**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Are you doing weeks instead of months Amanda? C isn't 5 months until the 30th but is 20 weeks on Friday (where has the time gone?!)

Thanks for the carrier info. We don't use our baby Bjorn enough for it to really affect C, but we are looking into getting a Manduca or Ergo as OH loves to wear her when we go for walks and he would like to carry on. Money is tight at the moment but maybe I'll get him one for Father's Day xx

Sally I've got the ergo and its really comfy. A little pricy byt worth it. Just beware of fakes about coming from sites using the name. We used the eu site.

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Haha bless ya, do u go by date or weeks? Xx

Found this is anyones intrested

View attachment 35704

I go by months now, not even sure how many weeks James is.

So A will officially be 5 months on 30th?

If I carried on with weeks, James would celebrate his 1st Birthday early LOL (there are often more than 28 days in a month - 11 out of 12 months are longer than 4 weeks so he'll reach 52 weeks before he is actually a year if that makes sense!)

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Sally I've got the ergo and its really comfy. A little pricy byt worth it. Just beware of fakes about coming from sites using the name. We used the eu site.

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Thanks hun, I saw one for about £50 on EBay not too long ago I think (I get confused between Ergo and Manduca) I didn't even know there were fakes, how awful!

C and A were both born on the 30th November xx

Does anyone have any hobbies? I'm making crocheted stuffed toys and I do my own patchwork cushion covers. My friend just asked me to make her a patchwork blanket from her son's baby gros, I am terrified! Think I may enlist my mum's help on this one! It would be nice to get a little money on the side though xx

I've been counting toby in weeks so he's 21 but when I chat to peaple I round it to the month.

I love to read. And other than that I go geocaching. Its like world wide treasure hunting. It takes you to some beautiful places. I also used to kite buggy but the weather's not here for it yet plus I need a new harness. I'm too big for my old one :eek:

Just spending time with toby fills up my days oh and making him laugh has become a new hobby.

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I hope the crochet goes well. Xx

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Hi everyone and welcome to the thread Pink Butterfly!

Little man isn't well tonight. I don't think it's anything major. He's been a bit grouchy today which I put down to tiredness, but then I took him out for a walk this afternoon and he slept for 40 mins in his buggy and still wasn't any better. He might be teething, but I can't feel anything cutting just yet and his cheeks weren't pink today. He's drooling loads and chewing on stuff, but that's normal for him anyway.

I gave him some teetha which he loves, but he was still crying before bath time, so he had some Calpol and I took his temp which was up just a little. He's had a little cough the last few days, no cold though, so I'm wondering if that's reflux. He's also been more sicky the last week, his reflux has always been silent so he's not been a sicky baby before really. It's not worrying amounts though. I've heard that teething can make reflux worse, so maybe it's all tied up together.

DH bathed him and put him to bed while I went for a run and apparently he refused all of his bedtime bottle, so he hasn't eaten since the 5oz he took at 2:30. I just looked in on him and he's cool as a cucumber now and fast asleep so I'm not particularly worried, just intrigued what's wrong.

Does anyone have any hobbies? I'm making crocheted stuffed toys and I do my own patchwork cushion covers. My friend just asked me to make her a patchwork blanket from her son's baby gros, I am terrified! Think I may enlist my mum's help on this one! It would be nice to get a little money on the side though xx

I run. Both DH and I are members of the local running club and enter races. I'm not a good runner, just an enthusiastic one. I would really like to do a half marathon this year, but I'm not sure how realistic it is, with finding the time to train.

I also love the bake. A friend gave me his mothers old Kenwood Chef, which was sitting idle for the last 30 years. It is awesome and has transformed my baking. I'm a novice really but my friends always seem impressed and are most appreciative!

Sally, will you show us the blanket when you finish? It sounds like a lovely idea xxx
Sazz geocaching sounds awesome! How do you do it just walking about? I know what you mean about making LO laugh, I spend my days entertaining C and have never been happier!

Oh dear L_a maybe he is just having an off day? C went to bed the other night with a grand total of 20oz for the day but was back to normal the next. Hope he's ok soon xx

I love to bake but I'm rubbish at it! Lol. Of course I will - it might be a while yet though as she has to mail me the clothes. I think it's a lot to trust an amateur with your precious keepsakes, I'm flattered she has asked me xx

L_a I hope your little man feels better soon.

Sally its free to sign up to. Just go to the website and register. Its taught me loads of neat stuff about this area like there are caves near here whuch were used as secret ammunition shelter s in the war.

I love baking. My oh keeps dropping hints for a cake so I made a quick bread and butter pudding but put jam in it. Very yummy. X

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I go by weeks, so cathy n arthur are 20wks friday 5 months :)

I actually asked the hv and nurse if its best to go by weeks or months and they both ssid weeks as when u go to weigh them or injectiond they do everything by weeks till 1yr old then it goes to months, plus it sounds younger in weeks :)

I also have a poorly man tonight, very clammy and crying, hes been quite sicky past few days so had him to the dr's tonight and they ssid its more thsn likely a tummy bug, he went to bed at 7pm which he never does and just woke up crying again and still clammy so i gave him calpol. I hope joe feels better soon hun xx

I like to bake and cook, and make things, i think when arthur starts to sleep more then ill get into more hobbies :) heres a few cakes recently

Practicing to get better xx
Sally thats lovely yr friend asked u that, ill keep u in mine :)

Sazz I'm signed up to geocaching - there are loads near me I will get OH to come walking with me on his next day off!

You are quite arty though Wilson A's cards for his Granny and I'm sure you have done other things with him? Xx

What is geocacting??

I do like to be arty, bruce is amazing at drawing xx

Wish i could draw like him xx
Oh wow those drawings are amazing.

Its basically treasure hunting for adults and kids can join in too. You find hidden caches. Sone are tiny and range to large ones. Theres a log book and you sign to say you've found them. Sometimes you can swap items. My friend got me into it as she does it with her 7 yo. Its a great way to get out and about.

I hope arthur gets better soon. Poor little man. Those cakes look sooo yummy. X

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Holy crap your OHs drawings are amazing Amanda! And those cakes look yummy too! Xx

great cakes Wilson and fab drawings!

So ladies some questions for you?!

What size nappies are your lo's in? And what are they feeding on how much milk etc?

I tried Ella with a baby yoghurt thingy and she ate the whole thing and wanted more.... she just guzzles everything down! Slightly worried im over feeding?? is this possible


Some pics of my animals (the zebra is my second attempt and much better than Dorothy who is the rabbit C is cuddling lol) and the patchwork cushion I made xx

Ruth C is in size 3 nappies (they are generous though!) and taking about 4-5oz every 3 hours (EBM and formula).

I don't think it's possible to overfeed as she will just sick up what she doesn't need, do you have concerns hun? Xx


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