May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

I know!! :shock:

Keep getting sharp pains really low down, especial when she moves, so I'm hoping she's moving down and getting ready! It's probably just trapped wind though! Haha!

haha have a good pump!!

hes not quite head down still laid transverse but low down now his head is to the left of my pelvis with his bottom stuck in my ribs with feet and arms everywhere.

i am getting really uncomfortable. you will have had your baby by the time ive even finished work i think :) xxx
I think I'm pretty much ready now, just need to double check everything. Deffo need to put the isofix in the car and figure out how it works and we're finishing off the nursery this weekend :-)

Need more change for parking as I keep dipping into it all the time! Oops!

When are you finishing work?

oh that is so cute - we are not ready everything is in boxes! we are looking to move bank holiday weekend fingers crossed!!

ive spent a fortune at hospital appointments - been twice this week so far spent 6.50

im thinking of finishing on the 24th May, but if they induce me early ill obv have to go off sooner, im not really struggling with things tho, just uncomfortable bump when im sat all day and a little bit tired

Lovely pic Leigh :) Wasn't he playing with his willy at the first scan? Likes playing with things! Do you think he looks like either of you? I thought my baby looked like me at 13 weeks. Not a bad thing ;)

I only bought one maternity top and one skirt, plus 3 pairs of maternity leggings. I have a few floaty dresses and there's still plenty of room in them. I'm getting a couple of nursing tops from eBay, for in the hospital. Where's best and cheap for those? I think they're H&M.

Forgot my notes at the Midwife's this morning, doh! I'm seeing a special midwife on Monday, who deals with mental health as well as pregnancy.
haha yes at his 20 week scan he was grabbing his willy :blush::blush:

hes such a monkey.

i havent bought anymore clothes i dont really want to or need to atm xx
i think he has my cheeks as he has dimples and my OHs nose i keep changing my mind when i look at the pictures tho xx
aw leigh that picture is gorgeous!

less than 2 weeks now till i find out my c section date will be nice to be organised with the kids and i can start counting down although it will make time go slower haha
Lovely news Leigh and super picture too :) Mine was sucking his hands yesterday and taking massive gulps of fluid, my husband thinks he will eat loads like he does haha.

I've just put the next load of baby clothes in the wash, these are the next size up I have, mainly 0-3. They look massive compared to the load I did last week. I think I need to find some inbetween sizes, especially as my mum keeps saying neither me nor my sister would have fit in the newborn size!
i think mine is going to be a lazy boy but a a mover when he is awake. i never stop moving and he is always moving his feet.

oh man thats so soon Nikki! are you completely ready?

went baby shopping with mum after my scans etc and she bought him loads of things she just kept picking thing up for him! xx
morning Ladies,

cant believe how close you all are now!

cord blood flow had improved - still getting monitored every week. had my 4d scan last night and he was a monkey as per, didnt want to play ball got a few piccies of him.

im so in love with him already, they are still thinking of inducing me as he is still tiny only 3lb2 at the minute.

ive had a few BH not painful tho, just weird haha. i did have a intense pain yesterday when i moved in bed went again when i moved out the position think baby was laid on my nerve for my leg haha

baby loves his cord, throughout the scan he was sucking on it and playing with it so that may have been the reason for the low blood flow a couple of weeks ago. The lady told me ill struggle to swaddle him as he kept putting his feet on his head, and that i need lots of mits as he is a grabber, grabbing his feet, his cord and sucking his fingers.

Thats so great that cord flow has improved :) Do you feel more at ease now? I know it has been a worry.

My little one kept playing with her cord on the 4d scan too, I guess they don't have much else to do in there lol. Your pic is super cute, he looks gorgeous xx
I've just plotted him above the 95th centile line. Last time he was just below the 50th. Is this normal? A different person measured today.
Lisey - i feel much more relaxed and might be able to start enjoying it again as last week i worried about every little thing.

the lady doing the scan says its a comfort to them as it has the pulse running through it.

My measurements are all over the place!! I've had to go for a scan both times after being measured - once because she was small and then because she'd jumped centiles and they wanted to check how much fluid I had!

If they were worried, I'm sure they would have sent you for a scan hun.

im nearly sorted i think leigh lol were trying to sort the garden out the next couple of weekends!

i wouldnt worry about measurements baby might of even been a different position. my friend is 34 weeks and she was measuring 38 weeks so they have booked her a scan for next week
That was a lot to catch up on. I've been making the most of my break in terms of rest. I was super lazy all weekend and on Monday. Didn't feel great on Monday, my stomach was touchy and I spent most of it lying on the couch in and out of sleep. Did treat myself to a bikini wax and manicure. Then we had the pregnancy photoshoot on Tuesday, which went well. Can't wait to see those. But it'll be awhile as she does a combined photo selection after the newborn shoot.

Leigh, glad to hear things are okay. And that's a cute scan pic. I wish I could've gotten one. They tried at my previous hospital but the little bugger wouldn't move his hands from his face.

I've started packing the bags. I have to wash all of the baby clothes, but as we don't have a washer yet, I haven't done it. there are a few more things I need to buy before it's worth taking all of his things to the launderette to do. The kitchen will be installed next week, so we should have a washer soon after that. But I have started his bag and mine.

For his bag, I'm just not sure how much to actually pack: how many nappies? how many sleepsuits/onesies? etc. Then, I'm planning on breastfeeding, but do I pack a bottle and formula just in case, and if so, how much?
For me, I've got a bit started, but I need to get a shirt for the birth and something easy for nursing to wear after. I've packed one towel and I'm waiting on delivery of snacks to pack. I'm going to go shopping next week for the items I'm missing. Question about maternity pads: Are the disposable maternity pants easier for the hospital? Any suggestions on brands? I've been told that some are very harsh, and the softer the better.
For my dw, she'll get a small bag too. She'll have some snacks, her kindle, her phone and charger. She survives on tea. Do they have kettles in the room or should I pack a little portable one?

I've had an active day today. I cleaned our bedroom and organised all of the baby's things. I've put the crib together, so that's now ready to go. I still have more to do, but packing up the kitchen is priority now as the builders will be here on Monday. I can't wait to have our new kitchen. Then I can get a new set of pots. I'm down to one and really need a set, but I've put it off for now.

Next week I'll be out and about a lot more. I've got to pick up all the final things for him and our bags. I need to make one final IKEA run. I'm also going to get measured for my nursing bra. I'll be 36 weeks on Wednesday, and I'm hoping that is late enough. I'll head to the mothercare by the IKEA.

At least we don't have to worry about a car seat and parking. The hospital is about a 10 minute walk, so I will be trying to walk there, although it may take twice as long when in labour, or there is the bus or über. It does mean my dw can come home if needed to get more things. She'll have to come back and get the pram before we can take him home. We are so excited and really can't wait to meet him.

I still don't really feel my BH, but I can tell as I can feel the tightening sometimes, but it's not painful. The only pain I've been having is what I'm assuming it's him engaging as I get quite the sharp twinges in my cervix. It's like a burning stretching sensation. I'm now getting lower back pain after being quite active, which I haven't really had. My feet really hurt too after a good walk. I can't wait for some pampering next week.

Hope everyone else is doing well. I'm sure some of use will be announcing births this month. I can't believe how close we are all getting now!
Thought I'd give myself a bit of a pamper session:

Attempted to tidy up the lady garden ... Gave up!
Thought I'd paint my nails ... Can't get to the cupboard where my nail varnish is!
Have however managed to pluck my eyebrows and dye my hair, so not a total fail! Lol!

Aww Emily. I know that feeling. There are so many things I can't reach now. But I will be paying someone else to pamper me. Even when not pregnant I hate pampering myself at home.
Aww great news and great pic. Cheeky Lil monkey. My son manged to break a door handle today so we need to be careful not to her locked in the living room /doh.

Getting a dare makes it all so scary nikki and so close!

I have do much maternity clothes lol. I need to start taking pics of me wearing them them allll so I can put them on ebay after baby is born lol.

I got my iron results back from the cardio. My iron level is 42 *edit it's 47.6* I think it says upper normal is 29. My t saturation level is 80% when upper normal is 50%. So yea a little high lol wonder if high iron causes flashing lights coz my BP is on the low side lol. During a flashy light episode today i recorded my BP as 123/76 which is "normal" it was 98/something at the cardio a few weeks ago.
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Kabuk my labour suite last time had a kitchenette in it and a loo but I'm not sure how typical that was as I was the only person in labour on the ward with my son so I felt like I got special attention lol.
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