*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

H, I was recommended sleeping and walking today.. lots of that! Lol x
Good luck Dairygirl! Baby snuggles soon!!
Hope you don't have too long to wait Kelly!
Sending bestest of wishes to you Baby2sky and that they can put if mind at ease xxx
Kelly that is fab, 3cm is nearly a third of the way to pushing. That will give you such a good start when the pains properly begin!

Summer glad you are doing so well, from what I remember those crazy sore boobs only last a day so hopefully by tomorrow things should be a lot easier!

Seems like there are so few of us left now.... Thanks to the new mummies for continuing to check in on us! Xx
Hi ladies, sorry I've been absent for a couple of days, had a bit of a tough time feeding, I've started expressing cos of the state of my nipples (blistered, bleeding) and had to top up with formula a couple of times last night, I don't seem to be producing enough milk for my little man as I'm expressing 40 and he's taking another 60 on top of that. Spoke to the midwife this morning and she was great, really took the pressure off breast feeding, said to take it one day at a time. She also said that I'm doing the right thing by recognising he needs the extra. Made me feel 10 times better. He's had to have a repeat jaundice check this morning and his results yesterday were a bit low, so waiting for today's update. Other than that, he's absolutely amazing and I can't believe I made him and he's all mine!

Sounds like we have some babies due imminently!

Good luck today Dairy x
I'm definitely in pain, but it's not regular still :( I can't cope with this until Wednesday morning!

Not too many babies left. It will soon be birthday season next year lol!

Purple, well done on the bf and expressing. Sounds like you are doing great and enjoying your new baby :-) xx
Oops missed that post Kelly! Three cm is good - fingers crossed it comes before Wednesday xx
Yeah summer my boobs were horrendous on Saturday I was crying my eyes out with the pain but they are fine now, hope they sort themselves out for you. Midwife told me wear my bra tight.

Great news about the 3cm Kelly! Sorry you're in pain though, is it wrong to wish you more pain? I do hope they ramp up for you and you pop before Wednesday.

Hope your boobs ease soon, Summer. Glad Logan is doing so well.

Purplecandy - you sound like you're having a similar experience to me. Don't beat yourself up about it, you're doing what is best for baby and you. Eric needs a happy mummy. Hope your nipples feel better soon. Xxx
It's right to wish more pain :)
I just wish it would ramp up a little bit. It's like super slow labour or something x
Ah, good luck to those due imminently! I'm still here- 1 week til due date, and absolutely nothing occurring! I may end up an October mummy, but I'm still hoping! :)
Haha the sentence 'hope your nipples feel better soon' made me laugh! But I hope they do too!
Made me laugh too Tessa lol.

Hope we all get our babies soon!

Last of my benefits were cancelled today so we have £113 left to last us at least 3 weeks as apparently they can't reinstate them any quicker than that even though it is their fault not mine. Had a few offers of help with money but hate taking other people's money :( I will be spending my due date tomorrow on a trip to the job centre with evidence proving OH out of work! X
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H, This country is a joke re benefits. When u look at what some people get who don't deserve it but play the system. Hope you get sorted tomorrow. Shame them into doing something!
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Ahh h that's so shit hun hope u can get sumthing sorted out.

Oh Helen, I hope they get something sorted for you. That's ridiculous! *big hugs* xx
That's rubbish h, sending a hug. Hopefully they will understand your situation.... Remember to cry! X
Always cry. Sod the feminists, the crying and boobs are what make us the superior sex. X
Sorry ladies! Haven't had a chance to message. Went into labour at 4 and had baby Megan at 7.01pm. Will update later on xx
Ah that's amazing kelly!! Massive congratulations ~ I am so happy for you xxxx

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