* september 2014 mummies! *

Lol kanga sounds like madness. Can't believe I want another so soon haha.

Just had the health visitor round and had Oliver weighed he is now 11lb11 big boy :) he dropped down a centile but she said that's fine. Now my next job is finding some baby groups to get me out. Any recommendations kanga?
Hey All,

Sorry I've not been around in a wee while - things has been chaotic.

Zac's digestive system appears to have taken a dislike to his formula all of a sudden. From Saturday until yesterday he was in so much discomfort and just pooed all day long and screamed. I saw doc for his 6 week check on Monday and the doctor wasn't bothered at all. Anyway, Health Visitor was due on Tuesday so spoke to her about it and she was brilliant. She thinks, following a growth spurt, his digestive system just doesn't like something in the milk anymore, so she's suggested we try the Comfort version of Aptimal. 24 hours later and he's like a different boy - I'm so relieved. It's still early days but so far so good - Health Visitor going to phone me on Friday to see how we are doing. He weighs 10lb, so has been putting on weight fine which is a positive, he's now drinking 6 ounces rather than the 4 ounces he was struggling through before.

I've finally stopped bleeding following the surgery last week, I'm so bloody chuffed to mint balls! Seeing the doctor next week for my own 6 week check, want to get on the pill ASAP before I start my period - have seriously had enough of blood. haha!

Will now potter through the previous messages as Zac is sleeping.

Alipops x
Has anyone else found their little ones have some really sleepy days when they don't want to feed much either?
The midwife warned us to expect another growth spurt yesterday so we were expecting an unsettled night with lots of feeding but she slept really well-down from 9-6.30 with feeds at 2 and 3.30. Today however she's been loads sleepier than normal in the daytime and hasn't been feeding as much as normal. When she wakes up she seems hungry and latches on fine but only feeds for about 5 minutes then goes sleepy again and gives up. She's only had one feed all day that has been for a decent length of time. She seems ok in herself-not lethargic just tired and she hasn't been grizzly or anything. Wondering maybe if she did have a growth spurt yesterday which has worn her out today? x
Took Elara to baby clinic to be weighed today, she's up from 10lbs 7-8oz to 11lb 6oz! I think this explains why she's been feeding more and fussing on the boob. Looks like it was a growth spurt. Not that I knew the signs until I just looked it up.

It was so busy there. They decided to hold flu jab day in the surgery where the baby clinic was held and it was filled with people. Lucky we got there early so could sit down which I'm thankful for because my episiotomy scar has been pulling all day.
Just skipped through the posts, so glad it's not just me with difficulty getting bubs to sleep at night! He will sleep anywhere and easily in the day but at night he just won't settle! He has to sleep on me and when he is fast asleep I pop him in his cot and he wakes immediately! What is everyone finding helps the most with this? Or will I just have to ride it out? He isn't feeding any more than usual through the night now just every 4 hours ish which is about right for him so I dint think it's cluster feeding he just won't sleep!
I have probs getting Katy down in her basket sometimes...we try to put her down just before or fairly soon after she falls asleep on us so it's not a massive shock going from where she has been comfy for ages into a cold basket in a different sleep position. It works a good deal of the time. Have also found the last day or two she settles better on her side...I know shock horror its against the guidelines of putting them to sleep on their back but I figure on her side in her basket with us nearby is safer than in our bed on one of us...it's an individual choice I guess!xxx
My husband has been doing most night settling when it comes to Elara. I wake up and do her nappy if needed then feed her, then he settles her while I go back to bed to sleep. (I know he's a God!) What he tends to do is swaddle her, then pop a dummy in her mouth then holds her so her she is facing his chest, this keeps her dummy in. Then just waits for her to finally give in and stop fighting sleep. Then gently pops her in her basket. Waits a little longer then carries the basket into the bedroom and puts that in the crib.

I'll take her for a couple of hours in the afternoon/evening so he can catch up on sleep.
We're planning on focusing on only putting her to sleep in the crib next week. So plenty of restless nights for us both then.
Oliver sleeps better on his side too and it's either no covers at all which is his favourite or I swaddle him if he is being fussy and he can't fight that and just falls asleep. I find holding his hand helps him nod off. We never cuddle to sleep I learnt my mistakes with my daughter lol. Sometimes he just falls asleep on is during the day but never cuddle to sleep upstairs. He self soothes quite well and still loves his Ewan this is him now after a bottle and he has hiccups. Quite happily going to sleep :)

Saying that when he was a bit poorly I couldn't put him down for 2 days and nights :0 xxx

Harry didn't settle well in his crib either, he might fall asleep but would wake up quickly. He looked lost in there he is so tiny. I already had a sleepyhead which he loves and sleeps great in so one night I was shattered and decided to put it in his crib. I haven't looked back he sleeps so much better and I can take it anywhere it is brilliant. I even took it to the pub when we went for dinner and he slept great! good luck ladies hope you get some sleep tonight.
It is 4am not slept hero. I have tried....
Walking with him, rocking him, swaddling him, lying on side, dummy in, dummy out, TV in, TV off, lights on, lights off, bottles (250mls in under three hours) ignoring him, nit swaddling him, no blankets, blankets, Ewan, frog, and god knows what else. Last resort I have woken my mum up to see if she can do anything! So far he is asleep in his cot but I have been there before so we are waiting ten mins see if it works! Thank god she's here,she's staying whole chorus us at work (only home weekends) the oronlem is when he is home he needs his sleep because he has to drive find 6/7 hours to get back to work.....I wonder how much a nanny would cost.....
Oh no I feel for you, you must be so tired. Does he cry? Or just restless? Thank god for mums hey! Mine lives next door and is great she will take Harry whenever I want to have a sleep during the day. Lucky for me my hubby is a deep sleeper so I can feed in bed and it never wakes him up. Fingers crossed your little one stayed asleep for you. X
I got two hours sleep. He's been changed and fed but won't settle again now but is knackered! My mum has him while I express as he's had the lot but she's off to work now.
Oh no mackmummy, sounds tough. Is he in your bedroom on a night? We found with our first baby that we were disturbing each other's sleep just by rolling over in bed or her breathing noisily etc so she got booted out (not literally!) of our room into her own when she was 4 weeks old. Again, this goes against all guidelines of baby being in with you til 6 months but I felt she was safer in her own room because we both slept better meaning I wasn't so exhausted and therefore less likely to miss things such as early signs of illness etc. again, individual choice but maybe your wee man is looking for peace and quiet? Hope you have a better night tonight.xxx
Oh poor you mac :( you really are trying it all. Only things I could add is. Is his basket on a rocking stand some babies feel uneasy we have propped a wedge in to stop his rocking he sleeps better. Also when I swaddle I don't lay arms by the side I cross them over his chest. Like one arm over then wrap over the blanket then second arm on top of the blanket then wrap the other side of the blankets over that arm round and under. It's tight like a cocoon and he fights it but loses strength and tires out easy. Now when I wrap he is has a little try then gives up cos he knows lol. Or as mentioned maybe he wants silence. Crying himself to sleep is how we thought self soothing. It's hard on you but not to them. It really only does take a couple of times before they learn you just have to be able to ignore the little sobs. Hope you manage to get some sleep today xxx
hi ladies

just thought id see how the new mummies are doing and see some of you struggling to settle.

the one thing i found helped us massivley- was when your cuddling to sleep- have a hot water bottle in their crib!! it warms their bed for them.

Just take it out quickly before and when you put them in, keep your arms there for a second, then slowly remove them.

sometimes its going from a warm mummy to a cold bed.even when swaddled their head still hits a cool sheet :)

worth a go if you havnt tried it . along with rolled blankets down the side so they feel snug :) xx
I've found that the warmed Moses basket helps

Ella has gone from guzzling 4oz every 3/4 hours to taking 2 hours to drink 3 max sometimes only 2, she's still drjnking enough for the day but I'm have to ff her so often. I wondered if the teats are too slow flowing and she's getting fed up having to work for it, a bit like she could only be bothered to suck at my boob3 times then got fed up

Would a faster flowing teat help? I'm using avent newborn bottles at the moment but happy to change if she'll feed more but less often if that makes sense. I feel all I'm doing is Steralising, washing, making formula and obviously feeding and burping her !!
unsure becky, samuel took 3oz almost every feed yesterday, then we got to late evening and he's only taken 2oz ever since? frustrating me. he falls asleep during feeds too, don't know if that's normal or if he's tiring himself out feeding?

samuel gets fussy at night too. he's getting used to his basket though - i've found for him, putting him in whilst he's falling asleep and leaving him to it unless obviously he's crying, rather than him waking up thinking where am i and why is it cold.

samuel also hates blankets on him and will kick them off.

i'm wondering what to do to help him settle at night too. 4:30am is get up time, he's wide awake. but last night he got really fussy just after midnight, i was trying to let him self soothe but hubby thought i was asleep and got him out haha..

what's a sleepyhead?
vicky i'm in exact same - we feed 2 hourly, 2-3 ounces. rarely have more, or more time between. i feel all i'm doing is the same too!
vicky i'm in exact same - we feed 2 hourly, 2-3 ounces. rarely have more, or more time between. i feel all i'm doing is the same too!

At least we're not alone! Got a mum friend coming round in a bit will ask her then I'm at a play group tomorrow will ask there

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