally can't move!! I know it sounds awful burning think um ready fir baby now, I no I shouldn't Moan esp as u ladies r suffering a lot worse than me n r bigger than me but I'm so uncomfortable all the time now. Every job is tough from putting my shoes on to doing the washing n the bloody heartburn is horrid. And now I have a heat rash all over my arms,bump n legs looks awful. I shouldn't wish time away but roll on 3wks.

We doubt have a naught step but Harry has been a monkey lately trying to hut me n saying no so he gets sat down n told what he gas sine wrong n has just started to say sorry n cuddle me. Hate telling him off as he often cries himself but I know how important discipline is from a young age.

Glad I'm not the only one, and that Otto isn't the only one that his naughty moments.
I really want a Chinese takeaway tonight but I can't be bothered to go and collect it and feel bad asking hubby. I only managed 3 and a half windows and two thirds of a door before my back had had enough. He's been up a ladder for the past 2 hours doing the upstairs ones.
All I seem to think about is food at the moment, it's getting embarrassing! :D

And Michelle don't feel bad about saying you're ready now, I totally get it. Half of me is absolutely ready, the only thing stopping me saying it is their weights. Come Wednesday when I get their weight estimates, if they're decent sizes I'll be begging them to do my section/induction at 37 weeks.
Given they were 3.6 and 3.75 lbs last time, I'm hoping 4 weeks has got them up to 5 lbs... X
I agree with Gilly, don't feel bad about being ready for baby Michelle I feel exactly the same now, really fed up lol.

Hope little one is having a good birthday Kelly. Slamming doors sounds funny - I have heard of terrible twos, pretty sure Ruby has hit hers early, she been a devil this week! What made me laugh recently though was seeing loads of things online about having a "threenager" seems they get worse after the terrible twos hahaha. Something to look forward to eh?! x
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Thanks ladies.

Gilly u r carrying two so u r bound to b ready hun. Fx for good weights weds.

H u r measuring ahead so I can imagine ur pain hun. I'm only little n it hurts so God knows what you feel let's hope some of our little ones will make an early appearance!!

Thank you ladies. Had the most perfect day just can't believe how lucky we are.

Michelle don't feel bad about moaning that's what this forum , especially this thread is for, being able to be open and honest about how we're feel oh with people at the same stage as us. I am so ready to have little one here now, especially with the baby shower over now I have nothing to plan haha. I can't bend over at all and feel like a slob ha xxxx
Michelle, I'll ask my mum what she is on now. She has tried a few. I can't blame you for feeling how you feel. Everybody struggles with different things and it's just as hard for you as anyone. Roll on baby time for u x

H, I seen about threenager too and I am really not looking forward to that haha. Although, I don't think I've heard it first hand from family/friends who have had kids etc x

Had a nice, quiet day but the few people that were here made plenty of mess :( xx
So we have the woeful ones, terrible twos and threenagers... :D Tell me 4 is a nice age! Xx
Of course it is Gilly, they are off at school and come home knackered after so we get more peace! Hahahaha! xx
Im afraid i can confirm the threenager phase n it's worse with girls!! Altho I atI'll love the twos b threes it's my fav ages they e so inquisitive n thirsty for knowledge soaking up everything like a sponge. Also it's talking time n question tine altho why 100 Times in a row can try ur patience lol.

I'm so excited my best friend us being induced in the morn cant wait to find out what age is having n have sum newborn cuddles before I do it all again.

I can't wait to sniff a newborn!! Otto smells nice but he doesn't have that new baby smell. New baby and new car, the best smells in the world!! Xx
The hospital has just rang her n asked her if she minded postponing it which she replied yes I do mind!! They said they r busy b have lots of inductions tomoz, which doesn't bode well for her. She told them hubby has time off booked now n they have childcare organised let alone her mentally preparing herself for this day. She is still going in n but told it may b a long wait. Gutted for her.

Really hope that doesn't happen to me perhaps I should get sum of that tea after all lol speed things up!!

That's rubbish, and so disappointing for her. Even more so when everything has been organised.
When they decided to induce me they sent me home to get my bag and by the time I got back they said they would have to do it at 8am the next day. They had a bed ready for me but no way was I staying in on my own for no reason.
I hope they sort it out for her. Xx

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