May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

My son is generally up around 7 to 7.30 so I can't sleep in except for on weekends when hubby can get up with him and we can take it in turns to sleep in.

It's great that you're having such close monitoring Leigh and he's got plenty of time to turn head down again so don't worry.

just had midwife and shes a bit concerned about my c section scar hurting she said if it carries on i should go to the hospital and maybe consider having an elective c section instead of a vbac.

also babies heart rate was only 106bpm does that seem really low?

been put on iron tablets aswell because thats low
Was she certain it was baby's heartbeat?
What do you think you will do about c section? Xx
i cant fault the care im receiving from the hospital - its just the reassurance i needed.

my mum is still adamant that come tomorrow they will induce me - i think hes quite happy in there himself.

i always thought given the chance id have a c section but now ive looked into it, its not what i want. i live 40 miles from my parents my partner might only get 2 weeks off and ill need help for 6 weeks. its not the easy option xx
yeah definately babies heartbeat 106bpm seems really low to me? she didnt say anything about it though

im so torn. i really wanted a vbac but now i just want whatever is safer for me and the baby which seems like the c section option my anxieties are kicking in about my scar rupturing
That does seem low for baby! Funny she didn't say anything...I would have thought they would send you for monitoring if that's what it was.

Leigh I'm glad they are looking after you! Hopefully all looks good at your scan and he can stay cosy in mummy's tummy a bit longer!

Emily - eeek! Maybe she's engaged? I only lost plug when I was in labour with my two so maybe she's getting herself in prime position!

I am bloody knackered today. Had a crap night's sleep and then speny ages clearing crap from underneath our bed so we can crack on and get the crib set up. Have definitely overdone it though.

Had a phone call from midwives yesterday to say they've booked me a consultant appointment for a couple of weeks time. No idea why though! Didn't think to ask haha but I think i'll keep it as would be good to check all is okay before I go for a home birth. Bit of a pain though as it's a ferry journey and a trek up a hill at 37 weeks pregnant. Not really ideal. X
i ended up phoning the hospital and they said they would only worry if it was below 100!
I am surprised she didn't say anything as I thought was supposed to be higher. Maybe bubs was just having a sleep. I am not really sure what their heartbeat should be at this point though, my bubs is usually around 140-150. Will see what it is tomorrow though.

Missyeovil, that sounds awful, I can barely manage walking on flat surfaces, nevermind up a hill xx
after all that happened i was doing my sons dinner and my kitchen cupboard fell off the wall on top of me! sent a horrible email to the council i had to hold it up till oh got home from work! just glad it was me and not one of the kids!
Geez that's not safe!!! Hope you're OK!

I had a major braxton hicks at work today it hot mw worried for a second really took my breath away.

She's been super active recently! 17 work days (4weeks 1day) to go woop. I felt really old today at the prospect of buying a dryer lol
I'll be watching it on catch up tomorrow evening.

Had a teeny weeny bit more plug but nothing to write home about.

I don't think she's engaged as I'm still struggling with feeling breathless, she may have moved down a bit I guess but if she has it's not by much.

Hope she engages soon for you and no I won't be watching one vorn lol... blissful ignorance over here lol.

I had a bit more milky stuff come out of my right boob earlier. Seemed a bit yellowy though. :s

I'm going to be in trouble with my mum/optician lol I haven't phoned midwife to mention the flashing lights I keep getting in my eyes. I really should mention it mind you in at consultant a week on Thursday. Maybe it can wait until then?
The heartbeat does sound a bit low nikkki, normally when I am on the CTG machine and she is asleep it's about 135 but I guess every baby is different. Keep an eye on movements, have u got a doppler at home? Are u ok after the cupboard incidence? How scary for you!!

Sounds like your body is getting ready emily :) exciting!

Def mention flashing lights ery, it can be a sign of preeclampsia, I was in hospital last week because of it because I am higher risk of developing it, they can check your urine and bp and take bloods to check for it. I think mine was just a migrane which are common in pregnancy but worth checking Hun xx

Leigh how are u and baby?

Hope everyone is ok today?

My legs are really keeping me awake at night!
2 weeks today!! Time is dragging... I really need her here now. She is quiet this am but going in for monitoring as extra and got an extra scan on Friday to check blood flow, just yo get me through the next 2 weeks really!
Definitely call mw and mention flashing lights Ery. Like lou said it csn be a sign of pre eclampsia.

Hope you're okay nikki!!

Hope scan and monitoring all goes okay lou. So exciting that it's only 2 more weeks for you!xx
im off to the hospital today. my scar is really burning and painful so going to be monitored to check babies happy and i can see what her heart rate is like because im still worried it was low yesterday. i thought anything below 120 was low so was shocked when they said below 100. but will make me feel better to check my scar pain isnt affecting her
Glad you're going to be monitored nikki.
Ery, definitely call them and tell them as best to catch pre-eclampsia earlier if that is what's causing it xx
definately call them ery thats how mine started with my first and then headaches
Just had a quick catch up, I love the blankets on here! So cute.

We had our little break, now back to it and my mum has arrived to help me clean up the builders mess and sort the house back out. First carpets going down next week, then it will be action stations putting furniture back and getting ready!

I have started packing the changing bag that will be babies bag. Done nothing about my own yet, must start. I am going to take a towel, just as I like a huge towel that actually covers you rather than these little things you seem to get everywhere, plus I strongly suspect they don't give you one at my hospital as they don't give anything else. Parking is going to cost a fortune, it is by the hour.

Another growth scan for me later on, so I assume they are going to talk through some birth options afterwards. I've still not had any trouble with my blood, so I'm not keen about having to have a drip etc unless things change I hope I can decline it. Seems pointless when there isn't a problem.

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