Hello everyone hope your all well

Well i decided i was coming on the forum to much and sat on the tinternet alot wasnt helping my anxiety, so now i go out walking alot of just do alot of things to tire me out. Just spent 3days at the seaside visiting my dad, my fella went in the office down south so me, my auntie, arthur and the dog went to the beach which was just lovely to unwind

) Well Arthur is now only waking once in the night about 3-4am in between for a feed then back off till 8.30am. So its making sleep much better for myself which makes me less anxious come night. I cant believe hes 10wks old today, time has flown, hes full of cold and cough though
Hes now started to laugh which is adorable, but also learn the love of a dummie

he constsntly was sucking his thumb/hand dribbling, changing him 2/3times a day because he was wet through, the dummie i think is a reason he sleeps longer in the night now too

He only has it to go to sleep on and then i take it off him, but hes growing to be a very happy content boy

Also the bf issue has cleared up, i know blockfeed him, we dont have no bottles i bf in public quite happily now so no green poo, no lactouse medicine, and feeds happily.
Here are a few recent pics

Last pic is arthur and his new cousin xx
Hope you are all having fun in mummie world xx
Big hugs ruth, hope yr nans funeral was a good send off for her xx