*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Youll sleep well tonight then too hayes lol. Feet up with a cup of tea is well deserved now lol! I felt the same 1st time round, i went 14 days over and i dont want to go that far over again! As far as iv heard it doesnt bring on labour, it tones you uterus to help contractions and shorten labour. Sounds alright to me lol!

Iv a holland and barrett near me... i always forget about there. Il have a look and see if theyre in stock if not il go online! Im not too sure about the promrose oil. I think il stick to the tea capsules.

I totally agree H iv tried the tea before and theres no way i could stomach it - im going straight for the capsules lol xx
I must be the only nutter that likes raspberry leaf tea. I'm just watching an old OBEM with twins, it's making a section more appealing than induction!!! They've got hands up there and all sorts!! X
Lol Gilly! Sounds lovely haha. Oh btw you are not alone - Bunny likes the tea too, must be a Danielle thing ;) x
I must be the only nutter that likes raspberry leaf tea. I'm just watching an old OBEM with twins, it's making a section more appealing than induction!!! They've got hands up there and all sorts!! X

I just watched it too on plus one, first time other half has sat and watched it , as soon as the second twin was starting to make her arrival , other half decided our dog needed taking out for his evening walk haha. I did get emotional (in between covering my eyes at some bits) hahaha x
This time 2 years ago, I was in such a bad mood because my son hadn't arrived on his due date haha!
Morning ladies you r right mummybee I did sleep well!!! Unfortunately I still feel tired sometimes this happens with my fibromyalgia but hey ho lots to do today so better get up n get going.

The weather's looking cloudy today but I think I'm actually glad of that the heat yesterday was to much for me.

I have the worst headache this morning, feel like my face is going to fall off! Swear it is due to the heat yesterday so hoping for a cold wet day today too lol x
I got my raspberry leaf tea from Amazon, I was ordering other things or so I didn't pay for delivery lol would have got them somewhere else otherwise. It's been raining all night here and I stupidly left washing out, ah well its staying out since the suns out.

Only three days at work this next week girlies! Then two the week after! Finally! Xx
Ooh baby's a coconut this week, my belly button is finally a disgusting brown outie with my linea negra. My husband thinks its gross I keep telling him to lick it and show him it haha x
Hahaha lick it! My belly button is brown and flat now lol. My daughter keeps saying "belly button gone!" lol x
Haha bless her, glad I'm not the only one with a brown belly button x
Bugger it's brightening up here now lol!!!

That's happened to me so many times doll eyes I leave it out n then it rains I just say it's having another rinse!!

Hope ur headache goes h n it stays wet fir you!!

Michelle, My mum has just been given some new tablets for her fibro,and she said they are amazing. But it has taken years for her to get these!

It's starting to clear up a bit now here too! Got plenty of visitors coming today and having a little bbq! Son is so hyper today with his new toys x
Sun is hidden away today, Otto is upstairs playing in his cot (hopefully going to nap) so me and hubby are painting our exterior window frames, rock and roll!!!
Really impatient to get my new kitchen now! Xx
Yea it took so long for a diagnosis n then when I wanted to get pg they just said best cum off all meds n good luck we dont know how that will go!! Not been very helpful to b honest. It's been pretty good during pg so far but can feel it creeping back esp now I'm carrying extra weight. Fab news for your mum tho Kelly, what tablets has she got??

Hope u have a lovely bbq n ur little boy enjoys his day.

Does anyone else's toddler have a naughty seat? Or do I just have a broken 15mth old?!! Don't get me wrong he's not naughty in a malicious way, he's just at this throwing things stage. He knows he shouldn't do it but he does and then laughs, sometimes repeatedly. This morning we had it with his breakfast plate, beaker, cutlery, all one at a time with us saying no and telling him it was naughty. Hubby put him on the bottom step and got down and told him he mustn't throw and that it makes is sad, he then told him to stay on the step. Surprisingly he actually sat on the step until daddy went and spoke to him again (a minute later). Now rationally I know he can't really understand or apologise but is it worth keeping it up? It definitely calmed him down, he wasn't looking for mischief when he got off it, in fact he gave his dad a kiss and a cuddle.
Thing I find hardest is I tell him 'no' and he ignores me and looks at his dad!!!! Little sod! Xx
My mum and friend have fibro too so i know what you mean. Glad you got a good sleep last night. Hopefully once you get up and about youll feel a wee bit more normal! Iv woken up to another shitty wet morning - il try aend some of it your way! Lol
Id an awful sleep. Fell asleep pretty early. Son woke with noght terrors around 11. Finally managed to get to sleep myself around 1. Up again 2.30 and that was me till 5. Just couldnt get comfortable, up every half hr to pee and was roasting! My partner worked nightshift all last week and last night was his first night back in bed with me. I think i get used to having the bed to my self after a while lol
Feel you pain H. My heads thumping from lack of sleep but have to get up and go to the car boot with my dad. Iv been promising him the last 3 weekends id go up for a nosey with him and each time iv just been too tired. May aswell get it over and done with lol!!

Doll eyes!!!!! Thats so gross!!! Hahaha. Id my belly button peirced and i decided to take it out as the skin was getting thin - my son keeps poking it wondering where the bar has went and even that creetps me out lmao!! Mine isnt poking out but as for hair... my whole bump is covered! None of this wee fine line business. Its pretty dark too - well to me it is my partner says he cant really notice it but i think its terrible looking lol. I am constantly tempted to take a razor of some sort to it haha!!

Hope you enjoy your bbq kelly! Xx
Enjoy your BBQ Kelly - I wanted to go and see 'inside out' the new Disney Pixar (such a big kid) but seems a shame to waste the sunshine sat in a cinema. We went for a lovely walk round the lakes near us yesterday - took it very slow and wasn't a long walk at all (45mins) but even do got home and my feet/ankles were like balloons - so difficult to keep the balance of being active and putting feet up.
Hope you had a fantastic time at your baby shower Bunny?
I'm a bit unsure about raspberry leaf tea - I'd have to take the capsules as I was never a hot drink drinker even before pregnancy, but lots of reviews have said they help tone your uterus and increase braxton hicks etc. My braxton hicks have ramped up loads recently and by the end of the day I already feel as if I've done 100 sit ups! I'm worried it might send me over! Though I'll probably massively regret not taking it when Im a week overdue and have a really long labour!! Ha ... Decisions decisions ...
Gilly i use the naughty step for my son. 99% of the time he is a brilliant child but recently everything is no and hes started to throw things. Its been working for us so far and now a lot of the time we just need to threaten him with it and he will do what he is told. Forget about the terrible twos. Mines the terrible threes!!

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