*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Yea so exciting- Ours will soon be updated with lots of births :) I know some of us are in line for inductions etc - does anyone currently have an actual date they'd like me to add?
My induction date is 1st Sept hun if this lo doesn't decided to b an Aug baby n I still have this feeling they might!! But they won't let me over the 1st. Can't wait now tho 35wks today. My best friend is being induced Mon n I'm so excited to see pink or blue n meet her lo. But then it's very scary as it will b my turn ekkk!!!

What's everyone up to this weekend? I wish I was having a quite one but no such luck, birthday bbq today n then a meal out n day at mums tomoz fir her 60th b'day celebrations.

Hope you're recovering from the journey Tessa! Have a fab time at the wedding.

Otto seems a bit out of sorts this morning, really grizzly and has a running nose and red eyes. Off to my MiL's today, no further info needed as no doubt I'll be having so crazy, hormonal rant later! :D

Tomorrow we're painting our exterior window frames...fun. Oh well 4 more sleeps until Wednesday, I need a date to look forward to!

Hope everyone else is having a lovely weekend. Enjoy your baby shower, Danielle and your mum's birthday, Michelle! xx
Michelle, have a lovely weekend even if you did want a quiet one.
Gilly hope you have a nice day with the in laws :)

In laws are coming down today. OH dad lives in Fleetwood so they are coming down for the day. I also have to pop to work this morning! Tomorrow is my son's 2nd birthday so a few family are coming down.

Bunny, have a fantastic day and Tessa enjoy the wedding x
Sounds like some nice plans for everyone's weeekend, hope you all have fun! Just seen pics of baby griffin he looks so lovely!

Thanks for good wishes! Our journey took 4 hours. Had some pretty intense cramps when we arrived, lots of head banging into cervix and lost a bit of plug. However all seems to have died down nicely this morning, feet still swollen but smaller than they were so am sure we will have a lovely day! Will be worth it I am sure xxx
Hope you all enjoy your days ladies and can't wear to hear the gossip later :)

I am having a super chilled weekend this week as last weekend was manic. Going to pick up my new moses basket mattress today and then will set the basket up in our room so it is all ready. Going to get my raspberry leaf tea today too :D

Apart from that nothing planned - football season starts today so I am going to be a football widow today as man u play at lunchtime so getting OH to move from TV will be impossible lol x
Hope everyone has a good weekend. A lot of you seem very busy! Hope cramps etc stay away so you can enjoy the wedding!

Bunny. Hope you have a fab time at your baby shower. Cant wait to hear all about it!

Hope otto is ok gilly!

Im also a widow for the day H! Oh and son are away to a friends house to watch the match. Iv plenty to be doing around the house but i just need the motivation... the thoughts of having a quiet free house makes me want to just chill. But on the other hand i could get so much done without them being under my feet! Decisions!! Lol xx
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I'm not sure if I'll use the EPO, I might start using it closer to my due date. I've been using raspberry leaf tea capsules since 32.5 weeks though. Think evening primrose oil is used to help soften/ripen the cervix. I know you can insert it internally and take it orally. I'll probably use it internally once I'm about 38 weeks as I used to take it for pmt as a teen and it gave me a sore stomach. Anything to help I guess! Although I think I'll go overdue unless my blood pressure stays raised and they're talking abut inducing me at 38 weeks which will only give me a week off on maternity before she's here :( always had such low blood pressure then this week it's unusually high and I've been getting bad headaches. Hoping I've just been overdoing it had a busy week at work and the MIL "helping" a bit too much.

Hope everyone is enjoying this lovely weather xx
Hmm i dont know if ill take it. Something i can think about. With my first i tried raspberry leaf tea and it turned me! It just made me feel so sick. Only lately iv seen here u can get in in capsules. So i might give them a try. Im 36+3. Id it too late to start taking them... would there be much point?
My first pregnancy my bp was always sky high and id badly swollen ankles. They let me go the full two weeks over before inducing me. Little did i know back then how dangerous it was! Hopefully yours sorts itself out soon. Try to relax as much as you can :) i cant talk... im nesting so bad right now. Im pretty sure iv pulled a muscle in my shoulder/back but sitting around is driving me crazy and its not helping the pain lol.

Whats the weather like where you are? Everyones saying how lovely it is... im currently looking out at grey clouds... :( xx
I did EPO and raspberry leaf tea last time, didn't bring on labour but I did have a quick pushing time and only a graze. If I'm having an induction rather than a section I will do the same this time.
Back from the in laws, FiL looks the best I've see him in ages, the medication they have put him on really seems to be working. His cancer is terminal but he was so cheerful and agile today, it's clearly giving him a much better quality of life.
MiL woes are the same as usual, undermines me constantly but I've spoken to hubby who said I should just say something, calmly told him that it's his place to do so, but when it actually happens rather than bringing it up now as I think then it will become a bigger issue.
She's said she will come over before I go into hospital but we potentially only have 2 more weekends just the 3 of us so I might have to be firm and say no.
Less of a rant this week, I must be growing up!
Hope everyone has had a lovely day. Xx
Waaaat. Its now raining here. Send some of your good weather this way!


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Rub it in guys hahaha

Can anyone reccommend a site to get these raspberry capsules. I think i want to give them a go lol xx
Omg its so hot here its unbearable. Bbq was fab the kids were in the pool loads n Harry hardly slept so crashed right out by 5.30!! Only just finished tidying up tho so im knackered now.

I don't think I want to try the tea as I'm not sure I want anything to happen any earlier or quicker lol.

Rub it in guys hahaha

Can anyone reccommend a site to get these raspberry capsules. I think i want to give them a go lol xx

Holland and Barrett or eBay I think is your best bet. I've ordered both primrose capsules and raspberry leaf tea off eBay x

It's been beautiful here today :-)
Joshy has had a ball with his family but I'm worn out! X
I'm not taking the primrose oil but got some raspberry leaf tea today and it tastes rank lol. Might have to invest in the capsules instead. I have seen them on Holland and Barrett but think they were £10 for 40 tablets! x

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