May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Ery, we have some bumpage!! My boobs are huge!! They were 32e/f before. My back was very small, could of even gone for smaller back size and the latest size I have now is 38ff!! I don't think my back has actually expanded that whole way but the boobs are so big and heavy that they take up that space a bit. I didn't think back size would change but woman who does bra measuring in marks and Spencer said your rib cage has to expand to make space for baby. Guess it makes sense. I actually hate my boobs the way they are. I like big boobs, I have implants but each one is the size of my head!!! I can't wait for them to go down but they are going to get bigger before they get smaller!! Xx
I have a big bump too. I had a midwife appt this morning and my bump is measuring slightly above the 90th centile. The midwife said it was fine though. I was a big baby (9lb13) and my OH was a 9 pounder too, so I'm not too surprised!

I've been getting some pains at the bottom of my bump too. Especially bottom left. I'm guessing it's either ligament pain or a squashed nerve. I'm on the lactulose now, so thanks for the advice ladies! I'm struggling with shortness of breath tonight, since I ate.

Huge bumps you both have. Mine is getting there but I can't compete!
Is it possible to die of heartburn, because I really think I might be!!!!

Wow lisey those are huge boobies lol! Yeah I disn't think my back had expanded much more boob spreadage lol.

I'm on rantitdine for heartburn Emily maybe mention it to the doctor it reduces the amount of acid your stomach makes. It's really good I might kiss my cardiologist at my next appointment for prescribing it to me lol. Only thing is if I miss a pill boy do I know about it! Lol you don't realise how much tolerance you build up to that feeling until you have a few days off from feeling it!
I definitely look pregnant now, but I'm still on the smaller side. My mw was convinced I wouldn't measure at 28 weeks, but I did- just. It is definitely all baby.

My boobs haven't increased enough for me to need a new set of maternity bras- thank goodness. I'm holding at a 36C. Was a 34B before pregnancy. I'm hoping these bras will last until I go for my nursing bras.
I've been through soooo many sizes lol. Buy I'm hoping this one lasts me out!

Soon me and oh wereally fooling about last night and my bobs starting leaking lol looks like my milk is coming in after all! I was beginning to panic lol
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I managed to get a few drops of colostrum out a few weeks ago but not had any leakage. Really hope my boobies will work this time!

Here's my bumpy this morning at 29+2.



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My heartburn is hellish too. I have some if that rantitdine stuff in the cupboard hubby got over the counter but it says not to use if pregnant?! Might go to docs and ask them cos gaviscon is just not cutting it anymore. X
I've not had it as bad as last night before. It was awful and was making me feel really sick too! Eurgh!

But, as soon as I had a couple of Rennie's and a big glass of milk, I felt so much better thankfully.

Most medications say not to use when pregnant because it's unethical to test on pregnant women and babies. So they just say don't use it. Half the medication I've been on this pregnancy says don't use when pregnant lol. And I'm about to start my beta blockers soon which no doubt will say the same!
I am at the hospital for the gtt and there is no day room, just horrible hospital chairs. My back is agony!! Only half hour to go!!
I think it's unethical to make pregnant women do this lol, I am so hungry that I feel faint and the partner of a woman who is also having the gtt, sat next to me with his coffee!!! I was not impressed!! Xx
oh Lisey i hated mine!! i was starving and she took longer than 2 hours to call me back in i wasnt impressed!
Apparently I just have to knock on the door and they will take the bloods! We will see. It is hellish though xx
hope they all come back clear for you - ive never heard back from mine and they said they would only call if i had GD
Yeah she said if I don't hear back them all is fine so I would assume you're OK :) home now thank goodness xx
My hospital also only had those really uncomfortable plastic chairs and nowhere to put your feet up, you would think they would accommodate pregnant women better! I was sat next to a lady who had brought a friend with her and her friend proceeded to eat an entire picnic lunch in front of us all... Everyone in there was doing the test so not allowed to eat! I was unamused.

My bloods are still perfect, I had a telephone appointment with the specialist midwife today to go through all my results. I'm pretty sure my diagnosis is wrong. Everyone else I've found who has GD is really struggling to keep their readings under control and I've not changed a thing. I'm still eating cake and chocolate and carbs with no blood reaction. Oh well at least I get the extra scans so get to see little one again.
I know. Surely they could use one of the small rooms to put a few comfy chairs in. It was awful.
I was going to say snowbee, I know you said you don't have a smartphone to get the bounty pack but they were giving them at my hospital today with no app needed. Just had to fill in a little slip. They may do them at your hospital or if not, I have one of the slips which was inside the pack that I can send you? And can be taken to tesco, asda, boots or superdrug. You don't get much in them but can get few handy bits xx
Hope you all get good results for your gtt.

Still sorting out my transfer of care. Upside, I had another scan today as the new hospital required it. In 6 day he's gained almost a pound. He was 2lbs 13oz last week on Wednesday and is 3lbs 8oz today. Still head down too! Of course, after the scan, no one could tell me much of anything. I was given a number for a midwife team based on my postcode, but since I've been so busy, I haven't had the chance to register with a GP, and after speaking to them, it goes by your GP. None close by have great reviews, so I'm just going to have to jump in and hope for the best, so I'm going with the one that offers more services and gives more details about the staff there. It feels like the transfer is taking forever. So tired.

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