* september 2014 mummies! *

Hope everyone is doing well.
I'm feeling like a scruff today, my hair is disgusting I'm still in my pj's and haven't been able to shower yet. Having 3 kids all needung/wanting some sort if attention from me is tiring me out!
I hope to post more once I get into some sort of routine, it's mental in this house!
My DD seems to need my attention when I'm feeding, soon as I'm not she's not interested lol x
Ah! Having a freak at the moment. People are "telling" me they they will have Olivia for a bit while I sleep, not asking me, but telling me!
Starting to really annoy me, I'm not ready for people to take her out without me, she's a bit of a crank and only me and OH can settle her. I've had to tell a porky to my dad saying that the health visitor is coming round on Thursday as I don't want my dad to take her, I really have no idea what he's like with kids.
I feel awful!
Loving all the pics ladies!

Soph - if not wind, could it be his tummy? I think Henry was slightly constipated last night (looking back on it, especially after his mammoth poop this morning). Just a thought.

Amy - I don't blame you hun! It's such early days still. As much as I'd love a whole day (and night!) to sleep, my little man is going nowhere yet!!

Ema-Lou - it's hard enough with 2 kids, hats off to you having 3 to contend with!!
Hi ladies,

Feeding question for those of you that ff

We have the perfect prep machine so literally can almost make bottles at home with our eyes closed! We will be going to a hotel over night in a couple of weeks and out for the day on the Saturday and the Sunday

I thought I would be able to take ready made aptimal bottles but they need to be put in the fridge once opened and we won't have access to a fridge so I have ordered a milk powder pot from Amazon to make up Ella's feeds on the go. I will have access to a kettle, from what I understand, if I boil the water and put it in a flask and keep it insulated, I can use that like to mix with the formula like the perfect prep does, do I then need to add the cold water (cooled boiiled I assume) afterwards and if so how do I know how much of the boiled and cooled water to add to make up her 4oz feeds?!

Hope that all makes sense and someone can help me!

Thanks x
Invading! Will post below what I would do with 4oz feeds

Sterilise bottles
Fresh kettle full and fill a bottle with 8oz water- put in fridge
In morning fresh kettle full into flask

When out and about - get bottle and put 2oz hot water in and make up formula - then top up with 2oz from cold boiled water bottle :)

Should be ok half and half but check temp :)
Invading! Will post below what I would do with 4oz feeds

Sterilise bottles
Fresh kettle full and fill a bottle with 8oz water- put in fridge
In morning fresh kettle full into flask

When out and about - get bottle and put 2oz hot water in and make up formula - then top up with 2oz from cold boiled water bottle :)

Should be ok half and half but check temp :)

Thank you, can I use bottled water or does it have to be cold boiled? I won't have access to a fridge so not sure how long it would take to cool the boiled water, suppose I can always run thge bottle under a tap to cool it??
Vicky - I would def use cool boiled water, not bottled water.

I would do as above, although slightly different :

- sterilise bottles
- pour in 2 oz freshly boiled water. Leave for a few hours, will cool to room temp.
- flask with fresh boiled water
- when needing a bottle add 2 oz hot water from flask to the 2 oz already cooled in bottle, add 4 scoops of powder and shake. Done!
My wee Eden , piling on the lbs again and guzzling 5 or 6 oz every 4 hours
Although he has been sick after feeds again today not nearly as bad as before , hoping it's nothing to worry about.


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Can't be bottled due to mineral content

Use boiled - once in a sterilised bottle, it won't matter if it warms through the day :)
Hello Ladies,

Lovely to read about how everyone is getting on now the babies have arrived!

Zac is doing well this end, we don't really have too much trouble. He's on Aptimal Comfort milk now as it's easier to digest apparently he was super upset and just kept pooing before, he now weighs 10lb exactly so not starving but he seems to be enjoying his new type of milk! We're getting into a slight routine, although he often throws a curve ball at me to test. Today, he slept for 2 hours in the morning and just over an hour this afternoon, so not as much as normal but have managed to get him in bed for 8:45pm! Now, I'm in bed, catching up on here before I get some sleep ready for night feeds at roughly 2am and 5am.

I must admit the weather here today has been shite, so we just stayed in and I managed to cook a Roast Chicken Dinner for when OH returned from work - I did get cabin fever about 2pm and was tempted to go out just for a change of scenery but the wind and rain put me off!!

Got to pop in to work this Friday as have some examination paperwork to do for my students, one of those tasks that'd quicker for me to do than for me to explain over the phone to someone who has never done it!! So, Zac will be spending a couple of hours with my mum - I know he'll be fine and my mum is super excited - I think i'll feel like my left arm is missing!! Most I have been without him for is about 2 hours tops, and that's only with my OH or my own mum.

Alipops x
Vicky - I would def use cool boiled water, not bottled water.

I would do as above, although slightly different :

- sterilise bottles
- pour in 2 oz freshly boiled water. Leave for a few hours, will cool to room temp.
- flask with fresh boiled water
- when needing a bottle add 2 oz hot water from flask to the 2 oz already cooled in bottle, add 4 scoops of powder and shake. Done!

See I never did that as the water temp isn't hot enough to kill bacteria - that's why the prep does a hot shot first and doesn't fill a bottle with like warm water ;)
Vicky - I would def use cool boiled water, not bottled water.

I would do as above, although slightly different :

- sterilise bottles
- pour in 2 oz freshly boiled water. Leave for a few hours, will cool to room temp.
- flask with fresh boiled water
- when needing a bottle add 2 oz hot water from flask to the 2 oz already cooled in bottle, add 4 scoops of powder and shake. Done!

See I never did that as the water temp isn't hot enough to kill bacteria - that's why the prep does a hot shot first and doesn't fill a bottle with like warm water ;)
I don't have a prep machine, didn't know it did that first! Interesting.

I didn't even use hot water for dd, she much preferred room temp bottles to warm (obviously boiled first!). I just go by common sense and make sure all is clean/sterilised.

This is all great advice, we're going to be formula feeding soon because it just seems like even expressed that my breast milk isn't giving her that full feeling she needs. We tried a bit of formula for one or two feeds over the past couple of days and it really does seem to satisfy her better.
Obviously heartbroken about it but whatever works best for Elara is all that matters.

She's been awake again all day. We've come to the conclusion that she's too nosey to sleep. She fights it so hard because she's always looking around. She's like a little sponge trying to absorb as much as she can. She needs to be moved around and entertained what feels like all the time too and then grumpy because she's so tired but won't give in... So far today she's managed about one hours sleep in total since 9:30 this morning. No chance for even a nap. :yawn:
Official advice re bottles is that water should be around 70 degrees when you make a bottle. Boiling hot kills nutrients in the milk and less than 70 won't kill any bugs in the powder (which is not sterile). I boil the kettle then leave for 10 mins then make bottle ans and cool in a jug of water. When out I use ready made or take a flask of hot water. This is official advice so am sure there is leeway for common sense but i wouldn't make bottles up with water that isn't hot enough to kill anything in the powder.
not had to make bottles up yet so what do i do?

we take 4oz bottles.
so flask of boiled water, 2oz of cooled boiler water ready in a sterile bottle, to top up with the hot water and then add the powder or what?
Invading! Will post below what I would do with 4oz feeds

Sterilise bottles
Fresh kettle full and fill a bottle with 8oz water- put in fridge
In morning fresh kettle full into flask

When out and about - get bottle and put 2oz hot water in and make up formula - then top up with 2oz from cold boiled water bottle :)

Should be ok half and half but check temp :)

oh, got it.
not had to make bottles up yet so what do i do?

we take 4oz bottles.
so flask of boiled water, 2oz of cooled boiler water ready in a sterile bottle, to top up with the hot water and then add the powder or what?

From what I undrstand Nic I would pour 2oz hot water and mix in thee powder like the perfect prep does so any bacteria is killed in the powder then Top up with cooled boiled water to make it 4oz

Luckily the hotel we're staying in in a couple of weeks has got back to me and said they'll put a fridge in our room so apart from when we go out during thecdaytime I can use ready made milk, but I will need to make up my own during the Sunday
brill thank you.
that's nice of the hotel!
Just had millers 6 week check up..he's doing fab,he's 59.5cm long and weighs 12lb8..health visitor says he's a big strapping lad lol xx
Glad he's doing well. How much is he drinking these days ?
I've got our 6 week check on Thursday xx

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