*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Well I just got back from job centre and they confirmed they cannot reopen my claim so I had to make a new claim but they put it through as a rapid reclaim so only had to answer a couple of questions. They going to let me know what evidence they need next week to support claim so fingers crossed I can get it sorted quickly but they did warn me there is a waiting time of up til 6th October at the moment to get a decision! x
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I can't believe the waiting time! If your in need then it's such a shame that it takes so long to be sorted x
Hope it's sorted quickly for you, H.

Spent the day in triage! Had a sweep this morning. BP was borderline high so had to go to hospital to be monitored. Came down eventually and bloods came back clear. Induction is booked for 5pm Friday if nothing happens before then.
What a pain H! Hope they pick they're feet up!
Katherine - oh no - glad alls ok tho and you're blood pressure had reduced back down. Must be nice to have an induction date then you can properly count down to meeting your little one!

Must be in some sort of nesting mode - have so much energy today made two cakes, cleaned, finished a painting, started a new one and now fidgeting what to do next! Xx
Friday! Yippee that's soon xx

Char, make the most of the time :-p x
Sorry to hear that it is taking a long time h makes my blood boil how much the system is messed up!!

These babies r cuming a long now yippee we will all b in the baby section soon.

H sorry it's taking so long to get sorted ~ what a stupid rule!

Katherine friday is so close! Hope you are feeling ok about it all, and glad bp came back down.

Char sounds like a lovely day, I had loads of energy last Sunday... No idea where it came from but I enjoyed it!!!

I am grumpy today. After being little miss positive about being overdue I am now miserable, pissed off and feeling that nothing will happen until induction which is at least a week away. Pants x
Thanks ladies, will just have to try and be rather economical for 3 weeks and hope it comes through sooner! :)

No more plug lost today so feeling a bit frustrated about that, got loads of back pain and feeling rather crampy again but think that is just due to me running round like a lunatic today to get things sorted out.

OH watching the footy tonight so am going to enjoy the peace and watch some drivel on tv. Just put Ruby to bed, she been such a good girl all day and then threw a massive tantrum for the last 20 mins before bedtime. Kids! Better than an all day tantrum on the bright side lol x
Tessa I was the same. Positive one day and then disappointed and miserable the next :(
Best of luck! Xx
Have a lovely evening Helen :)
My OH is playing xbox so I'm watching the other tv with baby cuddles :-)

Joshy has been a bit of a nightmare today with Megan xx
Ah kelly its bound to take him a while to get used to it. What's he been doing?

Hope you are enjoying those precious baby cuddles xx
Oh no Kelly! Is he getting jealous? I am fully expecting Ruby to ask when our baby is going back once he arrives lol x
He is just very OTT. Trying to pick her up, poke her, cuddle her tightly, squeeze her etc. Then in between he has purposely pushed his luck lol. I know it's probably very odd for him. He went to bed well though so that is good, hopefully we progress a little by the day x
Awww, sounds a lot like what Ruby does with basically every baby she meets lol. My biggest fear is her bedtime going out of window so fact your little boy went to bed ok gives me hope :) xx
40+1 so officially in the overdue club now, really hoped after going so badly overdue with Ruby it wouldn't happen this time but never mind.

Poor old Ruby got a bad cold again for second time in last couple of weeks so we had a bad night of broken sleep, feel like an absolute zombie this morning, hoping she naps ok in a couple of hours so I can catch up on an hour of sleep. If I went into labour today I am not sure I would be much use being this tired lol.

Hope you are all ok and that we get some babies today :) x
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Good luck H! I hope you have your baby before you get to 9 days overdue again! It's so strange how it changes as soon as baby arrives. I've totally forgotten about the horror of all that waiting x
Nothing happened overnight here. Had period pains and snotty brown discharge but pains have stopped now. Doc who did sweep said I was 3cm when she'd done. Still expecting to last until Friday when I'll be 9 days over. Having a couple of lazy days before then hopefully.
Nothing happening here either, got a sweep at half 10 tomorrow morning so praying it helps. Got a lot of pelvic pain today and painful swollen bits as a result (tmi) so would appreciate baby appearing now x
Hi ladies.i gave birth to a beautiful boy at 6.30 am today my first baby. it was all so quick went in at 3am to triage and i was dilated 4cm. It was too late for even pethidine and delivered baby on gas and air although had to be cut. Were both fine,might be discharged in 2 hours. Babys due date was 18 september and had a sweep booked saturday.lol
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