*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Fx ladies these sweeps r guna force those babies out!!!

Good luck for today's sweeps ladies. A good batch for weekend, would be great x
Community midwife just been. BP is fine today so Tuesday must have been a blip. Still no signs of labour so looking like induction tomorrow evening. Just hope it's not a long drawn out one :-(

Good luck everyone with sweeps today x
Hope your sweep goes well later Tessa and hope you have a nice swift labour if induced Katherine :) x

Sweep done, I am 3cm dilated on outer part but only slightly dilated on inner part. She said with a good walk today and tomorrow I should go into labour quite easily though so fingers crossed. Had contractions the second she stopped doing sweep and just walked the 40 mins home, got back ache and cramping so we shall see what happens but will defo be going for a walk everyday now until I labour :) x
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Ohh get walking!
I know it's a struggle though sometimes and I tried so much :(

Getting contractions but not painful ones at mo. Just feel really tight.
Same here h, sweep doing something but wouldn't say contractions. Have been for a walk and now bouncing away! Did you get an induction booked or not yet? Xx
Glad it is having an affect Tessa :) No induction date yet, she booked me in for another sweep next Thursday incase I don't labour before then and said she would arrange induction date then :) been losing bit of watery blood myself but mine has been a rusty brown colour. Did they give you an induction date Tessa? X
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Next Thursday! That's quite a wait Helen! Xx

I know :( she only works on a Thursday! I am blatantly going to be the last person to give birth just sat here talking to myself for another week hahahhaha! X
And we will still talk to you!!!! Just read the booklet on induction... It happened so quick for me last time but I. Can't believe they put the first pessary in and then leave you for 24 hours!! That is bloody ages! They are phoning by 9 30 sat morning to give me a time but if the first pessary does nothing it could easily be that she's not born till Monday. Or if more important cases get pushed forward I will get put back till Sunday anyway.... That gives you days to get ahead of me h! X
Awww no you need to have baby before me Tessa, you been waiting longer than me! :)

I would be happy if baby turned up anytime in next 5 days really. Just next Thursday feels like a lifetime away and my induction date would likely be the 27th or 28th which is too depressing to think about been as I am in a lot of pelvic pain every day now. Just having one of those days where you feel like it is never going to happen :(

I am back to no contractions and just constant backache now so think I shall go to bed as nothing is going to happen tonight by looks of it. OH has a nice long route planned out for our walk tomorrow so looking forward to that, at least I will feel like I am doing something to encourage labour a little bit earlier than next week :) xx
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What If your waters are bulging Tessa? Do they just break them?
I was told my induction would just be breaking my waters, no pessary etc.

I know how you feel. The pain makes it so much harder :(
Have a nice walk tomorrow but don't overdo it xxx
Kelly I am really hoping they may just be able to break my waters, that would be ideal! Was 1-2cm today before sweep, hopefully maybe another after so I will remain hopeful!

H I would be happy for you if you dived in before me ~ you have been in so much more pain! Having said that today I have develop a pregnant persons walk as think I have pulled a muscle in my inner thigh. Has hurt all day and this evening is really quite painful. However at least I have done it right near the end! Sure I will have bigger pains by the weekend!

H all seems to have stopped for me too ~ let's just get a good nights sleep x

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