Oh chardrop hope app going well, hopefully the cramps made some difference and will do their part in a nice quick labour.
Isn't it funny what a difference a day or two makes? Tuesday I was so sad and miserable all day and really worried about bonding with this baby with how down I was feeling. Yesterday I felt much better and had a lovely day with Belle. Today from the second I woke up I felt positive! Got everything crossed my sweep will be possible, and even better successful, but if not at least I will get an induction date, most likely next wednesday. If they do manage a sweep I plan to ask for another maybe Monday in case I need two to get going, and if they don't I will ask for induction earlier than wed if poss as think if they still can't do it then nothing is going to happen by itself. I do like to have a plan in place!
Belle is at pre school, I am about to go for a nice long bath and shave before leaving home about 1.
Let's do this ladies!!!! H hope this morning is successful for you. Katherine one more sleep! Xx