**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

The hv said thats it now til her 1 year check as we are doing good but she said it might not be her who comes out next time. Im a bit upset by that as ive just got to like her and i dont want someone else. I wonder if she may be pregnant though with how she said that???? Hmmmmm
I'm starting to take Sophie to be weighed on the 1st friday of every month as we have a clinic day then and its really quiet unlike the monday clinic! You can wait over an hour to be seen.

Nat, our washer died :( Sophie was only a few week old too! We got this one http://www.tesco.com/direct/beko-wm...GSF_Washing Machines & Washer Dryers_211-7109 Its great!

I guess I'm thinking of weaning already as I had a horrible time with AJ. He still doesnt eat 'proper' meals. Yep, you have to be careful with blw, though I'm prepared and looking bits and bobs up that I think I need to know. xx
Hi all. My little man is getting his 12 week jabs today :-( Just dreading it, but fortunately my OH is coming with me this time.

LO is also a massive fist sucker - sometimes he tried to get both fists in his mouth. Also, he has now found both of his ears and he keeps scratching the back of his ear/head... he has little scratch marks all over :-( I'd but scratch mitts on, but he comforts himself by sucking his fists.

We went to my folks at the weekend. LO has suddenly turned against car journeys. We fed him, changed him, then got in the car and left. 15 minutes into the journey he was screaming, we stopped at a service station, checked he was in the seat okay, changed him again etc... he was happy... we got back in the car and he screamed. Soooo an hour and a half of screaming. LO now hates car journeys. This baby is not easy! I had to sit in the back for the return journey and managed to keep him too occupied for him to scream!

To summarise. My LO hates:

- Going to sleep
- Being winded
- Bath
- car journeys


- He has colic

On the positive, he is super cute! And loves having his nappy changed!
Lyla is at creche this morning while I get some work done and I miss her so much again but it is so nice to get a little me time! Might have a nap before I go pick her up! :lol:

I've been worrying lately we won't bond as well as we could because she is at creche 4 days a week :( I would love to be able to cuddle my baby girl all day every day. I'm hoping the 9 weeks I had her all to myself will have set the bond though because I would hate for her to become distant this young :(
Aww chloe dont worry. She knows your her Mummy and will of bonded with you well enough. Just remember why your doing it. I bet she realises that your not there when she's at creche :-) Is she getting on ok?

SRob hope the jabs went ok?? I found them better than the first ones. Yey to happy nappy change time :-) that did make me giggle. They can get away with anything so long as they are cute hey??

Do you have something for the colic now?

srob have u tried dr browns bottles for colic??

chloenat you are a brave woman xx

arthur gets weighed tomorrow if all is well then he will go every month xx
Had a pissy day today (nothing to do with baby) but tonight James laughed for the first time - melted my heart!

I had him napping on my chest this afternoon and I was convinced he was laughing in his sleep but in the bath he did a proper laugh - OH was in the bath with him so we both got to hear it.

He is just so beautiful, looking at him some days makes me want to cry as I cannot believe how much I love him. It astounds me that we created this amazing little creature??

I ordered a new washing machine, will be here on Wednesday.

Jabs tomorrow afternoon and its also Granny's Birthday tomorrow.

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The jabs went really well - he is so brave for the big things, but such a wuss for little things, like baths and car journeys!

Today LO scratched the side of his mouth whilst putting his fist in his mouth and he bled! :-( And then he belted out a cry that was far worse than his jabs. I have put his scratch mitts on now. He is now fully recovered and is sleeping away in his big boys cot!
It is lovely when the LO laughs isn't it? I got my first laugh a couple of weeks ago. He likes having his hands clapped together whilst singing '1 potato, 2 potato etc.' and then we go '7 potato, mooooooooooooorrrreee' and I clap his hands fast - he loves it, he has the cutest laugh!
Is he still following his line Wilson?

Jabs went fine this afternoon, James was having a grump day anyway :shock:

We've not got another treatment for his oral thrush as it just doesn't seem to shift (it's almost all gone but there is still a trace)

I am a bit worried as he is using something that says on the label not suitable for babies under 4 months? Nurse OK'd it with the baby Dr at my surgery though?

What have they gave u? Is it daktin?

Hes fell 1/2 a centile xx
Fists IN the mouth?? My LO must have a small mouth and big fists then, because he's desperately trying and his fist doesn't fit!

Most stressful day for ages today - DH is away on business this week and I am trying to sort his car MOT. Went to take it to the garage and he'd left the side lights on. Cue calling the AA for home start and having to leave J at home sleeping for half an hour with a non-childcare-competent friend to deliver it. Then the GP increased Js dose of gaviscon as his reflux had become a problem again and it's out of manufacture! I rang round more than 20 pharmacies to find only a quarter of the prescription. Luckily this gives me enough stock to last for 2 weeks because we go away for 10 days on Saturday.

My friend is staying over tonight though and he has just plied me with wine and cooked me steak dinner. Win!
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Hi ladies,
Thank you for the replies re getting LO weighed, think I'm going to go every 3 weeks, so will drop in tomorrow to see how M is getting on. Feeding is getting tedious and really frustrating for M and for me :wall2: she will come off the boob pause then scream and fight with me when I try to latch her back on :( if she goes back on it is for a few minutes then she does the whole unlatching again. Not sure what is going on really and I'm now thinking of introducing a ff in the afternoon?

Nat.. Hearing LO laugh is amazing! It's just overwhelming to see them grow and react to what you are doing with them. Glad the jabs went well, is there another oral thrush cream for under 4 months they cold prescribe?

Wilson..little Arthur might be starting to level out with his weight? Did they sayif the want to see you again soon?

La..enjoy the steak and wine! I had a 2 glasses on Friday night and had a sore head all of Saturday! :shock: I just can't handle it now lol

Sorb..glad jabs went well for you, I hope your little man eases up soon and it gets easier for you. The laughs and smiles you get from him will be all worth it though.

Thinking of having a naming ceremony for M. I did say to get her baptised but oh is against it (he's the "religious" one not me :shock:) slice come up with this idea instead, this way M gets a special day and we can celebrate with our families as well :) just need to see what oh thinks to it xx
What have they gave u? Is it daktin?

Hes fell 1/2 a centile xx

Yep it's Daktarin?

Is that OK for him?

1/2 a centile isn't too bad. James dropped a whole centile an they weren't fussed - just made sure we went back fortnightly instead of monthly.

OH just bought us Chinese and it was delish. My diet has gone to Hell recently :shock:

New washing machine should be here before Midday tomorrow - yay!

Just waiting for little monster to nod off and I'll be joining him!
I have to go back in a week, daktarin is fine hun, i had it when i had thrush of my mouth, it worked for me as the other drops didnt, also do you clean james mouth with kettle boiled water? My friend whos works on scbu as a nurse told me if u step up oral Hygine such as rinsing the mouth out with boiled water, u could get a cotton wool bud clean up round his gums with water then apply yr cream, its an orange flavour,

Mrsw arthur does this too, i simply take him off and wind him, wait for ten minutes and the put him back on, does she go to sleep not long after doing this? Xx
Interesting about the boiled water, I'll give it a go!

I've asked the nurse, Dr and 3 different HV's if I need to replace his current bottles / dummies in-case they are reinfecting him and they've all said as long as I am properly sterilising them then no need but I can't help to think the reason the infection hasn't fully cleared up is because of the bottles / dummies???

That said I do sterilise religiously and the infection is almost all gone, the last HV did say that the pipette I used with the Nystan could have been the problem as you put it in bub's mouth and then back in medicine so the pipette itself could have the infection?

Thursh isnt down to cleanliness hun from u, thrush is a bacteria what his immune system causes when theres to much bacteria, xx
Wilson she doesn't always fall asleep as she's a lot more awake in the day now. It's just hard to workout if she's hungry still or not :(
Going to go to a bfing support group for some advice I think x
Wilson she doesn't always fall asleep as she's a lot more awake in the day now. It's just hard to workout if she's hungry still or not :(
Going to go to a bfing support group for some advice I think x

That's what the support groups are for hun!!

Just about to hang out my first lot of washing since Sunday, I've been lost without the machine (I love doing the laundry as well :shock:)


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