* september 2014 mummies! *

He's having 5oz every 3hrs give or take. I give him 6oz in the morning and bedtime tho. What about Eden?xx
He's taking 5 oz too every 3 or 4 hours. He's a total guzzler again. I think he would take more if I gave him it. Don't think he knows when to stop , I've seen him hungry after 2 hours though x
Invading! Will post below what I would do with 4oz feeds

Sterilise bottles
Fresh kettle full and fill a bottle with 8oz water- put in fridge
In morning fresh kettle full into flask

When out and about - get bottle and put 2oz hot water in and make up formula - then top up with 2oz from cold boiled water bottle :)

Should be ok half and half but check temp :)
I agree this would work
Am in so much pain tonight. All muscles under my c-section scar are hurting so much. Occasionally before I've had a few pains but so uncomfortable. Is all my own fault as went off to a baby group then to visit a friend and carried the car seat down my friend's long drive rather than put it on the base. Stupid.

Here's what Alfie did at his first baby group!
Just had millers 6 week check up..he's doing fab,he's 59.5cm long and weighs 12lb8..health visitor says he's a big strapping lad lol xx
Wow he is gonna be a big lad. Oliver is 11lb11 now not sure on how long. He has jumped up to 6oz now and goes 7 hours over night. Bliss xxx
Am in so much pain tonight. All muscles under my c-section scar are hurting so much. Occasionally before I've had a few pains but so uncomfortable. Is all my own fault as went off to a baby group then to visit a friend and carried the car seat down my friend's long drive rather than put it on the base. Stupid.

Here's what Alfie did at his first baby group!
View attachment 51436
Oh bless him looks like he had loads of fun xxx
Wow Sarahlouise that is a gorgeous weight on Miller, strong and healthy.

Aw Alfie looks adorable there Catlady, that is such a cute picture.

Took Elara out in the pram to visit her grandparents, she loves to sleep in there. It's the longest she's slept in the daytime since Saturday.


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Anyone else's lo has moments where they are hungry all the time? Tonight she's on her third bottle? Crying about 2hrs for a bottle? Taking roughly 4.5oz each time!
Yeah Amy Oliver has times like that normally before a growth spurt I do believe. I always say they won't eat if they ain't hungry and if I'm hungry I eat. So if he wants it I give him it. He is a growing lad after all if he wants to be big like his daddy. Xxx
Some new pics of my little man :) the sad one if after he learnt to suck his thumb and it fell out and he couldn't get it back in oh how I laughed such a mean mummy xxx
My perfect baby has turned in to devil baby!! I'm hoping it's just a growth spurt and will be over shortly. He is literally feeding every hour and I'm shattered�� he drinks, falls asleep I keep him upright for 30mins then try to put him down he cries and the cycle begins again. I thought maybe he was having me on but every time I offer the breast he grabs it and sucks like he hasn't fed for hours. Not sure how I will get through many more nights like this. Husband is back at work now so I sent him to spare room for some sleep I worry about him keep getting woken up.
Loving all the pics ladies, our babies are so cute :)

Are most of you formula feeding? I'm breastfeeding at getting seriously fed up of tge constant feeding. During the day it can be every hour and at night at most we get 2.5hrs, I'm exhausted! Especially when each night wake up takes 1.5hrs!

We are off out to be finally discharged from the mw's today. I'm dressed, James is dressed and feeding, just need to get Harry dressed and hopefully leave in 20mins! Anyone else got any plans today? xx
Thank god for infacol! Seems to have sorted Oscar right out! Perfect night last night, only woke for feeds at the right times, no tantrums just my beautiful boy! He is four weeks old today! He's just so gorgeous!

Amy, oscar has binge feeds all the time, it's called cluster feeding usually happens at night, it means they are having a growth spurt. Oscar had nearly 500mls in the space of two hours one night!

The pic below shows when he was born and yesterday with his new Beeny hat on!


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I'm breastfeeding Kanga. During the last few days she's been doing some major cluster feeding in the afternoons and been really unsettled. Started on infacol yesterday mackmummy so hoping that helps here too! x
Infacol whats that? Mackmummy (obviously not tried on a real life baby) but we are really pleased with the Snuza hero its perfect.

loving the pics ladies, they are all so super cute!
Millers been on infacol for a week or so and it's made a big difference..he's much more settled after feeds ect xx
Thought I would put up a before and after the operation. Don't know if you can see the difference in 10 days but I feel he's a right chunky monkey now and moved into 0-3 month clothes today. Get him weighed again tomorrow.
Think i will need to start on the infra oil too ladies as he is right unsettled after his feeds the last few days


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You can definately see the difference they grow so fast.

So i have googled infacol...just curious can you use it if bf too?

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