**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

3rd !!! :shock:

This will be the last for us... :lol: :lol:

Just wondering what size our 18 month olds are now wearing? James is still in 12-18 months but his PJ's are starting to look a wee bit small.

Can't believe he needs to go up a size !!

Also I wondered if any other bub's are not properly speaking yet? We have lots of babbling, pointing (and moaning) and James fully understands everything you say to him ("find the cat", "get your shoes", "do you want food" etc..)

The only thing he says clearly is "oh no"

He has been a bit late with all his milestones - God I hate saying that - so I am trying not to worry but we both my sister and SIL have speech problems with their eldest boys so I am a little paranoid

We read lots, we play lot of music, we talk to him all the time?

Anything else?

Aela is in a mix of 12-18 and 18-24 atm. Kinda depends on the weather as her bigger stuff is mainly summery stuff!

I think James will just start blethering non stop one day. It's obviously all going in if he understands it and he'll probably surprise you by saying 10 new words in one day! Aela says quite a few words, mum, daddy, good girl, yeah...etc but she also has things like 'dagoo' which means mr tumble so even though she's not actually saying it we know what she means!

How is James with his food thesedays? Aela is driving us bonkers as she barely eats anything for breakfast or lunch. The only meal she'll eat properly is dinner! Xx
James will only eat beige food at the moment!

Cereal, toast, porridge, cheese sandwiches, rice cakes...

Show him a piece of fruit or veg and he refuses it.

He refuses yoghurt at the moment too?

Nightmare LOL

Ola everyone

Hope everyone is good! Im a bit floaty at the minute, although not been on in months!!

Jackson is doing good, toddling about climbing everywhere, basically turning his mother bald before shes even 24! LOL I am enjoying the age he is at, round about now I would have looked to start TTC but obviously thats been changed for the unforeseeable future but im actually fine with it? Only because Jackson is learning soo much at the moment that I love giving him all the attention that I can hes just at a great wee age and totally coming into his own wee person. He loves the drums, has his own set and plays with his granda so no doubt Ill have a musician on my hands.

Nat Jackson is trying to form sentences and all I do with him is the same, sing, dance, read, speak to him constantly like I always inform him what Im doing or doing next. He can say Hello, Hiya, Bye, Tata, Thank you, Jackson, Dog, Cat, Car, Gran, Granda, Mummy, Daddy, Uhoh, Goal (when playing football) and general noises like wow, oh, yay and all this. You will no doubt wake and he has a full vocab lol babies are so unpredictable. Also, we are just getting into 18-24m for trousers and tops for length and still the 12-18 for vests and on the waist. Such a pain isnt it LOL!!

Lyla never stops talking! She's definitely been an early speaker but was a late crawler and walker.. not until about 14.5 months. It would be pointless listing the words she can say because I'd be here all day. Only thing she doesn't want to say is up or down she just moans which does my head in lol.

Shes in between 12-18 and 18-24 month clothes at the moment. Some will fit her some wont. Depends where they are from too.

She was off her food for a week or two there but back to eating anything you'll give her now. Definitely a big appetite but we are still on Movicol twice a day for her constipation and she has a hard lump on her belly button that weve been referred to the hospital for, just waiting on the letter. At first they thought it was an umbilical hernia caused by her constipation but another doctor said its too hard to be and won't go back in so thinks it might be a cyst. So we'll see!

Got the last bits of my hospital bag sorted today, just waiting for baby now!

Chloe - they refused James Movicol !!!

One GP gave him a 30 days supply in January and when we went back a different GP was aghast and said "why would you want such a young child on such a strong laxative" - he was on the kids Movicol?

She made me feel so bad so I didn't push it.

Anyhoo, James is still struggling but it's more bearable now (maybe we have just all got more used to him always being constipated!!)

I hope all is OK with little lady - it's best to get it checked out and sorted if need by whilst she is small.

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Funny! We were on lactulose and it did nothing so moved onto Movicol. After a month went back and was prescribed another 2 months and the doctor made it a repeat prescription so we just need to phone to get more! Apparently, its very natural so won't do her any harm and some babies just need the extra help...

Shes awful with her poos usually, really strains and bleeds. Has a tiny pile aswell. So its nice for her to have some relief from the movicol.

Funny! We were on lactulose and it did nothing so moved onto Movicol. After a month went back and was prescribed another 2 months and the doctor made it a repeat prescription so we just need to phone to get more! Apparently, its very natural so won't do her any harm and some babies just need the extra help...

Shes awful with her poos usually, really strains and bleeds. Has a tiny pile aswell. So its nice for her to have some relief from the movicol.


James is similar (not so much with the bleeding) but he struggles to go and know he kind of expects the pain so it makes him a bit frantic beforehand. No piles or anything like that but the size of some of the poo's he passes is just eye-watering :shock: :shock:

I can't remember the last time James just went for a poo and we didn't even notice, poor sod.

I will pop to the Dr's soon though - we've been about 5 items for this issue!

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Madison is in a mix of sizes depending on where they are from really. I feel bad for her because some of it is too big but she needs to move up as other clothes are too small.
She does say a lot of words and some phrases "juice please" "my mummy" "oh no" and she's very good with animal sounds and will show you which animal it associates with. We don't do anything over the top with her, just read, sing, talk and explain what I'm doing- I really think she's got it from nursery.

Had my 20 week scan today and baby is doing so well which is a relief. I feel like I can relax and enjoy watching my belly grow for the first time :) x
Madison is in a mix of sizes depending on where they are from really. I feel bad for her because some of it is too big but she needs to move up as other clothes are too small.
She does say a lot of words and some phrases "juice please" "my mummy" "oh no" and she's very good with animal sounds and will show you which animal it associates with. We don't do anything over the top with her, just read, sing, talk and explain what I'm doing- I really think she's got it from nursery.

Had my 20 week scan today and baby is doing so well which is a relief. I feel like I can relax and enjoy watching my belly grow for the first time :) x

Grats on the scan!

Wonder if you'll follow suit and have a boy like Holly, Sally and myself :lol: xx
Movicol works really well when followed by a drink of water. So say the movicol is 50mls, 50mls of water after is meant to help- so Ive been told lol x
My wee brother was on Movicol from the age of two, but he had IBS overflow constipation so it was to proper empty his bowels.. then I was on the adult one. No wonder he doesnt like it - it makes the liquid like.. I dont know you can just tell theres not just water/milk in there LOL..

Madison is in a mix of sizes depending on where they are from really. I feel bad for her because some of it is too big but she needs to move up as other clothes are too small.
She does say a lot of words and some phrases "juice please" "my mummy" "oh no" and she's very good with animal sounds and will show you which animal it associates with. We don't do anything over the top with her, just read, sing, talk and explain what I'm doing- I really think she's got it from nursery.

Had my 20 week scan today and baby is doing so well which is a relief. I feel like I can relax and enjoy watching my belly grow for the first time :) x

Glad the scan went well.

How exciting, were you not even a little tempted to find out?

Movicol works really well when followed by a drink of water. So say the movicol is 50mls, 50mls of water after is meant to help- so Ive been told lol x

Is this in addition to the water you mix the Movicol with?

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Yeah Nat, so say 50ml movicol solution followed by 50ml normal water xxx
Yeah Nat, so say 50ml movicol solution followed by 50ml normal water xxx

Oh right cuz the kiddies have to mixed with 50mls of water to take, so you need an additional 50ml of water (effectively 100ml - 50ml with and 50ml after!)

Sorry I am not with it today :shock: :lol:

Yeah Nat, so say 50ml movicol solution followed by 50ml normal water xxx

Oh right cuz the kiddies have to mixed with 50mls of water to take, so you need an additional 50ml of water (effectively 100ml - 50ml with and 50ml after!)

Sorry I am not with it today :shock: :lol:


I dont know the exact quantity of water needed for the powder solution, just saying 50ml as an example. So yeah if the instructions say X amount of water to make the solution with the powder, then follow with X amount of water. So two seperate drinks if you will lol. Obviously they might not want another drink straight after but offering fluids often can help.

I confuse myself sometimes! :p x
Hello Russell and babyem, hope you girls and Los are doing well x

Nat it was difficult to not find out the sex but I'm so pleased I managed to hold it together and not give in :)

Chloe, I'm thinking we are cooking up a girl as pregnancy has been exactly the same as having Lady m. But if we have a boy I'll be happy, as long as baby is healthy.
Either way I have length pink, boys can wear pink too right? :lol:
I am the same Mrsw..... I have so many boys clothes (plus all the hand me downs from my nephews who all had too many clothes lol) that number 2 being a different gender would cost a fortune.

Another boy and I am good to go :lol:

Both my SIL's have had 3 identical pregnancies they have had B,G,G and B,B,G so don't be fooled into thinking a similar pregnancy means the same gender lol.

Have had to get the suncream out today as it is going to be a scorcher here.

You are totally right Nat.
All guesses last pregnancy were wrong, everyone certain we were having a boy! Ha

It's lovely it the south west too. I've been out and cut the grass going to do the rest if my housework. It's amazing how a little bit of sun changes the mood :)

Have a lovely day with James x

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