*~*~* September 2015 Mummies *~*~*

Congratulations sara! I cant believe how quick these labour have been this month!! We are slowly but surely filling up!! Wont be long for you all now. The end is in sight! Hate not being able to keep up here but im trying my best lol!! Just want to wish the rest of you good luck incase i do miss something!

Good luck for your sweep tomorrow H praying it kick starts thins for you! Xx
Congratulations Sara that's fab news n lovely quick labours hope it continues for those left!!

Congrats Sara, fab news Hun and another awesome quick labour story, gives me hope that my labour will be less than 29 hours this time lol x
Congrats Sara ~ yes let's let these lovely, quick, complication free labours continue!

H good luck for the sweep tomorrow, I have one at 2 but don't feel too confident in them being able to do it as don't feel any different to when they tried last week. However, let's hope that by tomorrow night we are both having some serious cramps xxx
Congratulations Sara!

Good luck for tomorrow H, fx the sweep gets things going.

Hope things start before Friday for you Katherine. :) xx
Wouldn't it be great if we both have successful sweeps and labour tomorrow Tessa! :D

How are you doing tonight Katherine? Any more bloody show etc? x
Yup h that would be fab! Or we could start tomorrow Eve and then join Katherine for a Friday birth? Either is great with me! Xx
Congratulations! :)
Good luck with the sweeps ladies!!

Hope these babies show themselves soon!! :-D

I already miss the waiting for baby part now lol. Never knowing when it was going to happen and always thinking it wouldn't x
Thanks kelly. Haha so funny that you miss it already, when it made you do miserable not long ago! X
Still got snotty discharge and serious fanny daggers but that's about it. Cramps seem to have stopped.
Fingers crossed it ramps up for you overnight hun x
Congratulations Sara! x

Aw H, sorry you're officially overdue now but good luck for tomorrow! x

Good luck for your sweep Mary x

Just catching up as we've been in hospital overnight for jaundice treatment. My monkey is doing ok now though and we're back home.

Was hoping to check in to the rest of the Sept babies, sounds like we'll have a couple before the weekend x
I know Tessa, I miss being pregnant now too and it hasn't even been 3 days yet! Today a part of me is upset that I'll never be pregnant again! Xx

Purple, great news about the test :)

How is everyone doing? Sweep success please :) x
I know what you mean, the week after I gave birth to Ruby I really missed feeling her move in my belly even though she was right in front of me haha. This our last baby too so definitely makes it more sad. We have spent quite a bit of time laughing at mad shapes baby makes in bump this week as we are both sad this is it lol x
I feel a bit the same I'm so pleased she's here but sad in a way that she will defo b my last n that I will never b pg again or giv birth n have any newborn days again.

However I do look forward to the future n think how great family hols will b when they r older, n Christmas's, n days out to the beach etc. Fun times ahead!!!

every morning I cut straight on here hoping so see mire baby news hope u girls aren't long now.

I look forward to Christmas too in a few years. My son keeps saying Christmas now but he has no idea what it is!
Yeh, I hope for news too :) I'm so excited for you ladies going to be having babies soon! Labour is so exciting (despite the pain) lol x
Good luck every one with their sweeps! Had masses of cramps and irregular contractions (or what I think are contractions!) last night rather painful - then stopped altogether just a bit of cramping. These baby's do like to tease!! Seeing midwife this morning tho I wish my OH was able to come as it feels like quite a drive atm xx
Oh chardrop hope app going well, hopefully the cramps made some difference and will do their part in a nice quick labour.

Isn't it funny what a difference a day or two makes? Tuesday I was so sad and miserable all day and really worried about bonding with this baby with how down I was feeling. Yesterday I felt much better and had a lovely day with Belle. Today from the second I woke up I felt positive! Got everything crossed my sweep will be possible, and even better successful, but if not at least I will get an induction date, most likely next wednesday. If they do manage a sweep I plan to ask for another maybe Monday in case I need two to get going, and if they don't I will ask for induction earlier than wed if poss as think if they still can't do it then nothing is going to happen by itself. I do like to have a plan in place!

Belle is at pre school, I am about to go for a nice long bath and shave before leaving home about 1.

Let's do this ladies!!!! H hope this morning is successful for you. Katherine one more sleep! Xx

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