* september 2014 mummies! *


with regards to co sleeping i never wanted to do it, and our swap to the cot seemed to work, never even thought about it but samuel would not settle last night/early morning so i lay him next to me in bed and we both ended up falling asleep, and only got up at 8:45am,

if it works for you and you both get some sleep i'm pretty sure that makes for a happier mood for the both of you!

samuel has upped his feeds to 4-5oz every 3hrs which i'm chuffed with.

hope all well, considering newborns don't do an awful lot they certainly demand constant attention and i find myself doing housework or staring at him when he is actually sleeping so still haven't caught up sorry!
julie just popping in to see how he has been after his surgery? hows his sickyness?

(ps hungry baby milk doesnt really do much ) colief is a god send for colic and wind :)
He was doing really well for the first 6 days with no sick at all but the sickness has returned. It's not projectile but it does seem to be after most feeds so they have decided he has reflux as well and back on the gaviscon not really helping but he's gaining weight and seems to be doing well. X
Is anyone using colief? Or aptamil hungry baby milk?x

I've used infacol and am now using gripe water, seems to work better and gets the wind out easier both ends! I've also used the sma hungry milk and never realised it was hungry milk to be honest but I always notice oscar needs more breast milk to get full than formula but only by about 20mls.
How much gripe water do you give and how often? My lo has a lot of discomfort when passing wind. Haven't really used it but will try anything.
Oh blah to gripe water lol. My dd was great with it and I used it till she could wind herself. Oliver spits it everywhere lol he hates it and I can't get it in him. Some times it takes longer to burp him than actually feed him.
I have been struggling with the clips on my pram to take the top off to fold it and some times I just can't move it (I do have bad hands) and oh bought me a new pram today and omg I love it and I can collapse it one handed in seconds. Can't wait for they rain to stop so we can go for a test drive :) xxx
Crazy cat lady I give oscar a dose before every feed but try not to exceed six in a day so it depends his much of a guzzler he us bring, which tonight bus massive guzzler! Nearly 4pm and he's still screaming and I don't think it's wind he only shuts up with a bottle in his mouth! I bought a medicine dummy from mothercare, works a treat! The medicine goes in the dummy and they suck it through, oscar loves it!
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I give Zac gripe water religiously, but I don't give him the 2.5ml dose suggested. I give him about half a CM - literally a mouthful. I found the 2.5ml was just too much for him, it all flooded out his mouth and he hated it!

I give him the most mouthfuls in the morning really, either before a feed or if he's moaning/stressing about his wind. Having learnt the hard way, I try to avoid giving him it at night as it can keep him awake more strangely - probably all the fizzing in his tum!

On a different note: we went to our first baby group yesterday (Zac is 8.5 weeks), it was a free one at sure start. You just drop in, they sing and do sensory stuff - really good for a freebie and passed the morning well. It's sort of inspired me to do more, so I've signed up for baby massage starting later this month and I'm going to visit another group tomorrow morning. It'll be a bit tricky as Zac still varies when he gets up etc, but hoping I can squeeze these things in.

Alipops x
We've got swimming tomorrow! I'm dreading it as I can't be in the pool with him, hubby is doing it, I'll be on the side lines on pins and probably crying!
Morning everyone!

Feels like ages since I've been on here! I've found things incredibly tough.. much harder than I thought! I wasn't coping very well..I cried everytime Violet did, I felt useless and completely out of my depth! Also she wouldn't sleep anywhere but on me, even at night so I wasn't getting any sleep so felt awful and just couldn't get anything done at all as she was always on me!
Anyway I think things are finally improving... my saviours have been - a sling.. I can finally do things around the house as she loves being in it!
The Sleepyhead...she sleeps in this so well..expensive but so worth it! Being swaddled..I know midwives say you shouldn't swaddle but the health visitor told me to try it and just watch she didnt overheat..well last night she only woke once in the night for a feed and slept like a dream which is so unusual!
So finally getting to grips with motherhood I think!

I hope everyone else is doing well and coping ok?

Ali we want to start some groups too but not sure if 4 weeks is too young..I might wait for her 8 week checks.. x
Oooooh how exciting for him mackmummy! I have a course of swimming lessons that I need to book in before November that I prepaid for. However due to his small weight still and the fact that he hates the bath, not sure we will get to redeem them... :(
Ah Mackmummy thats a shame you can't go in! I'm sure he'll love it, I cant wait to take Violet! X
We've got swimming tomorrow! I'm dreading it as I can't be in the pool with him, hubby is doing it, I'll be on the side lines on pins and probably crying!

I took Ella from 3 weeks, she loved it, we go to aquanauts every week, I was lucky and stopped bleeding quickly after my c section

Oscar will love it!
I want to go swimming soon and start classes but not sure to wait till we move or not. It's kind of remote where I'm moving so I hope there are some things not to far away for us to do xxx
I want to go swimming soon and start classes but not sure to wait till we move or not. It's kind of remote where I'm moving so I hope there are some things not to far away for us to do xxx

Where are you moving to?

Our baby swimming sessions mostly take place in schools with therapy pools so the water is warmer and it's smaller for small groups.

When she's a bit bigger (she's 8lb 10 at 5 1/2 weeks) I'll take her to the pool at my gym, but until I can put her in a swim ring I don't think I'd feel confident in a bigger pool on my own, at least at swim lessons I'm with the instructor and other mums/dads. We sing songs like heads, shoulder, use watering cans on them, submerge the babies, and move across the pool on our backs, fronts etc, she loves it, didn't like the bath before she went, but now loves the bath, so much so she would drink the bath!!!
Hey ladies, we have been awol from here recently too. These babies certainly take up a lot of time.

Unfortunately we aren't having a great time and have been in hospital since Sunday with James. We are away on holiday visiting family and James's right knee is all swollen up and he can't move it. He has had xrays and ultrasound scans to try and find out what is wrong and on iv antibiotics. Really hating being in a hospital miles from home but so grateful for my aunty looking after my dh and Harry whilst I stay at hospital with James.

Meant to be being transferred to a london hospital later today as we need specialist baby doctors to see to him and figure out a plan of action. He may need surgery to have the fluid flushed out of his knee :( xx
Awe Kanga. Hope you get to the bottom of it soon.
It's horrible being in the hospital with them but at least your in the right place.
Thinking of you both xx
I want to go swimming soon and start classes but not sure to wait till we move or not. It's kind of remote where I'm moving so I hope there are some things not to far away for us to do xxx

Where are you moving to?

Our baby swimming sessions mostly take place in schools with therapy pools so the water is warmer and it's smaller for small groups.

When she's a bit bigger (she's 8lb 10 at 5 1/2 weeks) I'll take her to the pool at my gym, but until I can put her in a swim ring I don't think I'd feel confident in a bigger pool on my own, at least at swim lessons I'm with the instructor and other mums/dads. We sing songs like heads, shoulder, use watering cans on them, submerge the babies, and move across the pool on our backs, fronts etc, she loves it, didn't like the bath before she went, but now loves the bath, so much so she would drink the bath!!!

I'm moving into married quarters at the army air core base in middle wallop. Middle of nowhere lol but very nice. I think it's about 7 miles to the nearest town. Lots of groups on the base my oh has said. That's the kind of lessons we looked at here but don't want to start now the. Have to stop. Oliver loves baths and showers isn't scared at all I think he will love swimming xxx
Oh kanga I'm sorry to hear James is poorly he is in the best place. Fingers crossed he can avoid surgery xxx

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