**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

I make a point of my little man having 'day' and 'night' clothes... it was my way of him getting to know when it is nighttime. I don't know is he knows the difference, but incidentally getting changed is his favourite so I'm happy to do it! I don't see him growing out of his 0-3 months anytime soon, but I should start to stock up on some 3-6 months clothes in anticipation!
James is in gro-bags now so he knows when it is night-time LOL!

Your little man is so teeny Srob, considering how late he was as well???

Make the most of it though as they grow so bloody quickly.

I am starting to stockpile bits and pieces for 6-9 months now :shock: :shock:

I know, he is a tiny little thing. No wonder he wasn't in a hurry to come out! So tiny and yet so noisy!

He has been a right mare today... again. In fairness he really does suffer from some sort of pain. He has just gone to sleep but I had to wind him a lot before he went down - two sickies later, he fell asleep!

So far this week he has been screaming/crying 2 hours after each feed. Not fun.
SRob do you think he may have reflux? Have you spoken to your hv? If you can get to the bottom of whats causing the pain he will probably be a completely different baby. O suffered with bad wind/constipation when she was newborn and it was so so hard. She would just scream uncontrolably for hours :-( then i changed her to comfort milk she was like a different baby. Xxx

Sammy your little boys are so so cute. I have so much admiration for you with two it must be so hard - but doubly as rewarding. I loved the instagram pic of him with the glasses lol

O had her 2nd jabs today. For the first ones she screamed til she held her breath and wasnt well afterwards. So i was dreading this time. But she didnt cry half as bad, infact the firstone she only did a little wimper. Then she slept as we went out in the car which is normal. And as soon as she got home she woke up and has been so so happy. Im so pleased.

She is coming on so much now. Grabbing and hitting toys infront of her and proper chuckling. She gets so excited aswell and throws her arms and legs around when she likes something.

She's just gone down for a nap. I brought her one of those 'taggies' and its the best thing ive done. I struggled to get her to sleep in the day and since she's had it she has slept so well and goes on her own. She snuggles her head into it and then i move it when she's asleep. I never wanted her to have a snuggle but i dont mind these they are quite cute xx

A couple of my professional bumpy pics

Aww i miss my bump so much
Lovely pictures!

I do think it is reflux, I have some gaviscon so I will give it a go on his next feed. He has been really restless this week. He woke just then, belched and gone back to sleep again.
Aww bless him. Yep defo give it a try. I hope it works for you xx
Yep very!! O is the same sometimes
Where do you put him to sleep?

I started putting O in her carseat and she sleeps really well in there. I think its cos she's a bit more snuggly x
In his moses basket mainly, but he has his afternoon nap in his big boys cot to get him used to it.

Just gave him a feed with gaviscon... it was very slow and he's crying now!
Lovely pic's Kerrie!

Srob, how do Dr's go about diagnosing reflux? How long have you been using the Gaviscon? I assume it takes a while to kick in?

I am so tired at the moment, I mean proper brain achingly tired. I get a few hours each night but I think it's finally catching up with me... I never feel refreshed, I never feel awake or energetic. I am def more of a spring / summer person though so here's hoping the weather breaks soon.

Srob I hope the gaviscon starts to work soon for you lovely x

Kerrie beautiful bumpy photos I wish I had something like that done

Nat can oh have James for a bit while you catch up on some sleep? The weather will hopefully pick up, at least the snow has gone.

Had a busy few days, took M to a baby swimming class yesterday and it was fab. We done loads of stuff getting the babies used to the water and she even got dunked under! Poor thing opened her mouth as the instructor put her under and came up all waving her arms around lol so we've signed up to the classes which start after half term :) can't wait! It totally wiped me out!

Went and bought some 3-6 month bits today! My baby girl is getting so big!

Not seen Sally and Wilson around for a few days. Sally hasn't posted in here for a while x
Hello everyone

I just cant seem to find the time to get on here anymore lol. Any one else feel there just busy all the time but not getting any were? theres masses of washing to do, nursery needs sorting bedroom needs tidying, washing up needs doing... feel like im constantly doing but not achieving anything.

Was nans funeral today, was a lovley send of! was nearly late as OH couldnt find his shoes.. hes known about it all week but waits until 10 mins before to start getting ready... i was so stressed and angry i was crying before i even got there.

Ella has her 'naughty' time as we call it from anytime around 9-12/1 am every day. shes done this from birth pretty much? do you think it could be colic or just a bad time for her??? shes asleep now so im not looking forward to when she wakes up.

Annd lol... any one know any thing that works for cradle cap?? my poor lamb has it really bad?
It could be colic Ruthie, have you tried gripe water?

Dentinox Cradle Cap Shampoo is brill or if you rub baby oil on the cradle cap and let it dry out then brush away the flakes with a soft brush x
Hugs ruthie! Men are so bloomin unorganised! I'd second what Chloe says, dentinox has been great for Ms cradle cap, you need to wash the head twice, in the same bathtime, otherwise it doesn't work as well.
Glad the funeral went well Ruth!!

I've been up since 4.30am... honestly I am so bloody tired I want to scream.

I think I may have to go back to giving James a night feed and see if that helps him get a bit more sleep?

He is fine and slept 8.30pm - 4.30am. Me on the other hand didn't manage to get to bed until 10pm and he woke me a up a few times with his grunting.

The other thing I am really struggling with is dinner. We used to eat about 8pm but now that is James' bath / feeding time so we're not eating until 8.30pm or even later? I go to bed not long after eating so I'm not losing any weight.

James is pretty demanding from 5pm onwards so it's not practical to cook earlier? OH has him when he gets home but neither of us are hungry that early.

Yesterday I started cooking at 6pm (I made my own meatballs). I had everything prepped - meatballs cooking in oven, pasta cooked, salad on our plates, James in bath at 7.30pm and fed by 8pm yet still we didn't eat until almost 9pm???

I am feeling so fed up at the moment actually and am worried it's because I've gone back on the pill? It's been years since I've used hormonal contraception so my body is probably just adjusting.

Anyhoo, rant over!

Taking James to be weighed this morning, hope he's gone back up to 25th centile.

Hello everyone hope your all well :)
Well i decided i was coming on the forum to much and sat on the tinternet alot wasnt helping my anxiety, so now i go out walking alot of just do alot of things to tire me out. Just spent 3days at the seaside visiting my dad, my fella went in the office down south so me, my auntie, arthur and the dog went to the beach which was just lovely to unwind :)) Well Arthur is now only waking once in the night about 3-4am in between for a feed then back off till 8.30am. So its making sleep much better for myself which makes me less anxious come night. I cant believe hes 10wks old today, time has flown, hes full of cold and cough though :(
Hes now started to laugh which is adorable, but also learn the love of a dummie :( he constsntly was sucking his thumb/hand dribbling, changing him 2/3times a day because he was wet through, the dummie i think is a reason he sleeps longer in the night now too :)
He only has it to go to sleep on and then i take it off him, but hes growing to be a very happy content boy :)
Also the bf issue has cleared up, i know blockfeed him, we dont have no bottles i bf in public quite happily now so no green poo, no lactouse medicine, and feeds happily.
Here are a few recent pics
Last pic is arthur and his new cousin xx

Hope you are all having fun in mummie world xx
Big hugs ruth, hope yr nans funeral was a good send off for her xx
Big hugs ruth

Wilson - so nice to hear things are going well and that Arthur is sleeping longer for you. Dummies can be a god send! Sleep makes you feel likea new woman doesnt it?
I was very jelous of you seaside pics - glad to hear you had a good time.

Olivia woke up at half 5 and i ended up giving her a cuddle which made her cry for milk so it turned into a feed. I thinkshe woukd of gone back to sleep if i'd not of got her out. She went straight back down but a stupid man was whistling at 8 and woke her up then me. Then she pooped so we got up. We've both just had a snooze on the bed and now she's feeding again.

Everytime she wakes up she thinks its food time and thats the only time she screams!!!! So she's had 3 bottles today when usually she's only had one xx
Glad the funeral went well Ruth!!

I've been up since 4.30am... honestly I am so bloody tired I want to scream.

I think I may have to go back to giving James a night feed and see if that helps him get a bit more sleep?

He is fine and slept 8.30pm - 4.30am. Me on the other hand didn't manage to get to bed until 10pm and he woke me a up a few times with his grunting.

The other thing I am really struggling with is dinner. We used to eat about 8pm but now that is James' bath / feeding time so we're not eating until 8.30pm or even later? I go to bed not long after eating so I'm not losing any weight.

James is pretty demanding from 5pm onwards so it's not practical to cook earlier? OH has him when he gets home but neither of us are hungry that early.

Yesterday I started cooking at 6pm (I made my own meatballs). I had everything prepped - meatballs cooking in oven, pasta cooked, salad on our plates, James in bath at 7.30pm and fed by 8pm yet still we didn't eat until almost 9pm???

I am feeling so fed up at the moment actually and am worried it's because I've gone back on the pill? It's been years since I've used hormonal contraception so my body is probably just adjusting.

Anyhoo, rant over!

Taking James to be weighed this morning, hope he's gone back up to 25th centile.


Aww bugshun:hugs:

Yeah i'd try the night feed and hopefully that will help.

Im the same with my tea and oh works nights so its so hard to do anything sometimes but ive found we are in a bit of a routine now and O tends to sleep between 5 and 6 so i try to have something then. Im hungry again when i go to bed but just have a snack and i figure thats better than a main meal

I think its worse if you have a disturbed sleep isnt it? Xxxxxxxxxx

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