**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Lyla is always up in bed for 7pm as well. Doesn't matter what time we put her down at she still wakes between 5 and 6am so thought may aswell get her up in bed for some quiet time in the evenings.

I hear you with the temper Russell, Lyla is exactly the same. Could be the red hair! :lol:

Lyla's always been a constipated baby as well Nat, Movicol really seems to be working for us though at the minute xx
James was asleep by 7pm yesterday (granny took him out for the day and proper knackered him out) he was up at 5am today :wall2: :wall2:

James is 6am so not as bad... 6am is a much more reasonable time.

No baby yet Chloe????

Jees I think Id be a zombie if I woke at that time. We wake at 7.30 during the week at mine although david has mentioned when he has him staying over he's up at like 6am? (perhaps change from cot to travel cot).

Yeah Chloe it most def will be the red hair, his dad is the same. Thankfully his long happy periods make me forget the tempers but when he has them im like dear cripes! i feel bad for people will constantly grumpy babies!

Good old fresh air always knackers them out eh? Glad you got James back eventually!

Have a wee gander at this :lol: http://www.kidstummies.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Toilet-Training-for-the-Reluctant-Child.pdf

I'm going to print that off Claire - thanks for that!!

James is not red haired and he has a bit of a temper on him, his hissy fits crack me up though. He'll have a full-on tantrum (flaying on the floor) and then forget what had upset him, get up and carry on as normal tee hee ! I don't let on that I find it funny though.

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James is 6am so not as bad... 6am is a much more reasonable time.

No baby yet Chloe????


Not as of yet! Got to the stage I'm looking forward to being in pain now :lol: Not much longer though xx
Yeah Chloe it most def will be the red hair, his dad is the same. Thankfully his long happy periods make me forget the tempers but when he has them im like dear cripes! i feel bad for people will constantly grumpy babies!


Lyla is the same and I think its the hair :lol: Her Daddy is the same as well. Looking forward to seeing what this baby will be like. I might be getting myself in for more trouble with a house full of quick tempers.
Nah he seemed happy as Larry, cooing and gurgling and laughing like a maniac.

He went back down from 5.30am and then we all had to get up at 6.30.

:nap: :nap: :nap: :nap:

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Seems a pretty good pamphlet doesnt it Nat? I read through it and honestly felt a bit better - I think because it really describes ins and outs, right down to the sphincter :shock: :lol: I printed mines off at work too, shh!

Jackson's tempers are only particularly bad atm because now that hes walking, he expects to go everywhere, whether im there or not to guide him, so if i say to come away from the door or that hes not leaving the living room, or that he cant have something everything just goes into pandemonium!

Does anyones LO's have an odd obsession with telly adverts? Jackson has three main adverts that stop time - The Cilit Bang one, the Direct Line home insurance one and the Vanish count down one! He had a hissy fit because I wouldnt keep playing it over n over. Every time it was done he was pointing and going "eh" as if again then he went ape. But what toddler would honestly watch Barry Scott from an advert over toons?! LOL xxxx
LM love adverts! She liked the one for energy or sumnat with the orange blob thing on the back of the dog lol xx
6:30am start this morning. Can't remember the last time I had a lie in till then!
Must be something in the air? James let me sleep until 7am

Sorry Russell, I don't have this one. I've got a quinny zapp that I bought second hand which is pretty nifty x
mehhh im sure itll be fine - loads of people up here have brands ive never even seen before so I dont trust them LOL.

he needs new wheeels our buggie packed in and caused my left leg to end up in a right state covered in bruises!

hope everyone is good! happy friday!!

I have a hauk but it was from the Aldi baby event last year.. x

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