* september 2014 mummies! *

i can't be the only mum to get frustrated by 'we did this, this worked for us', 'it gets better' 'it gets easier' bullshit comments (not asked for) from other mums right? shut up
promise i will catch up at some point!
So 6 week check and we are sent straight back up to hospital.

Here we go again ! They think he has a hernia where they operated and that's causing the sickness that has started up again. Could mean another operation

Honestly this poor wee fella
you guys sure are having a rough time of this, julie. lots of love, hope all okay.
Awww Julie, hope he's ok, sending him big snuggles little trooper.

Welcome steffy!

I spoke to the hv today about trying to get any kind of routine with oscar and when should we start trying etc,, she said no point until 6 months old as babies don't start producing some hormone until them which helps them sleep (can't remember the name of it now!) so basically just keep demand feeding and dont wake to feed to a timetable etc.

He has put on 1lb 11ozs in two weeks! Slightly above the average but perfectly fine, little chunk! He's now 9lbs 11.
Ha ha yes Nic! And it carries on well past baby years...

Oh Julie. Poor little Eden. I do hope he doesn't need another op x

Mack - I remember being told that too, and that sometimes its even longer! We always just followed dd's lead and she kinda formed her own routine in the end.


Introducing Jacob xx
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So we are home from hospital and it's good news.
After X-rays , ultrasounds , blood tests we have worked out it is not a hernia but scar tissue from operation.
We need to go back to gaviscon for his sickness and do weekly checks for the next 4 weeks to see how his feeding and weight gain is but all looking good. Has 2 feeds with gaviscon and no sickness

Amy I hope you get Olivia sorted soon , and keep going back to doctors till you get answers x
Silly question but how do you go about getting your little ones to self soothe?

Julie - Glad to see it's good news for you and Eden.

Steffy - Congratulations and welcome, Jacob is such a cutey.

Mackmummy - Well done Oscar on 1lbs 11oz, that's fab!

Having a bad day today, think my anxiety is starting to return. I've been thinking about going to a local mum and baby group but keep panicking about it. I'm really not great with people, socially awkward I guess. Which makes me shy, anxious and prone to panic attacks around people. Haven't had this since before pregnancy so it's a bit of a surprise.
Hi pixxy, sorry to year you're feeling panicky, I think you'll love the baby groups, it will be the same as this forum but in oerson so even better as you'll have real people to talk to face to face I know other mums that have been to them and made life long friends, I'm going to one next week so let's both go for it!

Julie so glad Eden is ok! Bless him!
Finally! Got an answer to Olivia's problems, she has severe silent reflux and tongue tie hence why she's leaking her feed all the time....thank
God for health visitors coming at the right time, (meltdown moment!)
Hi ladies hope you are all well and managing to get a bit of sleep! Been meaning to pop on and say hi for ages. My boys are coming up to 8 weeks which has flown by. They are slowly starting to be more expressive - smiling and giggling even a bit which is really nice. I've found the first stage where they don't interact at all very difficult as you feel like you're working so hard and getting nothing back. They are on a strict routine - feeds every 3 hours during the day with a little extra feed pre bath and bed by 8pm. They are slowly starting to sleep a bit more at night thank goodness! Find being on my own with then challenging but fortunately my mum comes up to help for a couple of days most weeks.

Hang on in there mummies, I'm convinced the first 3 months must be the hardest part and it will get easier. That's what I keep telling myself anyway! Xx
That's great you got some answers amy. At least you know what your dealing with now x
Lovely to hear from you Londongirl. We've had a small change in routine tonight and last night. Managed to put Alfie in his crib upstairs by 9pm and have dinner with oh (rather late though!). He woke up hungry at about 9.30 - fed him and he went back down. Didn't sleep straight away but didn't cry for us.

He's 7 weeks today and so so cute now. He's almost smiling and much more interested in what's going well around him. My heart just melts when he looks at me!
Hi all,
congratulations on being mummies! Have you ever thought of documenting these precious moments in form of beautiful photographs? I can recommend to you an amazing female photographer who specializes in running newborn photo sessions. Her name is Milla and you can see her website by searching for Milla Photography Studio. You can visit the gallery and see samples of baby pictures. They are really touching, aren't they?
Hello ladies, sorry for the lack or replies from me, I am lurking about just when I think I have time to comment, Blake will wake or my DD will need a pee (potty training at moment) or my DS will want a pound for the sweet shop etc it's never ending.

Hope your all doing well. Glad to hear my Lil one isn't only one who's doing this cluster feed thing. It's only ever at night between sort of 8pm and midnight, will go through 2 6oz bottled over this time and finally settle till around 4.30am then settles straight away till 9 ish. Although Thursday night he finally went down at 12.30 and he stired around 6 ish so I brought him into bed with me and he slept till 9....without a feed. Yes Co sleeping, bad mummy but I made a baracade of pillows so I couldn't get near him plus didn't really sleep with him in with me and it was just once but he slept really well with me beside him.

Nic, I get the "you should try this, maybe try that, you shouldn't do that" etc. I know this is my 3rd but I'm no mother of the year and I will happily ask for advice if I need it but I seriously hate this, esp from people who have NO children. We having some issues with my DD at moment, wants my attention when I'm feeding Blake etc and I was confiding in my friend about it, didn't ask for advice just explained how she's been since Blake arrived and she starts telling me things I could try....yes that nice but I didn't ask for it and where's your children and experience of this? Ah yes, none ! Grrr. I know they mean well and I appreciate it at times but it gets annoying.

Lots of love ladies. Blake woke for a feed at 4.45 and he's dosed on my chest as I type so time to put him back into his moses and hope for a couple hours sleep before my DD wakes and demands my attention xx
Ema-Lou - no need to defend yourself on here - I'm all for co-sleeping if that's what works for you!! DD co-slept when tiny and I'm convinced that's why she was such a good sleeper, so quickly.

Potty training is tough right?! DD has been dry for about 7 weeks now but would only use potty (not toilet) and refused to poop anywhere but at home. Breakthrough this week - started using the "big toilet", and yesterday we were at a kid's party and she pooped! So proud :-)
Ema, I really didn't want to co-sleep but Pippa wouldn't settle in her moses basket at all initially so it was that or not sleep at night. It's got to be better that mummy and LO get a good sleep and I agree that they sleep really well beside you. We're persevering with the moses though and last night she slept all night in there, waking twice for feeds.
I also get the cluster feeding most days at the moment but it seems to be in the afternoons. She also seems to refuse to sleep in the afternoons, really fights it.
Crackers-congrats on the poop!! x
Aw my DD refuses to use the potty it has to be the toilet which is upstairs so im forever up and down, she's not quite figured out that a fart doesn't need to be done in the toilet lol. She's still having to wear nappies cos as much as she is doing a wee in the toilet she's still not telling me she needs all the time, it's still early days for us tho. She's mostly needing a pee when im feeding Blake and she needs me to take her to the loo cos it's upstairs and have baby gate in place etc, I tell her to use potty but she just refuses and will end up peeing in her nappy.
With the Co sleeping I'm paranoid after reading horror stories so I make sure there's no way I can roll onto him or whatever and my partner isn't in the bed cos he's usually at work by time I bring him in with me but when I had told my mum about it she freaked out and started making me feel like a shit mother for even considering it!
Today Blake has decided he wants 1 to 2 oz every hour. :( x

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