**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

I doubt it mrswoody - J was 16lb 6oz when last weighed 10 days ago. I call him chunky monkey too! :)
I was quite disappointed when AF arrived the other day too even though I was also freaking out it hadn't! I had been bleeding every 2 weeks since I started (and then stopped) the mini pill but this time it was bang on 28 days since the last one started so I think I'm maybe back to normal? Or maybe not...who knows! But pretty gutted as I am BFing!

OH has just ordered our highchair :) http://www.mothercare.com/Cosatto-Noodle-Highchair---Dippi-Egg/404995,default,pd.html

Only problemo is it says suitable from 6 months...it has a 5 point harness though and it reclines so it might be okay but I think we'll just play it by ear and put her in it when she's ready and if that's not until 6 months then it's a bit annoying but oh well!

I have the HV coming to see me on Tuesday regarding weaning - I text saying I want to do baby led weaning so hopefully she'll bring lots of useful info on that for me :)

Aela went down at 7 tonight!!! I actually cannot believe it...after months of struggling to get her to sleep at all, let alone in her crib, she is there now! She woke up just before 10 for a feed though...and last night she went about 3 hours and then woke up every hour for the next 4 hours. I don't really know what's the problem. I don't think she's hungry because the first 3 times she just took a wee bit of milk and then dozed of so I put her back down. Maybe it's just that I am too quick to pick her up and try and feed her, but I find it sooo difficult to let her cry in the middle of the night because I'm knackered and worry she'll wake my step-daughter up if she starts screaming!

I know Wilson was having problems with Arthur waking up lots in the night...any tips?

Right, I'm off for some sleep now! I'm really starting to feel the lack of sleep and then chasing a 7 year old and looking after a baba all day. Need about a weeks sleep to catch up! Maybe in 50 years time!:wall2: xx
La..J wins! :) hehe I thought she would have been 17lb, I think she must be levelling out now.

Missyeovil..does Aela have a dummy? You could try giving her one at night to help sooth her? She may well be looking for comfort. I'm trying to introduce a dummy at night for M but so far no luck.

Nat..hope you're ok after the abuse on the weaning questions xx

M has been so off these past 2 days! Temp is normal, nappies normal she is refusing her late morning and afternoon snooze, will fuss with food, cries a lot more. I went out for dinner with 2 friends came home M was crying her wee eyes out and poor oh looked so upset because he couldn't calm get down. It took me a good 10 minutes to sooth her :( I felt so bad for oh he was like "I feel terrible seeing her like that"
She's sleeping now mind. Still think its teething or maybe she is leaping really late?
I feel like I've missed loads after not being on for a few days!!

How's everyones LOs doing?

Lyla has tried a bit of petis filous and she loved it. Big smiles and everything. We are thinking of weaning her a little early as shes showing all the signs of being ready now! Stares at food won't take bottles when she sees someone eating tries to grab food off us and opens her mouth really wide when we tried her with the petis filous. Obviously going to leave it a little while longer (shes 4 months on 1st April) but I'm thinking she won't last much longer after that.
She already sits with us at the table in her high chair!

Anyway, we are staying with in laws for 10 days! Been here since Friday and it's, touch wood, not going too badly this time. Although Lyla still cries when OHs mum holds her? She smiles and coos away for my mum so don't know what it could be.

Oh my goodness Chloe I couldn't imagine staying with in laws for a whole ten days. Good luck! I can barely stand mine for three or four hours (but we do butt heads on our opinions a lot!)

I tried Cathy with some formula last night, she took it fantastically and it has really taken the pressure off until I can figure out what is the matter with my milk supply. It has a very distinctive odour though lol!! I think we are also coming to the end of this sleep regression as she has slept through 7pm-6am four nights out of the last seven.

Haven't seen Amanda about the last few days, not posting on here anyway. Everything alright hun? Xx

There have been a few incidents so far where I have held my tongue with them Sally! But getting to the point now I am getting too frustrated seeing Lyla upset to not say anything! For example, the way they hold her when she obviously does not like being held that way and they just carry on until she gets so worked up only I can settle her, yet they won't give her back?! It's heartbreaking and I can't say anything because I'm really quiet :wall:

Amanda has been posting as usual on facebook so I think all is ok, gladly!

My family are just the same Hun, they have no idea how to put her to sleep and she gets so so upset and overtired, they think they are giving me a rest but I get so stressed! I have started saying "it's time for her nap now so I will lay her down and put her to sleep" and taking her off them! Then they play with her if she looks at them so I have to tell them off lol!

Maybe try to find a diplomatic way to say it and just be firm, you have to do what's right for you and your baby, I hate seeing Cathy upset it breaks my heart :( xx


Chloe..I don't envy you with 10days at the inlaws that would drive me insane! I can manage a week at most lol
There are family members of ours who don't know how to hold M now she is older, they hold her when she preferred as a newborn and now has a mind of her own and has things she does and doesn't like.
M slept from 9-5 5-7 then 7-9.30 and is now chatting away to me and oh :)

It's our last baby sensory class today as the lady who runs it can't keep it up :( Such a shame as its a good group of people so of on the hunt for a new one, as I live semi rural the nearest one is an hour away!

Hope everyone has a good day xx
Yes mrsw they try to cradle her like they would a newborn when she wants to be sitting up looking around! Xx

Hello ladies im here :)

I havent been coming on the forum as much as i like to add now and then when things change rather than every day as its nice to see a change, i text sally and l_a regular and keep in touch with every1 else on fb :) i put sll my time into arthur now and ocasionally nip on, we have been doing craft stuff together this morning, making nanny her birthday presents with arthurs prints xx
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What a lovely ideas with the card, I have a handprint of cathys in my Mother's Day card but for some reason OH chose red paint so I think it looks like something out of a zombie film! Lol xx
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Here is the pressie so far lol, but arthurs flaked on me for his morning nap haha.

Sally did u try cathy at the boob?? Also what milk did u go for xx
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Yep, she won't even have a lick LOL... I am thinking of going to my local bfing support group as I'm not sure what to do, when she was newborn I was told to kind of smoosh her face into my boob and not sure how to even try to get her to re-latch?
We went for Hipp Organic as I've heard nothing but good things about it (and they were kind enough to send me some baby rice and a weaning leaflet! The adverts work!!! Lol) xx

Ps that is ridiculously cute a bitterly from his feet! May have to steal that idea lol! Xx

Haha thanks lovelies, go for it makes a fab pressie :)

Firstly sally give yourself a big pat on the back, 4 months is a long time to go with breast feeding, if your milk smells you may have an infection, id go to your gp, maybe another reason why your milk has slowed as for latching her, squeeze a bit of milk onto your nipple and rub her top lip with it, but do some boob stimulation first :) (that sounds wrong lol). We tried hipp but it gave him trapped wind so we went back on sma comfort, and it was ok but not as filling as he woke still every 2hrs.
Im back to block feeding again and last night he went down at 8pm dreamt fed him at 10pm and he went through till 2.30am, but he will only sleep on his side now, put him on his back and he awakes himself every 40mins :(
Trouble is i look like ive had a dodgy boob job lol. Xxxx
Hahaha Amanda noo the formula smells funny! Not my booby milk!

Yeah I remember the LC in hospital squeezing my nipple actually to do just that! Thanks for the advice hun.

Some babies are side sleeper, some are tummy sleepers just like us. Cathy always had dreams that she is falling and wakes herself up! Lol at your boob job, because you are only feeding from one side lol! Xx


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