**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

You are totally right Nat.
All guesses last pregnancy were wrong, everyone certain we were having a boy! Ha

It's lovely it the south west too. I've been out and cut the grass going to do the rest if my housework. It's amazing how a little bit of sun changes the mood :)

Have a lovely day with James x

I'm not with James sob, sob!

I'm at work

Ah sorry lovely. :( enjoy cuddles when you finally finish.

We only work to 12pm on a Friday. If I'm getting out later than that it's a crime!

I've has a full on spring clean this afternoon while M has slept. Maybe a bit of nesting...
I'm still here for another hour!

James has been with his uncle today (BIL) so he would have had a brilliant day, he'll be shattered though.

At least I get the whole weekend with him :lol:

Yay to nesting, I love nesting!

What is your EDD mrsw?

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Argh, you are all making me feel broody.

Random moan: our in-laws have decided to arrive half an hour before the little mans bedtime tonight. Great, just what we try to avoid before bed, a whole load of excitement....
Due the 1st October although my ticker is a day ahead :)

Srob, in laws have a great way of turning up at the wrong times. I hope lo still gets to bed ok x
I never reàlly did any nesting with no. 2 - I was waaay too tired. OH did all the clearing out for me! :)

Rubbish time for the inlaws to show up SRob, I hope bedtime went okay and he wasn't too hyped up!

Nat - I see you've got a ticker now!! :) do you know when you will get a scan? Xx
Thankfully my OH had the good sense to keep his parents away when they arrived at 6:50pm... 10 minutes to bedtime! Since LO never saw his grandparents everything went smoothly. Today I am leaving them all too it whilst I be around my own family today. My sister is over this weekend and she is 33 weeks pregnant :-D

My LO has two cousins on the way now and he already has one. Babies everywhere!

I wish I could join in with all this Baby No.2 chatter... hopefully I can soon :-)
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I can't believe your little one goes to bed at 7pm?

James is 8pm or later? He still gets up early as well.

Scan on 5th June, I'll be 7 weeks. Then we'll tell the family.

How are the little ones coping with the heat? I have James slathered in sun-lotion on the balcony with a bowl of water and some bath toys :lol:

Nat the 5th June isn't far away :) when do you go on holiday? We only told parents and close friends this time and waited a while to tell grandparents, siblings friends etc
Infact there's loads we haven't told but have enjoyed not having it all over Facebook etc also ohs sister is still TTC so we've held back slightly as it's hard knowing she's going through treatment with no joys as yet.

Madison has been ok so far, a bit more sleepy and won't eat as much but that's how I get in the heat too. She's had her factor 50 on and so far has been ok.
It's going to be cooler here during the week which I'm fine with as im in work :D

Madison goes to bed for 7pm also, she can't stay up late really and even if she does she'll still be awake at 7am.

She actually did a poo in the potty earlier! I was giving her some air bum time and I thought she was needing so say her down and she did one! So chuffed but I know it's a one off :)

Wow clever Madison!! Aela will bring me her pottyand sit on in for a couple if seconds but thats it atm.

Nat - Aela goes to bed at 7 too. She's too grouchy after that! Xx
Blimey, I am missing a trick here.

How comes my child is up so late? :shock: :lol:

What potty's are you guys using?

Have been debating getting one and wasn't sure whether to get a few crappy ones, or one really decent one? I am totally clueless about potty training.

I don't even know how old they are when they start?

I started putting James on the toilet as with his constipation I know when he is about to go.... We did it a few times but it started stressing him out so we stopped. Thought I'd skipped the whole potty phase LOL.

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I've got a potty seat from mothercare and the insert comes off so you can just tip whatever's I there away. I only got it because it was on offer from £14.99 to £4.99! Bargin. Other than that I've literally no clue what I'm doing.
I just have it out when she running around with no nappy on.

8pm isn't that late lovely, if he's happy with that time just stick with it. x
I'm going to look for potty's online at lunch time :lol:

I don't mind James being up a bit later, I don't get in until 5.30pm so the more time I get to spend with him the better.

Ive got two potties (not in use at the minute) one is a plain one with winnie the pooh or something and the other one is one I got from asda and its like a little toilet pan replica and it plays sounds when flushed etc - couldnt tell you whats best we arent really at that stage yet..

Dont think that theres any certain age, when baby is ready. xxxx
We got a posh one and have had it just sitting in the lounge for a while so he gets used to it. He's peed in it twice out of pure luck, but he has started to cry when put on it now, so we're just leaving the potty training alone for now.
We got one off amazon that was about a tenner, can't remember what it was called though! Aela knows when she wants to poo but tbh I bought it and haven't done much with it! I'm thinking we will give potty training a go this summer when she can run around outside wuth no nappy on and if she doesn't seem totally ready I'm not fussed. They're still quite young to be potty trained really xx
We are going to leave it until after holiday.

My sister has James and she has potty trained two already so she'll be dandy to help out (and she is fine with mess and naked children lol)

Potty training is the thing Im probably most nervous about - although Im pretty sure I may have been this nervous with weaning, and weaning was a doddle. Although, there was no faeces involved :lol:

Thats the thing I like about having Jackson in nursery, theyr used to following the plan that your setting for potty training and will help. Its good because Nursery, or child minders (someone looking from outside) etc might pick up on a wee habbit or something he does before toilet that youd maybe not notice?

Jacksons tempers are tremendous atm, hes easily distracted but anything hes not aloud, or told no at jesus, he screams blue murder, flops himself down so I cant move him!! :lol:

I'm dreading potty training to be honest.

James' constipation means he rocks (on all fours) before he goes.. and he normally does it on the sofa.

How do you potty train a constipated kid?

I am def going to take him back to the GP but until we solve the actual issue as to why he is constipated I fear potty training is going to be horrible.

As I say I've already put him on the toilet when I know he is about to go (after the crazy sofa rocking :shock:) and it distresses him. He seems fine after we wave bye-bye to the poo..... but he wont settle on the loo to actually go and we were kind of holding him there... so we stopped it.

Still I guess we can crack on with weeing on the potty?

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