**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)


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Sep 20, 2011
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Sorry if this is a bit too cliquey - Mod's feel free to close thread if it breaks any rules!

We had such a lovely chat thread going in Tri 3, it seems such a shame to not carry it on???

Obviously we cannot post in Tri 3 forever.

Let me have you babies name, weight, date and time of birth.. and any other info?

williowwisp - :blue: Henry, born 22nd October. 6lbs 3oz (was a November baby but he couldn't wait :lol:)
kittyrooroo - :blue: Jack Callum, born 30th October. 7lbs 8oz (8 days overdue, just beating induction!)
Celene - :blue: Kaelan Michael born 4th November @ 22:57. 3.77kg, 53cm
kerrie89 - :pink: Olivia Grace, born 11th November @ 14.12. 8lb 1oz
CARNAT22 - :blue: James Michael, born 14th November @ 12:56am. 7lbs 8oz, 50 cm (9 days overdue, born on his Daddy's 32nd Birthday)
Robyn_mcl - :blue: Taylor Elliot, born 15th November. 8lbs 9oz
MrsL84 - :pink: Freya born 16th November @ 03:15. 7lbs 8oz.
mrswoody - :pink: Madison Mia, born 16th November @ 03:15. 7lbs 15oz
Kellybean - :blue: Massan, born 16th November @ 10:08. 9lbs 13oz
Siouxie - :pink: Roxanne Elizabeth born 21st November @ 2.06pm. 7lb 12oz. Palindrome baby born 21/11/12.
sazz - :blue: Toby Derek, born on 23rd November @ 04:09. 7lbs 12oz.
Little_angel - :blue: Joe born 22nd November @ 01:50. 8lbs 4oz.
Ruthiex - :pink: Ella Grace born 23rd November @ 2pm. 5lbs 12oz.
1stBump12 - :pink: Tabitha Eve born 27th November. 9lbs 15oz
Wilson28 - :blue: Arthur Bruce, born on 30th November @ 17:11. 8lbs 7oz
sallybee - :pink: Catherine Rose, born 30th November @ 20:33. 7lb 6oz
ChloeNat - :pink: Lyla Marie, born 1st December @ 12:15am. 7lbs 13.5oz. Just missing November.
Shoula_uk - :pink: Chloe Margaret, born 1st December @ 09:52am. 8lbs 8.5oz.
missyeovil - :pink: Aela Louise, born 3rd December @ 11:20am. 8lbs 5oz
Emmaw_9 :blue: Harry James, born 4th December. 6lbs 11oz
Sammyxo Mummy to twin boys. :blue::blue: Dylan John born 5th December @ 5.05am. 5lbs. Sebastian David, born 5th December @ 5.07am. 5lbs 15oz (lots of 5's :lol:)
PINK BUTTERFLY - :pink: Chloe, born 19th December.

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We've had a bit of an iffy day today, James was grouchy all morning and was wanting food every 2.5 / 3 hours.. He'd had 19oz by 2pm :shock:

We had lots of screaming, and a few tears from me I must confess. He's been so good the past few days this felt like a step backwards?

We had a Birthday party at 4pm (my friends LO turned one) and James fell asleep on route - he slept the whole way through the party. There were a few friends that hadn't met James yet there and we didn't even see an eyeball.

He's in his carry cot in the living room, I've taken his outdoor clothes off and he is still spark out, I'll pay for this tonight I bet.

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I am here :)) i miss our theead in tri 3, miss being pregnant actually, i miss SLEEP lol.

Hope everyone is ok, Arthur is suffering from a cold, bunged up with a cough and cold and very mucusy behind his nose, however hes had expressed from a bottle today woohoo, so going to get him on bottles this weekend and do breast at night. Xx
Hello mummies!!!

Hopefully this is allowed and everyone can come share our journey! :)

Madison has been doing amazingly these past few days 2 nights in a row and we've had between 5-6 hoursnsleep :dance: needless to say its been great and I really hope she's getting her self into a routine now.
Had a mummy failure yesterday, went out for the last of my Xmas presents and forgot the adaptors for the pram so our shopping trip was cancelled and I only managed to carry her to the post office and back, popped her in the car and went off to tesco when I got there I realised I hadn't strapped her seat into the car :wall2: I felt bloody terrible!!! It was a 2min journey but still! I was in such a flap!!! So bad mummy to me :shock:

My dad comes down on Friday for Christmas and I've not seen him since the summer so can't wait to see him and he is super excited to see the little lady!

Nat..maybe James was having a little off day? Hopefully he sleeps for you tonight though, it's a hard life being a baby all that eatingsleeping and pooping!!

Wilson..yay to taking from the bottle for Arthur! Good to hear he's taken to it for you

I need sleep, Arthur was up every 2hrs feedin last night, but pukes half of it back cause of his cold :( i hope to have a better sleep tonight.

Also goin to the inlaws, i love them to bits but mummy inlaw gets s bit to organised and its to much, OH had to trll her to back off last night as shes pestering slot for piccys of arthur but some we want of our own without everyone having the same. Xx
Are u ladies buying lots of xmas pressies xx


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Yay to piccies!

I'll add a few of mine soon.

James is actually an angel at night (so I should count my blessings really) and I've had 6 hours the past two nights.

He actually went 8 hours without a feed last night (from 8.30pm to 4.30am!!) so I think that is why he has been so off today, he's probably starving!

He slept through his first ever party, bless him...

I kind of stirred him when we got home (as he'd gone 5.5 hours without feeding) and he's been mardy ever since!

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Yay he's so cute in his hat!

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:
I cant believe arthur is 3wks on friday already, where has it gone :(

Catherine Rose born 30 November at 8:33pm weighing 7lbs 6oz :)

We've had two terrible nights sleep she has started thinking 2am til about 6am is playtime. Also I'm now completely expressing so have to be up anyway in the night, but it feels like my supply is rubbish now :/ think I'm just putting too much pressure on myself?

Pics are gorgeous of both your little boys! And Artie bear is the best nickname ever, I hope you're still calling him that when he's 18 Wilson lol :p Xx

Nat the hat is amazing - and he looks at the camera!? So clever :) xx

I got Cathy a couple little outfits in 3-6 month size for Christmas, its not much but its something for Christmas (and it was a nice excuse to spoil her when Daddy caught us buying them!) Xx

I'm still here, just don't post much. When I have the time I don't seem to have the energy!

Baby is Joe, 8lb 4, born 22/11/12 at 1:50am.

All well here, just tired. We dropped the attempt to return to exclusive breast feeding shortly before I sent all three of us mad. I'm now expressing as much as it can, but not obsessing about it, and topping up with formula.

Joe is a real joy. He's very strong and alert. He seems to get a lot of wind, during the day and evening, but takes his bottles well at night and sleeps OK.

Hope you're all ok xxx
Aww this is nice.n

Olivia Grace, born 11.11.12 at 2.12pm. 8lb 1oz (actually olivia grace poppy because she was born on rememberance day)

She has been a star for just over two weeks and i get 8 hours sleep a night - im making the most of it though incase she goes backwards.

My laptop wont let me upload pics - keeps saying upload failed?? Can i do it on my iphone or ipad if anyone knows?
Glad to hear you're doing well l_a :) and not stressing about bf, totally pointless and not good for anyone. Glad you're enjoying your LO best way to be, maybe see a bit more of you if things settle down xx
8 hours sleep a night Kerrie! Tell me your secret! Xx
You have been getting 8 hours a night for two weeks Kerrie?

I am super jealous, James didn't let me have that per night from about 20 weeks :lol:

Yep - well there is a half hour feeding gap in the middle. It took a couple of nights but now she's doing great.
I feed her at half ten and she goes straight down, no talking and its dark and she goes to sleep on her own. She wakes up at 3 on the dot, feeds and then back to sleep straight away. Then up at 8!!

Its amazing. I didnt sleep either nat in the past few weeks! I feel like a new woman!

She sounds like a dream! You're so lucky lol :) xx

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