**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Talk about struggling to sleep. M went down at 10pm, I was still ale at 3, then Sod's law, he starts waking at 4am! Grrr.

So many of you wanting to be midwives. I would be an emotional, broody wreck if I did it. Plus the still born s etc would break me.

I have a whole day without my boy today as I need to go wedding outfit shopping (nightmare with my non existent size in shops) and I will be carrying a hand pump with my all day...nice. Dreading it.
Morning ladies,

Weigh-in day for me today and I lost feck all.

So annoyed and can't help but to think had I carried on expressing this is yet another issue I could have solved.

4lbs in 3 weeks is pathetic (as I am trying to shift almost 3 stone the first bit of weight should just drop off??)

Anyhoo, no regrets hey??? I can't go back in time and I will eventually get back in shape.

James slept 9pm - 5.30am but we got up at 6am. Up until this week he'd normally go back down for a few hours but he doesn't seem to need that extra sleep anymore? We did have lovely smiles and lots of chatter from him though so OH has gone off to work all happy to have seen a bit of James today!

Jame slept quite well (I bought him in with us about 1am as his hands were like ice again) I nodded off about 11pm but was awake at 1am and 3am so feel shattered. I never sleep great when he is in bed with us in-case one of us squish him :shock:

We're off to baby clinic in a few hours for weighing and I want to see HV as James still has a bit of oral thrush and he now has cradle cap!! Poor little crusty James :lol:

Yeah m is a bit flaky too!

On the losing weight and expressing not necessarily true for everyone! I'm bf, eating well and walking and loosing weight VERY slowly.

But like you say, look at what we have for it.

Hope James weighs a healthy lb
Good doze from my little man today, he woke at 3:30am but didn't belt out a cry and settled himself back to sleep. He was in bed from 8:30pm till 7am. Not bad! Finally got him back to sleep again with the help of the good ole hairdryer. It is great being able to get ready whilst sending him to sleep at the same time!

I am really paranoid about him being underfed though. This sleeping through the night lark un-nerves me, so I have increased the amount of oz he has from 5oz to 6oz and he feeds only about 4 times a day (sometimes 5), as he can be in bed for near enough 12 hours of the day and feed between 3-4 hours whilst he is awake. Going to take him to be weighed on Tuesday and hope he is gaining weight or is at least on his centile. He was 9lb 8oz when weighed at 7 weeks, so hoping he has beefed up another pound at least as he will be 10 weeks old on Monday.
Morning girls

Firstly let me say stop wickling about the weight, your here, happy and healthy with a beautiful baby, im sure it will drop off when they start crawling :)

Thankyou girls for the nice message about tracey, i sobbed all the way through the service now shes at rest :) truely a inspiring woman xx

I cant believe arthur is 2 month old today :/ where has the time gone??
Said to my fella today i love his routine, its all fell into place now, i love it :)

Any plans for the weekend girls xx
Wilson..thank you for that I'll have a look into that :) have you looked at near by unis for the conversion?

Saz..are you coming out of the Army? I love my job too but sadly the main part of my job is at sea so I'm not sure I could leave M for long periods of time, this means I will probably be leaving the Navy in the next year or so too, scares me to even think about it! Sorry T had a time of it with his jabs hopefully today is better for you both. With the formula maybe you could give I'm an ounce or 2 from the bottle then give him bm, this might get him used to the formula and bottle? Then slowly up the ounces when you know he's happy with the formula?

Nat..keep going with the diet, 4lbs is at least something though :) you'll get there. How did the weigh in go for James? I've a crusty baby too, she's got cradle cap as well poor thing. What do you put of James' hands at night? I've started to use socks as M just takes scratch mitts off, she hasn't mastered how to get the socks off yet :lol: keep her hands cosy too.

Kelly..enjoy your shopping trip!

Sorb..I wouldn't worry too much about under feeding your wee man. If he was hungry he'd wake up but you could always try a dream feed if it would put your mind at ease?
Wilson your right, I know once this little man gets going I'll be burning more calories than I can eat lol.

Mrs woody thanks T is much better today so fingers crossed he carries on like this. It's really hard when they're sobbing their little hearts out. Both my oh and I are in the army and its just too busy and we will end up going away as there are exercises everywhere at the mo and work has already hinted that after my six months grace period back in work I'll be deployed where they need me. Plus we get moved every three years and I'll have to fight to get moved with T and oh. The thought of being away from them both upsets me so I know it's time to move on to a new job.

I'm starting loads of courses as the job I'm in will let me do it plus there are the learning credits I can use for any courses I have to pay for.

You guys go away for more than 6 months at a time don't you? Is there no long term land posts they could give you? It's going to be scary getting out of the army as for all its downfalls there is always security. Our family in Essex is getting older and we don't see them enough so it's also a big motivator to leave.

I'll try to phase in the formula but he wasn't amused by it at all, sadly hes got to have it.
Wilson- glad your friend had a great send of! Im sure you all did her proud.

Baby calpol was a god send after ellas first jabs! she loved the taste too lol

Carnat - poor crusty james lol!! Do you use shampoo? im still just using plain water but iv got some shampoo, not sure when to start using it?

Ella is coming on leaps and bounds this past few days.. shes smiling, laughing and holding her head really well, i think my little girl was so busy drinking milk she forgot to learn anything else lol.. iv managed to cut a feed out by making her wait 3 and a half to four hours between feeds every time which is cutting one out a day! Im so worried im over feeding now :/

She had a bit of a rough night last night, she wouldnt go back down after her feeds. usually i can feed her and put her straight back down and shes fast asleep but last night she was crying and whingy for a good hour afterwards.
Shes woken up in a great mood though so im enjoying her company today :) she makes me smile
Ruth, u can use baby shampoo now, i started about 2wks ago but it has brought his cradle cap out. Its just wipes he cant use any but pampers sensitive xx

Ruth shes beautiful xx
Gosh so much to catch up on :lol:

Ella is just stunning hun!

We use Dentinox on James' cradle cap and HV said to use olive oil too.

James can get mittens off and socks!! So I just take him in with me now as it's the only way I can keep him warm... From tomorrow it's going to be much milder in London.

James is now 11lb 6oz but he's dropped a centile so they want us back in two weeks? He's gone from 25th to 9th so instead of now going to monthly weigh-ins I have to go back in 2 weeks for a weigh-in and to see HV :shock: Also today they made me leave the pram outside which I hate doing. Bloody stupid expensive pram + living in central London where pram theft sadly exists means it is not the best idea to leave your pram unattended!!

We went for a lovely walk after and I popped in to see SIL and my nephews and my sister popped in with her yongest boy! So there was 4 out of the 5 boys causing mayhem. James slept through most of it LOL!

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Hiya girls :)

Hope you're all well and have had a good day with your little ones!

Aela is very definitely going through a wee leap and is being sooooo clingy! Very rarely lets me put her down which is a it of a pain! On the plus side we're getting much more frequent smiles now so I can deal with her grumpy periods for a big smile later :) We've been putting her in her play gym a lot the last couple of days and she loves it! It's one which has a wee piano at the bottom for her to kick with her feet and boy does she boot it! Also, there's a mirror right above her head and she just looks at herself for ages chatting and smiling away!

We had our first baby massage class the other day as well! She wasn't very keen on it but I think she was just knackered before it even started so thought I might try it after her bath tonight.xx
Poor little James had a projectile vomiting incident after his last feed. He was fine but we were both covered (so he had to go back in the bath, get dressed and fed again and I only had my dinner about 10 minutes ago!)

He is spark out now so I am going to devour my cupcake and join him!

Nighty night

Night night Nat! Good weight for James, maybe he's just levelling out now? Poor thing vomiting over mummy, enjoy your cupcake!

Missyeovil..I love doing baby massage M only seems to like it in the class, when I try at home she screams!

Saz..yup we can be deployed for upto 9 months depending on tasking so I'd hate that. I want to move back to Scotland so the same as you it's a huge pull to leave :)

Ruthie..fab photos she's gorge! We started using baby shampoo and M got cradle cap so we use dentinox :)

My good friend has asked me to go to her 12 week scan with her in 2 weeks! I'm so touched she's asked me, so exciting too. Her oh is working away and ant get the time off which is such ashame for him.
It's a shampoo for cradle cap it works for us by drying it up.

M has just vommed all over me and my bed :( she wouldn't stop being sick!! She found it hilarious lol it's the first time she's thrown up bm!! Hmm..
CARNAT, I have a buggy buddy, got it from boots as I live near a thieving area of Plymouth :(. I have THREE bikes stolen in 2 years, my car smashed, my husbands motorbike got stolen 3 years back (on a ground anchor and gold rated D Locks, and it was a BMW super duper pride and joy, he did get it back mind, not easy to steal one of them and get away with it round here, sold it it off in the end...YEY! I hate him driving that thing, bad enough worrying about him when he is away) so to have my expensive buggy nicked, I used a d lock for a while (a friend had hers nicked in daylight outside a busy hairdressers) who would know though? Then saw these small buggy buddies, it's good enough as a deterrent. £9.99 I'm sure you can get a cheaper one online or just use a bike lock! Less fiddly.

Wilson, I know you are right about stop worrying about weight etc and look what we have for it, a beautiful baby. But it's hard to remember sometimes :( I feel silly for it. But I. Went dress shopping for a wedding yesterday, and I just cried and cried, I didn't feel attractive in the slightest or smart. I'm such an odd shape. I was size 12/14 before pregnancy. Now I don't even fit into 14/16/18 they range from way too small to way too big to odd shaped. This wedding is important as my hubby is best man and all the men are wearing their number ones uniform so I have to look the part too.

I did find a flowing dress from monsoon that had fabric in the right areas and sparkly gems in good places so I felt good in the end. So glad I didn't give up. I DID GET STUCK IN A BODY SUIT in marks and Spencer's and had to get the lovely lady t help me out of it, I was crying with laughter, she was 'trying' to be professional and not. I didn't get one in the end...haha.

Massan slept for 8 hours without break last night so I am on cloud nine today and I have cleaned my bathroom, deep cleaned my kitchen and he is giggly, playful and happy to be alone, can't complain today.

Cradle cap shampoo is ALREADY working a treat after 2 nights of using it, so I recommend it Amanda.

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Hi kelly

Before i go on ive just put arthur in his cot (still in his nursery) for a nap in his sleeping bag and he tuck his self off to sleep :) happy day :) xxImageUploadedByTapatalk1359202387.399201.jpg

I know how you feel about weight, it isnt nice not to feel attractive, i hsve moments where i feel frumpy, luckily i managed to drop my baby weight and i still have a different shape to what i started with, however im not in a rush to get skinny fit looking just yet, i know it doednt help when u pick up magazines. Or see a skinny pretty girl in thr street, but youve just had a baby, it tskes 9 months to make a baby, its not going to take you 9wks to recover. Anyone trying to lose weight please try and be realistic, set yourself reachable goals with a baby :) im not going to try and tone up till at least april when im not breast feeding as much.

Why dont you look at the holly willohbough colthes range, she designed a range for after pregnancy body shape and so did coleen.
You such a lovely person chick, what ever u wear u will look stunning :D

Can cradle cap come down onto his eye brows as its quite flakey his forehead xxxxx
Aww Kelly, I know what you mean. I'm so reluctant to buy anything new because I'm hoping it will be too big soon, but all my maternity stuff is too big (and the wrong shape) and my pre-pregnancy stuff is too small. I'm not sure I'll ever fit my skinny jeans again, my pelvis has got wider. I've had to buy a pair of jeans and a couple of tops to tide me over, just to stop myself living in the same two outfits! My cousin told me that she couldn't lose the last stone whatever she did, until 6 months after the birth and then it just dropped off without her having to do anything different.

I'm fed up of the snow now, or really it's ice that's the problem. It would have been a perfect day for a run today, we're sat around doing nothing with babysitters on tap, but the roads and pavements are so icy. It's starting to thaw now it's a bit late.

We're up at the ILs and it's all going well so far. J slept all the way up, except for the 1 hr stop at the services to eat, change and feed him. He took to his travel cot straight away and slept the latest he ever has this morning - 7:40am! I went to a Burns night at the local out with FIL, BIL and SIL last night while DH stayed at home with J and his mum. It was nice to get out and it was a fun night.

It's been a good practise run because we're going on a training week with our running club in a few weeks, staying in some holiday cottages. We forgot a few things, but nothing we couldn't live without, so I can now refine the pack list.

My MIL has been trying to persuade us to go out and leave the baby with them. I might have if I hadn't just had a "discussion" with my FIL who thinks we react too quickly when J cries (we don't jump up when he whimpers, but if he doesn't settle himself I will go to him before he completely melts down). He thinks we should leave him to cry for 10 mins each time, to ensure he won't learn to cry for our attention. FFS.

Hope you all enjoy the rest of the weekend xxx
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