Yeah it's just like normal ice cream. But doesn't make me poop!!!
OMG babytime! That's my worst nightmare! I watch them like a hawk while they make my coffee to check it's soy. And then of ever I do lose sight I'm always like "this is definitely soy, isn't it?"
I can't imagine the awful consequences.
Once before I did realise it was lactose. DH and I were on holiday and there was a lush, super posh food buffet in our hotel (one I've wanted to stay in for like 15 years so it was a massive treat, so was the lunch as it was super expensive so I ate everything I could. Lol)
Anyway there was cheesecake on the buffet. It was so delicious that I ended up having a slice and a half.
45 minutes later I had to run to a toilet and poor DH spent about an hour of his holiday just looking in the same shop/waiting outside the toilet for me!
Soon after that I realised it was dairy. So we've not had a repeat thank goodness!