*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Awww Kelly 3 hours! That is amazing! Congratulations, so pleased for you hun and I love the name! xxx
Thanks ladies, the tears will defo be flowing and Gilly I totally agree! x
Can I have a little rant? We dtd, cramps and pains back in full swing, but it's the same that happened last night and other nights and so I am just waiting for it to tail off. IF this pain was doing something I would be totally up for it, but after she couldn't even get in to do proper sweep last wed I am not convinced there is any good to it ~ that is just bloody annoying! X
I feel your pain Tessa hun, I was absolutely convinced my pains on Sunday were early labour pains as they were that bad and then nothing and today I have felt great really! I am so bored of pains that lead to nothing! It is like a cruel trick isn't it? x
Congratulations Kelly! Our daughter is called Megan too! Lovely quick labour - well done - enjoy your new little pink bundle xxx
Sat here having slightly painful contractions, I am sure it won't turn into anything as it never does but just thought I would share lol x
Good luck ladies. Hope it happens soon xx
H, one time they will turn into something though! :-D xx
Wahoo Kelly congratulations hun can't wait to hear ur story.

Hope Tessa n h r right behind you.

Thanks for the nipple well wishes ladies ;)

They're still bleeding even with expressing but I'm doing what I can to ensure my little monkey gets all of the little goodness I can produce.

His jaundice check was low again today, so coming again tomorrow for recheck. Poor thing, didn't cry with his heel prick though.

Noticed he's started to get a little sore in the crease of his leg under nappy, am I ok to put sudacrem on this? x

Congratulations Kelly! x

H, hope your benefits get sorted, what a joke. Happy due date! x
Thanks Purple :) I would definitely use sudocreme if he is sore hun xx

Well I lost a nice big bit of plug this morning after moaning I haven't been losing any, yay progress!
Yay for your plug H.

We've got an appointment with the consultant this morning at 9:30. Hoping they'll do a sweep which might kick things off. Should get a date for induction too if nothing happens before.

Amelia's been awake since 5:30! Better than the night before when she moaned pretty much all night. Think she's getting more teeth as she had a runny nose all day yesterday. Managed to keep her in our bed til 6:45 but will definitely need a nap this afternoon when she has one!
Hope all goes well today Katherine and the sweep gives you the little push you need :)

Feel the pain on the moaney child, as soon as I got into bed last night Ruby had me up 3 times within the first hour and then kept waking me up all night moaning every half hour. Surprisingly I don't feel too bad considering what a bad sleep I had lol :) Hope you get that nap later xx
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We must be mad doing this all again when we've not got the first ones sleeping through, ha.
Hope u get sorted today H x
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Good luck Katherine :) hope you get a sweep today x

H, sorry to hear about your benefits. I hate the way things work sometimes. Grr!!

We didn't have our son last night. We got home just after midnight and had about 4 hours sleep so not too bad x
H I do hope u can get things sorted today n happy die date let's hope ur lo is a due date baby.

Glad u got sum sleep Kelly, I managed a pretty good night as hubby got up lol.

Hope u get ur sweep Katherine.

Congratulations Kelly!! Fantastic news!! :) yay for more babies!
Hope you get sorted today H - tears and a bump have to pull on someone's heart strings in there!!
Good luck with you're sweep! Xxx
H happy due date and good luck today!

Katherine hope you get the sweep and its successful ~ let's keep coming september babies!! X

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