*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

There are 6 of us left waiting who post on forum I believe - me, Tessa, Katherine, Violet , Char and Baby2sky x
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I'm still here, due Monday, with no signs whatsoever! Loving these birth announcements (especially the ones with nice quick labours!). Good luck to those waiting,and congrats to this with their babies. Xxx
Im here, not due until the 27th so expecting to be an October mum x no signs either.
Me too - other due date tomorrow! Woop! Tho I could do with it waiting til Monday as my parents are up visiting on Sunday and it's starting to stress me out...as they're bringing they're dog etc so it would be easier with out LO from that perspective. Booked in for sweep in thurs then il get date for induction! So excited we will have two babies by the end of this weekend tho! Woop!! X
I'm just sat around killing time til this afternoon. Hubby's gone to work this morning. Have to be in for 5pm to start induction. Hope it starts quickly or hubby gets turfed out at 8pm :-(
Hope there's some more babies putting an appearance in soon x
It's my due date and....my waters have just gushed in a huge puddle!!!
Hey guys thank u.ahh its exciting hearing updates! I woke up today realising it wouldve been my sweep at home today.ive been on strict bedrest orders literaly from my family which is lovely but gets boring.my sis in law has been coming cooking,cleaning and helping with baby. My husbands great too,breakfast in bed lol.i cant wait to be out and about with the little man though.
The stitches are still sore but bleeding is easing up. but i have no idea when ill be able to really sort out hygiene down there lol. i had my first bowl movement last night. 3 days before labour i was going toilet a lot and before i went to triage i went twice in the span of 20 minutes and i guess my body was clearing out stuff. I look at my baby and think wow i gave birth to you lol i do miss my tummy movements and the whole im pregnant thing. And almost everyone thought id be induced and had time left and it would be a long labour lol.my plug and waters happened when i was about 6cm about half an hour before baby came.
Fab news Char, keep us posted on progress Hun, much love xxxxx
Charlotte Anne Platt arrived yesterday at 12:56pm. Posted a separate thread. Good luck to all still waiting x
Congratulations Katherine !!!

Sorry haven't posted much on here recently I find it easier keeping up with the Facebook group at the minute , keep popping by when I can :) xxx
Congratulations Catherine!! :) fantastic!!
Jasmine Scarlett Louise Draper arrived 20th 12:25am 8pounds 1oz just got home from hospital - will post labour story shortly xx
Not too many to go now! Good luck to those of you still waiting x

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