**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Hey Wilson,

Good to see you!!

What's Arthur's new little cousin called?

James is now 12lb 5oz and back in the 25th centile - yay!! He's put on almost a lb in 2 weeks :lol: He is very long though - 57cm! How tall are all the other November babies?

HV was very happy with him and he was a sweetheart, although he'd bloody scratched near his eye just before we went out. I cut his nails yesterday but forgot to file them! He looked like a battered child :shock: :roll:

We then came home and went back out again so that's twice today I've lugged the pram up and down the stairs.

Had a crap week diet wise and I really need to get myself in gear, eating the way I currently do is not helping my energy levels.

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GP didn't really diagnose it, OI described his symptoms at his 8 week check and she gave me gaviscon to try, but didn't bother using it until now... and not sure if I will use it again, LO doesn't like it all that much and it thickens up the formula so much that it is a struggle to get through the bottle. Obviously, I will use it if he definitely has reflux and find a way around the issue, but until we can definitely rule out colic I think I will leave out adding stuff to his formula. I might just switch to the anti-reflux milk, depending on how LO goes.

LO has been with MIL all day :-( Despite all the trouble he causes, I am missing him. I think my MIL has become overly possessive of the LO. She was there every day during my terrible first few weeks with him but now she won't let go :-s
Hi everyone

:hugs: Ruth, glad it was a good send off.

Wilson, good to see you here. I know what you mean about the Internet. Glad the BF issues have resolved.

Nat - I know what you mean about eating. We used to eat at 6:30, but that is J's bath time. Now we eat when he is settled, usually 7:30 but can be as late as 8. Not as late as you but much later than we like. Can you bring bath and bedtime a little earlier? Or are you worried James will wake earlier? J sleeps from 7:30 to about 6:30-7am, but I feed in the night - a dreamfeed at 11pm then when he wakes for one about 3-4am. It's a routine that we kind of just fell into, but we like it.

Srob, what teats are up you using? If you're still using first stage you will struggle with the gaviscon added because it makes the milk thicker. I would recommend variflow. You'll have the same problem with the anti reflux milk as it's thicker than first milk too.

My husband is going away on business next week, so I'm not looking forward to the early mornings as well as the night feeds. I'll miss him too, he's been around constantly since early November and I'm used to it now. He does little things during the day too, when he's working from home. It will be quiet in the house!
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Is it bad that I've been trying to convince OH to try for another baby? :lol: I think if he let me I would aswell!
oh deary me.... today i went into next for a quick browse at the baby clothes and Oh my there is soo many gorgeous summer girlie clothes..!! i had to drag my self out lol.

Ella has slept all day today so im in for a fun night. Last night was the first time she went down without a screaming fit so im hoping it could be the start of a new routine.

Carnat- glad james is putting on weight :) hope he starts to sleep a bit longer for you too

Wilson- im glad your feeling good!

Ella is staying out for the first night tomoz..!! im dreading it :( its my birthday and im going out with my OH for my cousins suprise 21st so shes staying at my sisters! I bet i dont sleep a wink lol.
Wilson.sounds like you had a lovely time :)

Chloe..I really wanted another but now I'm not so sure?! I think M is enough fit us as I want her to have the best and with more than 1 I'm not sure i could give her this?

Ruthie..there are so many cute little girls clothes M&S have a great range too!

Nat..are you going to try a dream feed? Hope the little man sleeps longer for you

La..so you think you might have caught already!! You could be the first November mummy to get pregnant again!

I went with a close friend of mind to her 12 week scan, it was amazing to share the experience with her, thankfully her belly bean is healthy and was giving us a right laugh jumping around everywhere. Apart from this M and I had a nice quiet day chilling out :) x
L_a I'd love to be NTNP but I do get pregnant very easily so we have to wait a while.

Also I want to enjoy James as much as possible for as long as possible.

The plan is to be pregnant by my 35th Birthday though so I have just under 2.5 years :lol: :lol:

2 will be our limit though. If we aren't able to be blessed again then at least James will grow up with lots of cousins?

Sleep is still a nightmare for us, on paper James sleeps the night through but he doesn't (he stirs and grunts and thrashes and keeps me awake from 3am most nights) I did manage to get him to stay semi asleep until almost 7am today BUT I've been waking every 20 minutes since 3.3oam to pop his covers back on, offer him his dummy, put Ewan on etc...


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Mrswoody - no, I think it's very unlikely. We had IVF for J due to unexplained infertility. Of course, because it was unexplained, there may be nothing wrong and it might have been just chance. So who knows. I'm not going to use contraception though. After trying for 2.5 years for J, we would just think ourselves lucky if it happened naturally.

The plan is to leave it to fate this year, and possibly do IVF again in the new year.

It would be Sod's law though, wouldn't it, if I caught this month!

Nat- I'd love to leave it and enjoy J for a few years, but I'm already 39 with unexplained infertility. We can't afford that if we want another child. Plus I don't want to be 45 and pregnant, even if that were possible for me. The decision for us will be taken this year, do we want another child enough to do IVF again. At the moment, I'm loving having J and I'm really not bothered about another. My main motivation would be a sibling for J, he may have no cousins except those in Australia.
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I want two children and would love a little boy. But i definately dont want to be trying anytime soon. I know its different when they are born but i just cant imagine sharing my love for olivia with another child - even though i know that i will have enough love to go around when baby number 2 arrives. We will wait til O is 4 until we try. That gives me enough time to learn all of these abbreviations, i know ttc thats it lol.

O has had runny poops since her jabs. Is this normal?

It can be, Kerrie. Remind me, how long ago were the jabs? Is she ill at all with it?

I'd love a girl, but I can't try for another baby for that reason.
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I think one of each is perfect but i'd be more than happy with another girl. I definately want 2.

She had them thursday morning so its been 48 hours. She's been so so happy and this is the only thing that has been different with her xx
I'd love one of each but after having James I'd be equally excited to have another boy!!

It was hard enough to have a successful pregnancy though so for the time being I am just grateful to have one bub!

I wouldn't worry then Kerrie, it probably is the jabs. It should clear up in a day or so.
Hey, just popping on to see how everyone is doing.

Life is very hectic around here, I dont get much time to be on the computer now I'm a mummy to 2.
Sophie is doing really well and is growing so fast. The time goes much faster with your second! I've just put her into her pushchair parent facing, she's settling much better as I sit it up slightly.

No more babies for us :) 2 babies, 1 step-daughter and a grandson is enough for me! Im actually happy with the decision, I honesty thought I'd be very broody after the 'final' decision, but I'm not. Not that I'd have anywhere to put another, it would have to go in the drawer!! :lol:

We are over run with baby bits already and Sophie really doesn't take an interest atm. She cant hold anything, so we are playing with fabric's and noisy toys. She loves singing and is recognizing the songs we sing all of the time. I've also been thinking of weaning and after having such a rotten time with AJ, I'm thinking of doing a mix of BLW and spoon feeding. I have a little mamas and papas snug for her to sit in when the time comes.

Anyway I'm just waffling. Hope everyone and their babies are well. xx
Hello Charliebear..glad to hear your and Sophie are doing well :)

LA..so sorry I should have remembered before I spoke! I do know of a couple who had twins through IVF then went on to have another baby without IVF x

I'm in 2 minds now about another baby originally I wanted my babies close together now I'm not so sure?! I feel like I want to enjoy Madison and give her all my attention and provide her with the best I can, but I don't want to spoil her or have her be the only one, I'm one of four as is oh! Plenty time to decide though :)
Well hello Charliebear!!

I was thinking about you the other day actually and wondering how you are doing.

Glad to hear all is well.... I can't believe you are already thinking about weaning (we'll all be there soon hey?? Our babies are growing so quickly!)

My friend did BLW and she said it was terrifying. I remember being out with her and her baby and she let him have a bit if mint [it was in her mint tea and he wanted it] cue the baby choking on it :shock: :shock:

He's fully weaned now and just dandy though!!

mrsw, I am the eldest of 4 children and my OH is one of 6 kids so we really appreciate the importance of siblings. We're both close to all our siblings!!

If we couldn't have another then James will have cousins very close is age. Alice is 6 months older, George 3 weeks younger and he'll have two new cousins by October!!! Also he has his older cousins too.. So he'll never be lonely..

Having experienced pregnancy and Mummyhood though I know I want to do it all again one day :lol:

The plan is to start NTNP in the summer of 2014...

I'm close to my siblings too the youngest is 7 in June so Madison will hopefully have a close relationship with her if we were only to have the one. Oh isnt so close to his as I am mine but I make a point of making sure he keeps in contact espcially with living so far away from home.
Nice chilled day today, I've just made some chocolate moose for dessert so I'm looking forward to dinner today!!x
OH and I picked up some black forest gateau for dessert!

We were going to go for coffee and cake but we had the pram and shopping so we went to our fave place and got two massive slices for later. Yum!

I've also been ordering like crazy today. So far James has some new clothes, a new bouncer and a new crib coming! Plus we bought a new coffee table.

James' current bouncer and crib were loans from people who are now having babies again themselves LOL, so we've had to replace them.

We also bought Granny a Birthday pressie (I've bought a lovely frame and out a piccie of James in it, plus an Orchid)

Touch wood we're still OK for money. We've not yet had to dip into savings but we will do in the coming months. I am so glad we saved though. We paid off all our credit cards and I paid off my student loan whilst TTC. Now I just need to stop bloody spending money!

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