May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Just had a quick catch up, I love the blankets on here! So cute.

We had our little break, now back to it and my mum has arrived to help me clean up the builders mess and sort the house back out. First carpets going down next week, then it will be action stations putting furniture back and getting ready!

I have started packing the changing bag that will be babies bag. Done nothing about my own yet, must start. I am going to take a towel, just as I like a huge towel that actually covers you rather than these little things you seem to get everywhere, plus I strongly suspect they don't give you one at my hospital as they don't give anything else. Parking is going to cost a fortune, it is by the hour.

Another growth scan for me later on, so I assume they are going to talk through some birth options afterwards. I've still not had any trouble with my blood, so I'm not keen about having to have a drip etc unless things change I hope I can decline it. Seems pointless when there isn't a problem.

Sounds like it's all coming together snowbee 😊
No I agree seems silly if no problem detected!
Is that later today your scan? Enjoy xx it's exciting to get the estimated weight xx
Just had a quick catch up, I love the blankets on here! So cute.

We had our little break, now back to it and my mum has arrived to help me clean up the builders mess and sort the house back out. First carpets going down next week, then it will be action stations putting furniture back and getting ready!

I have started packing the changing bag that will be babies bag. Done nothing about my own yet, must start. I am going to take a towel, just as I like a huge towel that actually covers you rather than these little things you seem to get everywhere, plus I strongly suspect they don't give you one at my hospital as they don't give anything else. Parking is going to cost a fortune, it is by the hour.

Another growth scan for me later on, so I assume they are going to talk through some birth options afterwards. I've still not had any trouble with my blood, so I'm not keen about having to have a drip etc unless things change I hope I can decline it. Seems pointless when there isn't a problem.

Snowbee you can decline anything you are not happy with or don't want. It is the hospitals responsibility to give you all the facts and risks involved so you can make an informed decision and they then have a duty of care to support you with your birth choice.

Growth scan good :) Baby is measuring a couple of days behind that is all so my chart looks funny as my midwife measurements are all big and my scan measurements are all down again.

However! As usual when at the hospital my blood pressure is always on the high side of normal and they found protein in my pee sample this week. Hoping that as last week it was fine it isn't anything to be worried about but I had to have blood taken (again, I thought I had done with all that!) where they stabbed about for a while and then had to get the supervisor to do it. They said depending on blood results they may have to get him out at 37 weeks if it is pre eclampsia. So fingers crossed it isn't. Nothing was said about my blood sugars at all other than they were fine and normal. Provided my blood results come back normal I've got midwife in a week and another growth scan in two weeks...
Its good they are taking bloods, best to be sure. Awww 5lbs, I reckon mine is about 7lb already lol.

Had midwife today, all good. Heartbeat around 160 which I thought was a little high but she said was perfect, she is head down and very nearly engaged. She said I am not allowed in the birth centre but there is a pool in the part I am going into and may be able to use if it is free and the midwives agree. I won't be able to give birth in there due to pph but for pain relief. I need to buy a tankini or something, I don't want all my bits flapping about lol. She booked me in for 38 week and 40 week appointment which makes it all feel so imminent. If she is not here already by 40 weeks then can have the sweep xx
just got back from the hospital. baby was all fine and her heartbeat was back up :) they dont know about the pain im in but ive got 2 weeks to devide about a section. im at the point now where i just want her here safe and well and not sure if i should go through the risks of a vbac but i need to have a think just glad its all ok
Thats great Nikki, been wondering how you are today.
Have a think and go with your gut instinct on what you think is best. What is the risk of vbac? Is it the strain on the c-section scar? xx
yeah thats it basically once you go into labour the contractions put pressure on your scar and ive had 2 c sections which makes the risk of rupture greater. if it ruptures it can be fatal for me and the baby and would mean an emergency operation or i go for the c section and just endure the pain afterwards lol im even more nervous about the vbac now because of the pains ive got
plus induction makes the risks even greater so i wouldnt really want to be induced
I think you have kind of answered your own question about what to do. I wouldn't risk it personally but its your choice. I know it must be so restrictive after but I didn't realise the complications could be fatal, although I am sure that's prob the extreme and rare.
I was speaking to a teacher I worked with the other day who is on maternity leave, she had a c-section with her first and natural with this one. She said if she was to have another, she would have c-section. Have to say, that made me a little nervous about the birth, for the first time xx
oh really? thats interesting to hear ive never had a normal birth so i wouldnt know. yeah it is very extreme but even them just telling me that its put me off. im not really bothered how she gets here now as long as were both ok. if i book a section it will be for 39 weeks so just over 4 weeks ro go
That's the most important thing. That you're both safe.
I had a natural birth with son. The actual birth was OK, I had to have epidural due to contractions coming too fast from induction but the stitches after were very painful. I also got an infection in my womb after. There are no guarantees either way that things will be smooth sailing but I would go with least risky option as would worry too much otherwise xx
yeah think thats what ill do even though i really wanted to experience a natural birth i need to go with what i feel comfiest with
Yes, go with what you feel is best. There is nothing wrong with not having a natural birth. Safety is the most important thing xx
I think I would agree with lisey, after 2 sections and all the risk I would go for a C section, less stressful, planned with a date so you can be truly organised too. If the pain is worrying you from the scar then that really helps u make your decision I think. Glad heartrate back up and all fine with baby :) xx

I hope Leigh is ok?

My monitoring was fine. I still feel very desperate to have her here now today, feel a bit panicky, I hope I won't feel like this everyday for the next 2 weeks! I can go in every day if I want to but will try to avoid that if I can.

Lou x
Growth scan good :) Baby is measuring a couple of days behind that is all so my chart looks funny as my midwife measurements are all big and my scan measurements are all down again.

However! As usual when at the hospital my blood pressure is always on the high side of normal and they found protein in my pee sample this week. Hoping that as last week it was fine it isn't anything to be worried about but I had to have blood taken (again, I thought I had done with all that!) where they stabbed about for a while and then had to get the supervisor to do it. They said depending on blood results they may have to get him out at 37 weeks if it is pre eclampsia. So fingers crossed it isn't. Nothing was said about my blood sugars at all other than they were fine and normal. Provided my blood results come back normal I've got midwife in a week and another growth scan in two weeks...

Fingers crossed bloods are all ok Hun xx
thanks girls ive spoken to oh tonight and im going to opt for the section i wanted to experience a normal birth just once but i dont want to take that risk and once baby is here im not really going to care so in 2 weeks i should have a date when i next see my consultant :)
So flashing lights could be a preeclampsia sign?. In that case I think I'll be ok. My pee has no protein in it and my blood pressure as of 5 min ago is 117/67 so that's ideal isn't it? I'm sure the flashing lights don't mean anything serious. Just my weird eyes! Lol (I don't have the time to waste a day in hospital for them to tell me my pee and bp are fine I can do that at home!)

I hope you're results are OK snowbee and Nikki I hope everything goes the way you feel most comfortable with.

There are some tough times happening in this tri at the moment! Let's hope it's andll back to plain sailing soon.

Lou I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through right now. But they andll looking after you so well and it eont be long until your little girl is safely in your arms x x

I've had so much uncomfort today it's felt like her head is nearly poking out my foof. I've had tons of discharge thick gloopy jelly stuff. I even showed it hubby like eww what's this stuff lol. And im currently going through a fairly strong braxton hicks. I hope she stays put for a good few weeks yet!
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I've had loads of braxton Hicks today. Not had any more plug since yesterday though so think she's pretty comfortable in there and not planning on arriving any time soon!


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