**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Bless you Nat, thank you. I did have my mini melt down just before Christmas (I posted on here) but I seem to have for over that. I start to lag by Thursday and get so tired.
Luckily oh gives me a lie in on a Saturday :)

James sounds like he is doing great, such a clever wee sausage knowing all things space :)

If it helps your decision with putting james into nursery when baby is here.
Madison goes Tuesday-thursday which gives me time with Erraid on my own and gives Madison her much needed stimulation that I can't. Also I get a little break from having the 2 girls.
Awwwwww that is just too cute hun.

Also thanks for the advice re nursery. Will def look into it

I was a November mummy back in 2012, was SRob then. I wasn't on much in the end. Joined late then suffered PND. I didn't have a great time. However, I couldn't love my little boy more now. He's sensational. He just talks non-stop! I love how they find their specialist subjects haha. For my son, it's cars. He got super excited over a Merc, shouting Mercedes at the top of his voice, the owner was very amused!

Pregnant again and due in April. I'm excited and anxious in equal measure. Though I think my anxieties arise more from worrying about how my son will handle the change. I've already got him in preschool one morning a week, but this will go up to two mornings per week before baby arrives. We also need to get him a proper bed as baby will be stealing his cotbed. And, preferably, I'd like him potty trained, but not feeling optimistic that this will be done before April....
Long time no hear November mummies.

Most of us will have 3 year olds now....

Hope everyone is well?

James started nursery last week.


We've had some issues with toilet training and he is at a preschool as opposed to private nursery so they expect them to use the loo themselves and if there are any accidents they will ring me to come and change him. 2.5 days and not one accident. Nor did I have to stay with him to settle him in.... was so proud.

(sorry this pic is so big!!)

We didn't have a party as such but the day before we took him on London Eye then to Hamleys and then for lunch at the Rainforest Cafe. On the day it was so wet so we had a day in playing with new toys and we had lots of visitors.

Beatrice is 10 months now and she is crawling, pulling herself up and cruising. She is driving poor James mad as all she does is follow him and grab his toys. She is a very different child (we co sleep, she is still breast feeding and she is very clingy to me. James was so independent from a very young age)


Am due back to work end of January and I'm dreading it.

Long time no hear November mummies.

Most of us will have 3 year olds now....

Hope everyone is well?

James started nursery last week.

View attachment 57044

We've had some issues with toilet training and he is at a preschool as opposed to private nursery so they expect them to use the loo themselves and if there are any accidents they will ring me to come and change him. 2.5 days and not one accident. Nor did I have to stay with him to settle him in.... was so proud.

(sorry this pic is so big!!)

We didn't have a party as such but the day before we took him on London Eye then to Hamleys and then for lunch at the Rainforest Cafe. On the day it was so wet so we had a day in playing with new toys and we had lots of visitors.

Beatrice is 10 months now and she is crawling, pulling herself up and cruising. She is driving poor James mad as all she does is follow him and grab his toys. She is a very different child (we co sleep, she is still breast feeding and she is very clingy to me. James was so independent from a very young age)


Am due back to work end of January and I'm dreading it.


Look how adorable James is with his wee uniform on!!

Love the swing pic, Bee is your double!!

They both look so alike! Both adorable little kiddies.

I can't believe we have 3 year olds now!

Toilet training continues to be a nightmare. He was doing really well until his birthday weekend when he decided it was time to start weeing his pants again! So far today no incidents - probably because i've said no treats unless he stays dry all day!
Rooster I didn't realise you were SRob. I am so silly lol.

James wee'd himself really badly the day before nursery (last Tues, his uncle took him out). Prior to then it was just the odd small accident.... This was bad enough it needed new trackies and socks!! So I was really concerned about nursery the next day, yet he surprised me so much.

I think we just have to go with the toilet training and just accept accidents. It's freaking horrid and I've hated every moment of it though.

Poor Bee being my double Clare lol.

Hello everyone,

Glad to see everyone is ok, and doing well.

I cant believe our children are knocking on 3.

Arthurs has been potty trained since august, he tuck to it very well and is dry at night. I did the sticker reward which he was very excited about. He starts nursery in january which im not looking forward to one bit, i know i will ball my eyes out.

Here he is from his play group pictures in summer and when we tuck him to disney on ice last week. X


Beatrice and james are very alike, shes grown very quickly, do you think you will have more?

Srob it might have been an intense time for your little one with toilet issues, bless em x
I think he was just too excited about all his presents to be bothered with the potty. We've had a dry day today but only because I've had to order him to the potty whenever he looks like he needs a wee.

Arthur looks so grown up, what a cutie! My son has been in preschool for a year now and it was sooo hard, but having that free time is rather lovely.
Aww sounds like you have it under control, it will all fall into place and a bit of advice a friend gave me was to leave it later than sooner and its true
Thanks chick, arthur has his dads colour eyes and my shape, he isnt well again today bless him, hope your ok my lovely xx
Jackson was blessed with my wee beedy eyes :lol: His look a bit different because youd expect him to have blue eyes with the ginger hair but they are so dark. They were like a grey colour when he was born!

Im ok, a bit run down but Im on the latter side of the 2ww, so feeling a bit crappy. Hopefully its all for a good purpose.

Ill be having a big stodgey dinner then bath and bed with some criminal minds.

I dunno why I watch it. I love all serial killer things until it involves kids. Ive cried twice this week already. Once at Jodie Marsh and once at dont tell the bride :lol:

I do believe we were the "original" ladies who set a monthly chat group! Lol

Great to hear everyone is doing so well.

Madison is 3 and what a character she is. She is such an independent little soul but full of love and she is very funny.
She is so clever and really does astound me most days. She's potty trained and has been since April but not dry in the night yet; I'll tackle that in the new year.

Erraid is now 1 and is a very different baby to how Madison was. She is on the whole very laid back but when she isn't happy gosh do I know it. She is a right diva but we all pander to her and indulge her every need. Lol

Both the girls are in nursery full time (same nursery) and I still work full time but I am am leaving the navy next July and looking for a part time job to spend more time with the girls before they are both in school.

Life is busy and they run me in circles but I wouldn't change it.

Awww lovely to hear from you mrsW.

Look at Madison's hair!!! And how similar do the girls look? They are wee beauties.

I'm having a melt down about going back to work but needs must.

Well done on all the kiddies who took to potty training so easily.... its been a bloody nightmare but we're getting there.

Wilson, Arthur is so grown up... He looks so much like you?

No more kids for us.... Sob.

bee and James look quite similar in ways. They are both Wee cities, can't believe how quick time goes.
Don't worry about work it will all work out; when is it you are due back?

Wilson lovely to hear you and Arthur are doing well.

I'm broody for a third but oh has said no for now for various reasons which I respect but still can't help myself lol


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