* september 2014 mummies! *

personally no problems with our dummy, we have a TT one and also avent ones. theyre both orthodontic too as i will not buy any others. we don't use ours often enough to be spending more money.

proper guzzler! great feeds. glad she settled finally. hope you have a better night tonight.

hopefully we're all not too far away from some sort of routine.
The hot water bottle seems to help! Oscar slept all night in his cot, only out for feeds, he was a bit of a fidget at times but didn't kick off! Fingers crossed for tonight as hubby goes back to work now so I'm on my own again., thanks for the help ladies xxx
Hi Everyone,

Sorry I haven't posted for ages, I'm really struggling with Violet and barely have a chance to wee or eat let alone anything else!
Missing posting on here though and finding out how everyone is doing though so hoping things improve soon!

I hope everyone is getting on ok and not struggling too much

Morning ladies,

I'm struggling to find the time to post too. Having 2 to look after is a bit of a challenge and that's with my dh being home! On our first full day of just me and the boys and I hope we get through it. The weather has made me decide to stay in today with them though, so hopefully I can keep the big one entertained.

James is a nightmare at night too a wake up lasts about an hour and a half at a time, including 2 boobie feeds, a nappy change and a meltdown over wind pain until he either burps or fills his nappy. It does get better, I know it does, just can't remember when lol

Hope all the babies are doing well? Maybe we can share updated pics of the monkey's.

James was 2 weeks old yesterday xx
He's lovely kanga..it does get easier,just keep doing what ur doing :-)

Here's a pic of Miller at 6 weeks xx
Hi all. Sounds like we have very similar babies Kanga. Pippa was 2 weeks yesterday and also wakes at night for about an hour and a half, exactly the same as James with the wind problem. She squirms and looks so angry, waving her tiny fists til she farts/poos or burps lol! Last night she had one perfect feed then went straight back to sleep then one hour and a half one when she just didn't want to settle. Luckily we got a bit of a lie in after OH left for work. Also having our first day without Daddy today and planning a quiet one due to the miserable weather!
Here's Pippa on Saturday xx
We too get the clenched fists, screams although not constantly in an evening from about 8-10 then she'll sleep till about midnight/1am where she'll have a very quick feed/bum change and go back to sleep as if it never happened, then the same at about 2/3 am which is not a long enough gap I know then up at about 4/5am when she is really squawly/kicking legs/clenched fists etc till about 7, although today she's been awake from 6-10.30 and only just gone to sleep

What I want to know is why is it only after certain feeds/at certain times of the day she's like this, if it was an issue with feeding/winding etc why isn't it happening all the time?!

We too are having a quiet day, both still in our pjs and not planning on doing anything other than a trip to the post office and cleaning the bathrooms! Rock and roll!
Vicky I have the same confusion. Alfie has colic/wind issues in the evening. He strains, farts and screams for about 2 - 3 hours every night. But nit after every feed. It's usually a few hours before a dirty nappy. Comfort milk has helped and he is more comfortable throughout the rest of the day.
See we get the dirty nappy very quickly, Ella is very much a farter not a burper

Did you see the Dr/health visitor before using comfort milk? We are on aptimil and don't want to change her milk if itll not help
It does get better, I know it does, just can't remember when lol

Ha ha Kanga, I was thinking exactly the same at 2am this morning!

It's also our first day without hubby at home today. I've got 2 friends over for a few hours (waiting on their arrival just now), and dd is very excited about the visitors which makes a day indoors much easier!

By the sounds of things Henry is a pretty good little guy in comparison to some of your wake ups ladies! (I totally sympathise - dd was a 1 or 2 hour gap between night feeds in the early weeks). Currently Henry goes 4 hours between feeds, sometimes 3.5. But during the night we've had a few 5/6 hour gaps (bliss!), and the shortest has been 4 hours. He feeds around 10/10.30pm then up anywhere between 2/4am for a feed. Usually up with him for about 40mins. He takes the first half of bottle really well, lovely big burp. Then the second half much slower, and struggles to burp :-( Buy I know he needs to otherwise will just cry when I put him back in his crib.

We had his biggest poop yet this morning. Literally filled his whole nappy! I'm glad I caught it as he did it, otherwise it def would have gone everywhere ha ha!

Here's the little guy this morning, 2 weeks and 2 days:
Morning all. Gorgeous babies kanga and becky! Well, scrap my last post, oscar didn't sleep all night (so neither did I as am on my own again) he eventually nodded off on my chest downstairs at 9am and has been asleep ever since, I've just put him in his moses basket and he seems to be staying!
Not the best pic but I'm holding tight onto a breast pump while taking it! This is oscar right now in his "I've had a busy night keeping mum awake" pose. He's just so cute though! Love him to bits! And that's my latest thing now.....I cry because I love him so much! Literally, I sit there telling him I love him so much, next minute I'm crying!


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all these babies are so sweet!

my little champ is a good mood today, so far it seems! he's been happily laying on his changing mat noseying for the last twenty minutes only crying for a feed and gone straight to sleep.


here he is earlier
Etienne just isn't settling today, he has literally fed and cried all day. Think it's wind as there is nothing else I can seem to do to help him? But it is extremely tiring....

He has been on infacol a couple of days which seemed to help. But to have it all day today now doesn't seem normal? It might not be wind that's just a guess! Any suggestions? Should I be concerned? Is it normal to cry ALL day? Ps here is a pic :) loving all yours!
Ah bless him Soph, looks like he's growing well. Pippas been a bit like that all day-she woke just before 9 and has been quite unsettled and only slept a couple of times for about 20mins a time all day. All afternoon she's wanted almost constant feeding in between nappy changes and general fidgeting and grizzling. I was thinking wind too but unsure of how to help. She finally dozed off just before 4 & luckily is still asleep now so enjoying a break and peace and quiet at last! Hoping she'll sleep well tonight as she's been so awake all day! Fingers crossed! x

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