Hello ladies, sorry for the lack or replies from me, I am lurking about just when I think I have time to comment, Blake will wake or my DD will need a pee (potty training at moment) or my DS will want a pound for the sweet shop etc it's never ending.
Hope your all doing well. Glad to hear my Lil one isn't only one who's doing this cluster feed thing. It's only ever at night between sort of 8pm and midnight, will go through 2 6oz bottled over this time and finally settle till around 4.30am then settles straight away till 9 ish. Although Thursday night he finally went down at 12.30 and he stired around 6 ish so I brought him into bed with me and he slept till 9....without a feed. Yes Co sleeping, bad mummy but I made a baracade of pillows so I couldn't get near him plus didn't really sleep with him in with me and it was just once but he slept really well with me beside him.
Nic, I get the "you should try this, maybe try that, you shouldn't do that" etc. I know this is my 3rd but I'm no mother of the year and I will happily ask for advice if I need it but I seriously hate this, esp from people who have NO children. We having some issues with my DD at moment, wants my attention when I'm feeding Blake etc and I was confiding in my friend about it, didn't ask for advice just explained how she's been since Blake arrived and she starts telling me things I could try....yes that nice but I didn't ask for it and where's your children and experience of this? Ah yes, none ! Grrr. I know they mean well and I appreciate it at times but it gets annoying.
Lots of love ladies. Blake woke for a feed at 4.45 and he's dosed on my chest as I type so time to put him back into his moses and hope for a couple hours sleep before my DD wakes and demands my attention xx