*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Just had a look! Excited for her. Can't wait for that to happen again! I hope my waters break first like they did last time. I knew it was happening then :-D
Yea I'm kind of hoping the same Kelly - a bit more definitive than 'are they aren't they' contractions. I think JJ was booked for a section 31st August or something - but as she has naturally gone into labour now I don't really know what happens ... Exciting though!
I think we all need to get to soft play to get some movements. I've started taking primrose oil capsules, I've ordered raspberry leaf tea but not arrived yet x
Ive never been told estimated weight at MW apps, didn't know it was possible. She was 3lb 5 weeks ago at my private scan.

OMG JJ gone in to labour? Is that in the August thread?

I've had a pretty busy day with it being baby shower tomorrow, just got home and feel really nausea's again so lying down with a huge glass of ice cold water hoping it passes. Really want to feel good tomorrow and enjoy the day - waited for this day for so long never thought it would happen to us!
Just looked, Lollie has had her baby too 3 weeks early xxxx
2.5 hours into journey... Probably another 2 to go as traffic has been bad. Back ache, cramping, painful tightenings. Clearly all car related but oh my I am ready to get there. Pain!!!!!

Jj labour thread has perked me up no end though! Xx
Off to read JJ's thread - how exciting.

Just been and bought a new kitchen, we know how to live on a Friday night!! X
So exciting to see Jen has gone into labour, the August Mummies thread is off the charts lately, I can't keep up with all the new arrivals!

Sorry to hear the journey is a bit of a mare Tessa, hope you get there soon and get to relax!

Hope the shower goes well tomorrow Bunny, can't wait to hear all about it :)

My waters never broke, they had to be broken for me once my contractions were in swing. I always assumed they broke first before I had my daughter. Mum told me after I had my daughter that with me and all 4 of my brothers she had to have her waters broken every time so guess it is not that unusual lol.

Thanks to you lovely ladies on here I now know my baby is head down facing sideways lol. Apparently they normally move into proper position by 36 weeks so I will ask her to let me know at that appointment what he is doing :) My mum is coming with me to my 36 week appointment as she thinks my midwife is an idiot and wants to meet her hahaha x
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Wow Gilly, that is some purchase for a Friday night haha! Will it be installed in time before the babies arrive? x
By the looks of it, she is getting a section still x
Bunny, hope you have a good baby shower tomoro, nausea free! :-D
Tessa, I really feel for you. Our trip to Ipswich on Sunday was painful enough and baby was in a fairly good position!

Haha H, hope you mum doesn't tell her exactly what she thinks! I seen a few on one born who's waters never broke naturally. For me it was good at the time and I was at home, but I guess I wouldn't be so keen if it happened anywhere else :-p x
Oh no Tessa I do feel fir you just over an hr was enough fir me. Hope u r there now n enjoying urself.

So excited to see jj Mum is having her baby n can't wait to start seeing our threads.

OMG Tessa really feel for you! I couldn't do that we went the lakes Wednesday didn't we and its only just over an hour away and I was aching loads.

Had my brows done today, nails yesterday starting to feel like a lady again haha!!! Really excited for tomorrow now so going to try having an early night.

My raspberry leaf tea has just been delivered - yes 9pm on a Friday night. Random! So will be having one of them before bed, hope I like them wish me luck haha.

I know Michelle I am so excited can't wait to see all ours and see how close we all get to or past our due dates x x x
Have you seen MT's baby pics in August mummies? She is beautiful!! xxx
I don't know whether to bother with raspberry leaf tea, if I'm having a section it's pointless isn't it?

We've put off the kitchen until October, H. Didn't want any added pressure at the moment.

Dolly has had baby Amy!

Love how August mummies are updating the first page of their thread, have you seen summer? Xxxxx
Just had a look at their first page, can't believe how many babies have been born early so far! X
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