**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Its lovely to see the old face of 2012, lol.

Suffering a bit today as i was out for my bday last night so today on my actual bday i feel rubbish lol.

Thats a shame hes not wanting any yet mrs woody, but at least he hasnt said a full no.

I get my baby fix at work so it keeps me at bay lol i just get a tad worried about birth again with number 2.

So we have arthurs bday party tomorrow, and he has tonsilitus
Happy belated birthday Wilson.

Is it the actual birth that worries you (you had a tough time with Arthur?). I was so much more apprehensive second time as I knew what was coming!!! Had a much easier time though - 4 hours (81 mins from arriving at hosp) compared to 51 hours (15 hours from arriving at hospital) with James.

My mum was 53hr with me!! Mustv been torture.

Im scared next labour will be either too fast or super long?

Jacksons labour was super fast for an induction but I dunno if Ill go on my own next time and how long it will be. Other than that Im more ready for the 2nd. Labour is always a minefield.

Yeah its the labour that worries me.

I think because my heart issues of svt present in pregnancy which brought awful panic attacks because when you brain knows something is up with your heart it sends out adrenaline which brought on the panic attacks which then i thought im going to die lol , as well as when i had arthur he they couldnt get him out i was cut they used vent to get him out, i lost 1100mls of blood, had 2 pints of blood transfusion, my heart shot upto 180, ended up in hdu for 2 days, picked up d&v and at the time it was my 1st baby so it was a frightful experience, however if i can do motherhood bloody labour is easy lol...

Thankyou for my birthday wish nat, yep his 35
First time I was fine about labour, even though there were so many what ifs, I just had the "what will be will be" approach and it worked that time, but now I know what to expect. Its a different kind of nervousness from fear of the unknown first time round.

I was 8h from first pains, 9mins after being classed final stage of labour. Although now the bar has been set - could be better or worse than my last one :lol: better, I hope.

Hello everyone!

Big happy birthdays to all our 3 year olds! Aela was 3 on Thursday and has started her first morning at pre school today so I am feeling a bit lost! There were no tears though so hopefully she will just crack on and have lots of fun. There are only 3 of them in her year so she will get lots if attention from the teachers no doubt!

Arran will enjoy getting a bit of one on one time with mummy too :) he is very different from Aela - she is very physical and wanting to do stuff all day long wheras Arran just wants to snuggle up and watch a film.

We are busy planning our wedding in July and have also just bought some land to build our own house. I am so broody though, I am really struggling! Have got my wedding dress already so I can't get pregnant before then but ideally we wouldn't have another baby until our new house was built. We will have to see about that though ;)


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How are all our children? My son still isn't fully potty trained but been in pants since November. He won't take himself to the potty but will wee in it if asked (never poos) and holds in his wee rather than wets himself so I guess he's sort of dry? He still is a nightmare fussy eater, and considers his favourite responses as 'no', 'I don't want to' and 'not yet'. He has never been easy, I'm still waiting for that! Though saying that, he's doing really well at preschool, and he had his first dentist appointment and was fantastic and similar story with his first swimming lesson. So very proud. I just wish he'd be a bit easier :lol:
Jackson says I dont want that or I dont want it anymore :lol: its cute but can get frustrating.

My wee man isnt comp dry yet either, but hes going the right way and assume hes just like his daddy. Lazy.

Jacksons eating swings in round abouts. Ill put something down one day he eats it next time he hates it. Or point blank refuses to try..

Hope everyone else is doing good.

James is a nightmare at the moment, it really pains me to admit it.

He is having constant tantrums - about everything. I'd say at least 50% of the waking day at the moment is having a hissy fit. He has been ill and so has Bee (Bee has been really poorly and he probably feels a bit left out) but the melt downs have been going on for weeks.

Things he was normally ok with are a massive battleground at the moment (teeth, getting dressed, baths).

He is super fussy with food in general but he has spent a week living off yoghurt, bagels and bananas. Today he decided he won't eat yoghurt anymore! I know it's illness for the most part but this kid is stubborn and he knows not eating gets a reaction. I've finally got his constipation under control and he is undoing all our progress.

I just find him harder and harder to cope with.

On the upside he is now full time at preschool - they had a place available otherwise he wouldn't go full time until September. He is also pretty much toilet trained in the daytime.... poos too for the most part. He still has a nappy at night. One thing he has always been is a bloody good sleeper!!! This is still the case and he still has wet nappies every morning so he isn't ready for complete dryness yet?

I get glowing reports from his preschool and he is fine out of the house but it's just at home?

I'm struggling at the moment to be honest!!

Sorry to hear your struggling hun :hugs:

Im in the same boat with the food. Im running out of things to give him :shock: in nursery he eats all sorts!!

Hope James and Bee get well soon. I imagine its hard with 1 sick baby never mind 2.

I had a little smile when I seen this thread pop back up.

Madison is not dry At night either, infact totally opposite so I think she isn't ready for that stage yet.

Nat so sorry to hear that both kiddos are sick. It is so tough with 2 at the age gap we have with them.
I hope James comes out of this phase soon for you. Nothing worse than a tantrumming 3 year old.
We have had a reverse of behaviour and now it is Erraid having tantrums, full on throwing herself on the the floor too!
I pander to her far too much so I'm trying to stop so much. I'm also trying to yeah her to share but it's not happening. Everything is "mine" even though she's not playing with it. Poor Madison just deals with it and also gives in sometimes.
She is so loving towards her little sister.

Its strange the sharing thing because Jackson was always sooo good. I dunno if its him being used to himself, nursery or a phase that everything is his. Ive tried to stop saying this is for you or jackson but hes still going through a wee ohase if something gets shared about he goes mental.

Kinda hoping itll change now I have another but hes so polite in other ways, sharing is not his game.

Any your LOs a bit overly apologetic? Ive noticed J would always be saying sorry if hed fallen or bumped something but now hes saying im sorry its all my fault. Ive never said it to him and noticed peppapig says that quite alot so cutting her out. But another woman at the dentist says her wee girls the same always apologising? Its polite saying sorry but dont want him wandering around thinking accidents are his fault.

He sounded so heart felt when he said it too, broke my heart a little.

Its strange the sharing thing because Jackson was always sooo good. I dunno if its him being used to himself, nursery or a phase that everything is his. Ive tried to stop saying this is for you or jackson but hes still going through a wee ohase if something gets shared about he goes mental.

Kinda hoping itll change now I have another but hes so polite in other ways, sharing is not his game.

Any your LOs a bit overly apologetic? Ive noticed J would always be saying sorry if hed fallen or bumped something but now hes saying im sorry its all my fault. Ive never said it to him and noticed peppapig says that quite alot so cutting her out. But another woman at the dentist says her wee girls the same always apologising? Its polite saying sorry but dont want him wandering around thinking accidents are his fault.

He sounded so heart felt when he said it too, broke my heart a little.


Im so glad it's not just jack that does this! It almost makes me tear up. If he gets sat on the naughty step, he'll start with the 'I'm sorry mummy, it's all my fault' or 'I'll never be happy again' I don't know where he got that one from though.

I think we will get rid of peppa pig too. I do like that he's polite. He says 'sorry about that' if he knocks something over or if we bash heads trying to pick up the same thing. But he also demands that I apologise if something has happened. Xxx
Hello girls hope everyone is well, ill read back on the thread in a minute, did you all have a good xmas and new year? Well my oh finally got down on one knee few days after xmas on the beach, a very nice surprise, and we have just recently found out we are expecting an october baby eeekkk...but its all shhhhh as we havent told anyone yet. xx
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Arthur potty trained really well, but we did it last summer, pants off in the garden, potty outside, he did take to it really well, until i caught him squatting in the garden having a poo...LOL
we tuck his pull ups off him last year at night, so hes in his big boys pants, but when he does need a wee he will wake up and tell me, ive fell lucky really.

As for the food tasks/ getting dressed/ etc i found when arthur hit a wall with this is to involve them, let them pick their clothes out, tell them how big they are and you can do it and when they do give a reward...also with food i find letting arthur help me cook and see what food is what and hes proud he has cooked it, he eats it.

I find the sharing is the hard one and the bloody patience.....give me strength lol

Its strange the sharing thing because Jackson was always sooo good. I dunno if its him being used to himself, nursery or a phase that everything is his. Ive tried to stop saying this is for you or jackson but hes still going through a wee ohase if something gets shared about he goes mental.

Kinda hoping itll change now I have another but hes so polite in other ways, sharing is not his game.

Any your LOs a bit overly apologetic? Ive noticed J would always be saying sorry if hed fallen or bumped something but now hes saying im sorry its all my fault. Ive never said it to him and noticed peppapig says that quite alot so cutting her out. But another woman at the dentist says her wee girls the same always apologising? Its polite saying sorry but dont want him wandering around thinking accidents are his fault.

He sounded so heart felt when he said it too, broke my heart a little.


Im so glad it's not just jack that does this! It almost makes me tear up. If he gets sat on the naughty step, he'll start with the 'I'm sorry mummy, it's all my fault' or 'I'll never be happy again' I don't know where he got that one from though.

I think we will get rid of peppa pig too. I do like that he's polite. He says 'sorry about that' if he knocks something over or if we bash heads trying to pick up the same thing. But he also demands that I apologise if something has happened. Xxx

Yeah Jackson is very apologetic its a sin. I dunno why but its the only thing I can think of as she as a bit "oh george that was your fault, say your sorry"

This is a link I seen a while back and didnt take notice of.



Nice to hear news from people I don't have on facebook!

Sorry to hear your little ones have been poorly Nat. We had a few weeks of illness with one child after another getting ill and then us getting ill at the end. Aela is awful now because if she ever wants to get out of doing something she says "I very poorly" to get out of it :\ funny how just a few days of getting their own way turns them into wee devils!

Aela is dry during the day but Icannot get her to poo in potty or toilet!!! It is driving me insane. She always holds on till I put a nappy on her before bed, then does a poo in it - but she tells me she's gonna do it. But if I try and get her to go in the toilet she just comes up with an excuse and tonight didn't even do a poo because I kept her nappy off till the last minute so she will struggle even more tomorrow! :( She is also wet in the mornings so no where near ready to get her dry and night yet but I'm not bothered by that at all. With her and Arran in the same room I think it's easier not to have to worry about her getting up to the toilet in the night and waking him up!

She is absolutely loving pre school - doesn't even bother saying bye to me sometimes and cries on the weekend when it's not on! Arran is devastated he can't go too but I think he's getting used to having mummy to himself for a bit.

Arran is coming on leaps and bounds and using lots of words. He is utterly adorable although he has got a fiery temper on him and when he doesn't get his own way he can throw tantrums with the best of them.

As for apologising...Aela says sorry sometimes but I wouldn't say she overuses it by any stretch of the imagination haha! She does tell Arran off, put him on the naughty step and tell him to say sorry a lot though...

Congratulations Amanda - had seen the engagement news on facebook, how exciting to have a baby to look forward to too!

Thanks hunni, its all shhh at the moment as not far on.

Your photos are lovely that i see on facebook of the 2 little lovies xx

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