**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

James is gorgeous!

And Arthur is the image of you Amanda.

Something small for Lyla's birthday for us as we are heading to Canada for a month over christmas to stay with hubbys brother x
I can't get over how much Arthur looks like his Mummy :lol:

Wow Chloe, Canada - how wonderful.

I think I'd have to go away for a month to make it worthwhile with 2 kiddies :lol:

I have the week of James' Birthday off but on the actual day it will be London Aquarium and then lunch on the South Bank (it is Daddy's Birthday too)

We are hoping to be moved by then so I may throw a little party on the Saturday but if we're still where we are then I won't bother (too small)

What about you Amanda, any plans for the big 2nd Birthday?

Thanks nat, everyone says it too :)

You all ready for number 2??

I defo like beatrice for a name, its beautiful :)

Me and daddy are having the sunday arthurs actual birthday somewhere, we thought about a zoo or aquarium. In the saturday thinking of a little party in a village hall as our house isnt big enough for everyone xx
Ive already booked Jackson a giant indoor softplay area party, however - may need to rethink this, due to weather and time of year...

We did a big farm in the summer for his nursery trip and he hated it just wasnt interested so I think Ill wait before I take him to the animal things. He doesnt even bother his back end with the 3 cats at home LOL.

Thinking of doing the hall Wilson - seen some proper fab jumpjump hires aswell.. so its a wait and see atm - not a huge guestlist though.

Wilson Arthur is your double! What a cutie.

We will probably just have a little tea party for Madison in the house I think or at soft play so there is more space to run around. Nothing big this year.

Here is an upto date pic of Madison for those I don't have on fb.


Ah thank you Nat. I think this baby is way to cosy! I've been have tightenings for a good week and they do get quite strong, I don't remember these with M?!
Wowser it's that time of year again already!

November has arrived.

Hope all you lovely November Mummy's are well? (I know lots of you have become Mummy's again since :lol: :lol:)

Change of plans for James' Birthday, we'll be getting ready to move house instead. Official moving day will be 16th but we need to pack and dismantle furniture before that.

Maybe we'll make it to the aquarium for his 3rd Birthday :roll:

I did feel a bit guilty moving so close to his Birthday [it's OH's Birthday too!!] but Hell a new house for one's Birthday isn't too shabby.

Just about to blow dry my little monsters hair and snuggle down with him.

Wow November is here and I'm making plans for Madison's 2nd birthday!
Where has the time gone?

I wasn't going to do anything for her birthday but I felt guilty with baby here that we don't do anything so she's having her "friends" over for a play and cake.

Life is hectic with 2 and next week is my full week doing it on my own (oh had paternity leave then mum was here) so we will see how I go.

Good luck with your move Nat, I hope it goes well.
Hope little James is feeling better?x

How are all the other November mummies?

Good luck with the move Nat. I'm sure James will have a lovely day regardless :)

I hope your first week by yourself goes well mrswoody! I remember being really worried about it but it was fine - just busy busy busy!

I can't believe all our babies are turning 2. They are so not babies anymore! I can hardly keep up with all Aela's new words and she's a proper little lady now. She says yes please as an answer to everything lol and if Arran is upset she says 'shhh oh baby' and rubs his ttummy. :)) xxx
Are any of out little 2 year old darlings having tantrums yet?

James has a few a day, mainly over the most inane of things (like not being able to have cake for breakfast - he is so my son :lol:)

It's actually quite funny [he hasn't had any outside yet, I might not find them so funny]

Hope you are all well and happy Birthday to those who are just about to turn two.

Happy belated Birthday to those who have just turned - Lady M :lol:

Oh yes..tantrums occur quite a lot here! All I can do is laugh a and let her get on with it. No matter how hard I try to reason with her or try and calm her it just makes it worse.
She is also having meltdowns over the silliest of things. She just cries at anything, she's become very jumpy at loud noises..random!

I thought cake was ok for breakfast? Lol!

Apart from the tantrums all is well here-just busy busy with both girls keeping me on my toes. I can't believe Lady M is now 2! Eeek

Nat not long left for you now :) your pregnancy seems to have just flown in x

Here are my 2 little ladies :)

Such gorgeous wee girlies! How is lady M enjoying being a big sister?

Yep I find James' melt-downs quite funny and often have to hide my smiles.

I feel like I have been pregnant forever, and it's till 8 weeks to go??

hello everyone,

sorry i havent been on, life is very hetic with a new job and now a 2yrd old :) Happy Birthday to all the november babies, i think they are all 2 now....where has the time gone???

did you all have good days with them?

how are all the new babies and the bumps doing? xx
Happy New Year Wilson and all November mummies.

All is well here if a little hectic at times. Both of my girls are doing great. Madison is such a clever wee thing she amazes me everyday. Her memory is amazing and she is turning into a beautiful little person, we just need tackle the tantrums that are happening a lot! ha
Erraid is now 12 weeks old and is changing so much-she is her sisters double that's for sure.

I'm on my own in the week with them but I keep busy-oh is way with work soon for 3 months so it will be a challenge but i am sure we will be just fine :)

Hope you are all well x
Hello ladies and very hapoyt new year to you all.

As from today I'm finally on maternity leave - yay. Looking fo rward to some R&R but James is such a live wire I dont think it will be that relaxing lol.

James is coming on amazingly. He is really interested in the solar system and he can name all the planets (I rarely boast but its the only thing he has ever done that seemed quite 'advanced') and loads of associated stuff - galaxy, crater, rocket etc.... he can do it on sight and from memory.

I know around this age they get a "specialist subject" but it makes me so proud.

Ive applied to nursery for James but he wont get his free hours until next Jan. He'll actually be able to go full time then as well. So I either have a whole year with the two kiddies or I'll see if I can get him a few days in a private nursery.

How are we all doing with potty training? James has shown very little interest so ive been a bit lazy. Going to crack on in spring when the shock of new baby has worn off

Ps mrs woody. You are my hero. I'm so impressed with how laid back you have been about number 2 arriving and how well you cope with the girls considering you are on your own in the week. Credit to your girls as well of course..

I'm sure you'll miss hubby but you seem well prepared and I'm sure it will fly by


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