May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Lovely blanket dovekie.

My hospital has special parking for pregnant people from the 12 week scan you pay a one off £14 fee and then get unlimited parking until baby is born. Its saved us a small fortune.
Lovely blanket dovekie.

My hospital has special parking for pregnant people from the 12 week scan you pay a one off £14 fee and then get unlimited parking until baby is born. Its saved us a small fortune.

That's so good. The parking at our hospital is 2.20 an hour and you never know if it will overrun so always have to put extra in xx
wow thats really good ery i pay 3-4 pound everytime i go and with all these extra scans and appointments ive probably spent a small fortune
We paid for parking while I was in labour but when Cam was admitted to NNU we were given a pass to put in the car.

Getting arm ache where I had my whooping cough jab. I'm hoping my heartburn isn't too bad tonight as it's better if I'm on my left but I'm not sure I'll be able to lie on my left side without hurting my arm! What a dilemma! Lol!

I've got pains on the underside of my bump. Is it just ligament pain? I couldn't get out of bed earlier as I couldn't turn over due to the pains. Struggling to get comfy tonight.
Also, my lower belly is popping out now. I had diarrhoea and sickness today. Is baby engaging?
Also, my lower belly is popping out now. I had diarrhoea and sickness today. Is baby engaging?
Could be ligament pain or could be baby's position maybe? How is it this morning?

My poor arm is so sore from my jab yesterday! Me no likey! Still never mind if it helps to keep my little girly safe.

Leigh how was your midwife appt?

I have 2 bags too, I offered to pack one for hubby but he said he doesn't want anything packing for him!! I don't think he realises how long we might be in for! I keep counting down the days but he doesn't want to know because he is panicking! Ha ha!

Has anyone packed their own towel?
I over did it in the garden yesterday and my back and knees are so sore I can hardly walk about! Best rest today! X
I didn't bother last time round and wasn't going to this time as I'm sure hospital provided them for us.

I'm not taking much for hubby, but figured he might want to freshen up a bit at some point so just taking a clean t shirt and a toothbrush for him.

Ooh yes, deffo take it easy today hun. Our garden needs a major overhaul and tidy up but I just don't have the inclination to do it right now! I'm currently trying to find the energy to get dressed as I'm still in my jammies! Lol!

I know it's nothing to get excited about as it can come away for weeks beforehand but I think I might have just had a little bit of plug come out?! I never saw it with Cam so not 100% sure but it was relatively solid - like jelly? There wasn't much at all but it was definitely something new that I've not had before!

Of course I'm now going to have to Google images of mucus plugs to see if that's what it was! Lol!

ooh exciting emily ive had nothing lol ive got midwife today so will see how baby is laying this afternoon amd if shes any further down!
I very much doubt it means anything is imminent but it's prompted me to get my arse in gear and sort out the last few little bits I need to get done. Just put the waterproof mattress cover on the bed!


midwife sent me to be monitored as she was new, i wasnt worried about his movements and he was fine - hes quiet today but ive felt him.

hes moved again tho the little monkey, he was head down but back to back but he has gone transverse again. got my scan tomorrow

the midwife gave me loads of reassurance yesterday and said they will get him out if the placenta is failing, he needs to be in my tummy as long as possible but if it isnt safe they will deliver him

i need to wash his blankets and get a hospital bag together just incase. im so nervous but i just want him safe and well.

My OH is so scared due to losing his first son - i wish we could fast forward a few weeks!
im in so much pain today my belly really hurts i feel sick my backs killing me :(
i feel sick too! not sure if its where baby is lying!

im fed up of being uncomfortable now x
Sounds reassuring Leigh :)

Yeah, my belly is still a bit sore. I've banged it off a few things today!

My arm didn't hurt at all after the whooping cough jab, I was surprised.
my arm killed off the Whooping cough! for about 2 weeks - i had it really early on too in my pregnancy

im ready for some time off feel exhuasted im off tomorrow so a nice lie in - (puppy provided) will be great

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