* september 2014 mummies! *

We use infacol too, just use the dropper to put the stuff straight in his mouth before a feed.

Becky the cluster feeding is a nightmare isn't it? I don't remember it from having Harry, but I suppose with just 1 I didn't notice how much time u spent sat feeding lol luckily Harry is good at entertaining himself.

My dilemma at the mo, the big one just pooped and the little one needs a nappy and a feed so is crying! Ah life with 2 lol xx
Mackmummy Oscar has so much hair, loving the beanie hat too.

Julie, you can really see that he has grown, amazing how quick they change. I put James in a 0-3 month sleepsuit today as the newborn ones are too small in the legs and feet!

At 2weeks 3days James weighs 8lb 13oz xx
Hi I was wondering if I could join you on this thread? I was due to have my little man in 11 days but he decided he wanted to come four weeks early. Elijah is currently 16 days old and weighs 6lb10oz. And is a greedy boy :-)

I am feeling exhausted. How is everyone else doing? x
Applecrumble, I'm breast feeding and formula top up as oscar is a greedy guts! It worked fine with him, it's harmless and can get used from birth. Glad you love the snuza! I wouldn't sleep at night without it (or in the day for that matter!)

Julie, he gas definitely chunked up bless him! Great progress!
I'm combi feeding at the moment. Elara has breast and formula because she is so greedy. I wish we could give in with the cluster feeds but we have to space her feeds out otherwise she just throws up everywhere! She's been like this since week 2 which is why we decided to start on expressing because first of all my milk was coming out too fast so her feeds were only lasting 10 minutes and she'd throw up after it. Then my boobs just couldn't keep up with feeds for some reason, one day they would be almost engorged with milk, the next I'd feel like she wasn't getting enough. My milk just hasn't been stabilising. So we thought formula would help. And it has.
She is thriving though.

Hi I was wondering if I could join you on this thread? I was due to have my little man in 11 days but he decided he wanted to come four weeks early. Elijah is currently 16 days old and weighs 6lb10oz. And is a greedy boy :-)

I am feeling exhausted. How is everyone else doing? x

Hi, welcome!
Elijah sounds lovely.
Welcome Rozken!!!

I am also using infacol, not sure if it works or does anything. However I am scared to take it away now!
Lovely pics ladies!

You can really see Eden has chunked up! Bless him.

Love Oscar's hair! Henry is dark, and seems to have lots. But nothing in comparison ha ha!

Kanga - Henry was born 8lb 11oz...ha! Chunky monkey! Getting him weighed next week (4 weeks)

So I had a hearing test and physio appt for Henry today. Hearing test at a local children's centre, physio at hospital. We have had torrential rain (no exaggeration!) and its definitely been one of my most testing days so far! Managed to park close to the childrens centre, got the pram chassis out, clipped car seat onto it, covered with rain cover. Go to get dd out of the car and she's decided to take her shoes off! So I'm bent over trying to out them back on - all the while getting absolutely drenched! I don't think I've ever been in rain like it! Got inside, finally, and my hair and jacket were literally dripping everywhere.
All fine with his hearing (thankfully), then back in the car and repeated the process once we got to the hospital. Home about an hour ago and there was nothing for it but to have a warm shower and dry clothes! DD thought it was brilliant... me, not so much!
Welcome rozken and congrats! Xx

I was born with loads of hair, I think my mum had an extra stage to labour....deliver baby, then hair then placenta?, I needed a hair cut not long after I was born!

Oscar has been so lively today. He woke up for his feed at 9 and has only just nodded off after several bottles later! He's so funny, if I try to take his booby milk away he grabs my finger and holds it so tight I can't pull away!
Busy day in our household today as my beautiful little girl turned 2! Toys and chaos reigned and a very happy and tired girl! And my other beautiful little girl turned 4 weeks old exactly today so happy 4 weeks to her too!
All going well and still exclusively breastfeeding but it's very painful still as the thrush isn't clearing up much so I have started to express a wee bit and may start giving a bottle of expressed breast milk to give me a break and allow the cream to stay on for a longer length of time which may help clear up the thrush.
Section scar is still weeping and sore 4 weeks on from operation and a course of strong antibiotics hasn't really helped much...will keep an eye over the next few days and may have to have a return trip to doctors...
Hope everyone is ok.xxx
Woohoo my little man if bathed bottle and bed on our first night of him going up without me instead of sleeping in the front room. Even tho I have the monitor I'm so nervous lol I want an excuse to have an early night knowing he is lying beside my empty bed :( I feel so mean but proud too that he is sleeping so well at nights. He has been a bit fussy the past couple of nights where he learnt to suck his thumb but he can't always get it in his mouth bless him.

Eden is looking so well now it's good to see such progress :) xxx
Aww that's good lilmiss..we've been putting Miller up in the room for a few weeks now,he's good at self settling and falls asleep pretty much straight away xxx
I was just to scared to let him out my sight I think. He self soothes really well and is starting to reject his dummy which is good. I never cuddle him to sleep at night as I want him to soothe himself. I do cuddle day time tho. He is starting to learn the difference between night and day. Can't believe how quick time is going. I tell you one thing tho my house is a mess haha I'm so unorganised and takes me forever to get ready to go anywhere. Got a basket of laundry to do. I think you mummies with 2 need medals xxx
Alfie will self soothe and I can put him down awake after every night feed, but not until the last feed of the evening e.g 10 or 11. Every time we do bath, bottle and bed he is wide awake and can't be settled. He's only 6 weeks but I'd like to start a routine.
We've not tried Ella self soothing and going to sleep awake, might try, reckon it'll work easier in the night time if she's tired, she loves to fall asleep on one of us, she'll be 5 weeks on Friday.

She's been very unsettled this evening, not wanting to feed much, crying and then stopping, crying and then stopping, now annoyingly she's fast asleep on OH, but half an hour ago you would have thought she was in pain!

I reckon we'll start putting her to bed after bath and bottle next week in our room and we'll be downstairs, I've got a monitor so can keep an eye on her and see how it goes, hopefully if she gets used to it, then it'll be easier when she's in her cot in her own room

How long does it take yours to fall asleep when you put them down asleep?

Thanks x
Hi girls, thought I'd say hello. My Jacob was born on 30th Sept after delayed induction at hospital due to high numbers. Worth it though. We've had some problems with his weight loss as it went over 10%, midwives have been great and we have avoided hospital with his weight loss below the 10% now. So pleased they didn't send us straight in. I tried breastfeeding, but he just didn't seem to latch so I am expressing and topping up with formula due to the weight loss and not having a very good milk supply. I was anaemic before I had him so not sure if this is hindering my supply or if I just don't produce a lot of milk (struggled with Abi aswell). On iron tablets 3 times a day, just hope they are working.
Looking forward to getting to know you all! xx
Welcome steffy! Congrats on the arrival of Jacob. Hope the weight piles back onto him...glad to hear the midwives have been so supportive!xxx
I'm awake :| zombie alert for some reason I can't sleep even tho he is sleeping and I'm so so tired xxx
Hey Steffy, old bump buddy old pal! Congrats on your new arrival. Glad you didn't have to go back in hospital x
Welcome Steffy! Xx

Olivia won't self soothe at all, freaks out in her crib, it's next the our bed and she can see or sense me or my oh next to her, won't be a while till I leave her upstairs alone, and I wouldn't be able to cope worrying if she's okay, even if I can see her on the monitor.

I'm also concerned about her grunting? I don't know whether this is normal or not. She doesn't do it at the end of every breath, so it's not respiratory related - anyone else's lo grunt a lot?

And she struggles to poo everytime! Takes 48 hrs for her to actually go, in the meantime I have a grumpy baby. It's horrible, I've been the doctors 3 times about it and I get told to continue with cooled boiled water and it's normal every time we've been. It's got to the point where the water it making no difference and not flushing her out anymore - slightly frustrating.

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