*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

I already look absolutely awful! My hips have widened so much and I look generally fat!

I did the front garden today. Pulled a few weeds and now going to work on the house. It's not really in need of anything doing but I will find something! Lol x
Find something? You're nuts haha! I hate housework, I hate dirt and mess but I'd gladly pay someone else to sort it for me! x
Kelly so glad movements started up again for you ~ must be a relief! Bunny hope you are ok after your trip!
I am also starving the last 2 days, can't get enough food!

We are off to essex this weekend for a wedding. Nearly a 3 hour car journey from here so have packed hospital bag, car seat etc so I al all ready just in case! Makes it all feel a bit too real! So looking forward to seeing my uni friends but think the trip may cause some tears! Baby has a leg straight up in my ribs... Feels like a pole inside me, really uncomfy and I can't get Her to budge. Did sports day with the kiddies this morning in the hope all the movement would make her move enough to dislodge her leg but no such luck! X
Haha I know it is a bit silly.

Have a lovely time at the wedding and that baby doesn't make an appearance until comfortably at home x
Hope baby moves for you Tessa, have a lovely time at the wedding, loving the preparation. Exciting! x
Glad baby is moving now Kelly, big relief :)

Enjoy the wedding Tessa, you sound very well prepared! :D

I have been stupidly hungry for weeks but actually lost my appetite in the last couple of weeks and not eating anywhere near as much weirdly.

Ladies - was looking at my notes early and under presentation and position there is what looks like a doodle of baby rather than the normal 2 or 3 letter abbreviations that describe position! I know baby is head down but not in pelvis yet as she told me previously but I have no idea if baby is back to back etc as she appears to of drawn a stick baby instead of using the normal text abbreviation! (unless I am being dumb!) Is this common for midwives to do this? With Ruby I just had letters recorded never diagrams! Could you have a look at pic for me and let me know what you all think? It is the middle column!

Thanks x


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Head down, bum up? It's a bizarre drawing I'll give you that! x

Maybe post in the main bit, see if anyone else has anything like it.
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Thanks Gilly, have posted on main bit now - good idea :)

Would of been helpful if she said he was facing sideways, back to back etc as all that doodle confirms 100% is he is head down lol. I will have to mention it next time I see her! x
Sorry that I can't be of any assistance with that H! That's an odd one x

Just been for a little walk and struggled so so so much! X
My my midwife wrote and also did a little drawing to show what sort of angle baby is at. I presume they would say if baby was back to back ~ at least you would hope they would! X
I would take last drawing as though their back is to your left side, and then bum up top and legs out to right x
I don't even get notes, mine is all computerised. Liked being able to look at my notes last time. Otto is having a big fat nap so I've got my feet up with an ice pop. It's the little things! x
Had my 36 week appointment today. All went well. Babys head is down. She also told me this baby is looking to be slightly bigger than the last she is weighing 6lb 8!! My son was 7lb 5 and that was two weeks over due. Hardly slightly bigger! Haha. They told me my son was going to be 9lb odd so hopefully shes got it really wrong this time too.

What was everyones predicted weight at this appointment??

Also collected my pram. Iv had so much fun faffing about with it. I love it! Cannot wait to use it!! Xx
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I quite like having my notes to read too.
I never get weight estimates. I never have scans though lol.
My son was 7 lb 5 and I'm hoping my daughter won't be much more. Fingers crossed!x
Im on the same boat as you then kelly haha!! A lot of people have been told id the heads engaged and how much or if its free. I wasnt told any of that. And it mever crossed my mind to ask. I always take a mind blank when im talking to them. I just had it in my head i had to mention about the pain in my tail bone. She referred me to physio but said herself it wont do much good they might just tell you how to ease the pain. Sounds a bit like a waste of time to me :/ xx
Oh guys 36 weeks and the full on cankles have arrived!!!
I spent the afternoon at the office helping (or annoying) my husband and brother then couldn't get my shoes back on!! Had to waddle home standing on the backs of them - guess it's flip flops from here on. They are telling me I look like a hobbit because I've got skinny legs and giant fat feet :lol:
Any magic remedies apart from keeping them elevated / drinking lots of water?

Wow lots to catch up on!!

H I have had a drawing once like that n it means head down bum up n to the side, nit engaged but nit back to back either!

Tessa enjoy the wedding weather is ment to b good.

We went out to living coasts in Torquay today n the drive n walking etc has killed me. Just had a Inca bath but that hadn't helped much. I've had backache all day n nit been able to get comfy at all. So glad to b home n on the sofa.

Eeek have you guys seen JJ's gone into labour :dance: she started off in September mummies! Xxx
Unfortunately nothing for the swollen feet. Sunday was when mine really puffed. They went from perfectly fitting my shoes at 7.30am but when I put them on again at 8pm they were way too tight! Last time they got so swollen and itchy that I had to wrap flannels around them!
Michelle, enjoy a relaxin evening! :)
Ohh exciting. Wasn't she booked for a section though?

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