I was quite disappointed when AF arrived the other day too even though I was also freaking out it hadn't! I had been bleeding every 2 weeks since I started (and then stopped) the mini pill but this time it was bang on 28 days since the last one started so I think I'm maybe back to normal? Or maybe not...who knows! But pretty gutted as I am BFing!
OH has just ordered our highchair
Only problemo is it says suitable from 6 months...it has a 5 point harness though and it reclines so it might be okay but I think we'll just play it by ear and put her in it when she's ready and if that's not until 6 months then it's a bit annoying but oh well!
I have the HV coming to see me on Tuesday regarding weaning - I text saying I want to do baby led weaning so hopefully she'll bring lots of useful info on that for me
Aela went down at 7 tonight!!! I actually cannot believe it...after months of struggling to get her to sleep at all, let alone in her crib, she is there now! She woke up just before 10 for a feed though...and last night she went about 3 hours and then woke up every hour for the next 4 hours. I don't really know what's the problem. I don't think she's hungry because the first 3 times she just took a wee bit of milk and then dozed of so I put her back down. Maybe it's just that I am too quick to pick her up and try and feed her, but I find it sooo difficult to let her cry in the middle of the night because I'm knackered and worry she'll wake my step-daughter up if she starts screaming!
I know Wilson was having problems with Arthur waking up lots in the night...any tips?
Right, I'm off for some sleep now! I'm really starting to feel the lack of sleep and then chasing a 7 year old and looking after a baba all day. Need about a weeks sleep to catch up! Maybe in 50 years time!
